
2 Vote

stillwaters 7 years, 1 month ago on We need work – now: Hundreds left waiting hours in GB jobs fair

Unless the government makes an effort to uplift and make it easier for small businesses to operate at a profit, the unemployment numbers will grow. There is no magical pot of jobs out there anymore, nor is there a magical pot of government jobs.Tourists are not coming here in droves anymore, so there is no magical pot of hotel jobs. Bunch of illiterates coming out of school every year. Go figure, then, where jobs are going to come from.

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stillwaters 7 years, 1 month ago on We need work – now: Hundreds left waiting hours in GB jobs fair

I don't know.......there are just no jobs out there. Population is too big for the limited amount of jobs, and it's going to get worse. More layoffs as tourism dwindles and dwindles. Tourism and banks were our two main industries. Banks almost done in this country and tourism drying up.It's scary.

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sheeprunner12 7 years ago on BPL: Nine fail drug testing

This is a REAL easy way to down-size any government department or agency ...... more than half of Bahamians are habitual weed smokers (for recreation purposes) ....... The FNM may have just found the magic bullet to cut the civil service!!!!!!!!!

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The_Oracle 7 years, 1 month ago on We need work – now: Hundreds left waiting hours in GB jobs fair

The reliance on government to provide "jobs" is the first fallacy and failure we have invited and must now suffer.. Politicizing permits, licenses, jobs, schools and teaching, hospitals, Banks! We are only reaping what we have sown.

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sheeprunner12 7 years ago on Jean Rony ‘lost automatic right to citizenship'

This fella is a born Haitian ............ why is our Government wasting time trying to facilitate these ungrateful and devious people anyway????????? ........... Brent needs to put pressure on the Haitian Embassy in Nassau to get their people registered when they born or get work permits or get caught by Immigration ........ Haiti needs to step up and take responsibility for their citizens as provided for in its Constitution .......... We have enough of our own problems to deal with besides at least another 25,000 grown-ass Haitian citizen dodgers.

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OldFort2012 7 years ago on Jean Rony ‘lost automatic right to citizenship'

No. Here is his quote: "He has lost his right, full stop."

You cannot lose a right you never had. He has no "right" to apply for citizenship. He can apply, just like I can apply to NASA to be an astronaut. Since he has no right, the Government has no DUTY to consider his application.

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SP 7 years ago on Jean Rony ‘lost automatic right to citizenship'

As humanitarians and our brother's keeper, we must do all possible to ensure Mr. Jean Rony Jean-Charles, his parents, siblings and all like them are returned to the country of their allegiance so they can fly their Haitian flags with dignity and great respect while celebrating Haitian flag day on May 18th in their beloved capital!

GOD'S speed to them all. May they never return to the Bahamas.

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Franklyn 8 years, 11 months ago on ‘Damning indictment’ on our governance

It is my knowledge and experience that a 2014 Bahamas Government RFP where only a select few international and local companies were secretly invited to submit tenders, did cause an international incident when premier companies in the technology and manufacturing field felt annoyed that they were not invited to bid on the lucrative Government contract which will be 2 years delayed this coming June. The tender was given to a far away and unknown company which won the bid to upgrade and modernize a government department that is 60 years behind the 8 ball in terms of technology. This same government department is plagued with problems but is a vital government department that should be generating over 36 million dollars in revenue annually. But the outdated why the department is run - causes a about a 15 million dollar leak annually.

A local provider, seeking the intervention of the Minister incharge for the department, was given an opportunity to submit a generous proposal where some of the international technology and manufacture leaders in the field; agreed to form a partnership giving the local company the lead position on the project. A comprehensive and extremely generous proposal was formed, submitted and rejected by the Government tender process leaving owners to wonder who could offer a better proposal considering the top companies in the world came together to offer the Bahamas the most comprehensive fix to a long and vexing out of date government service.

Included in the fix was an offer to update the out of date government accounting platform (the outdated platform that is currently being used is also plagued with problems, not being able to interface (communicate) with most of today's software and hardware.) One of the partnering companies in the bid process is the new owner of the company that provided the Bahamas Government with the accounting package back in the 1980s. The opportunity, had attention given to the proposal, could saved the Bahamas millions of dollars - and give the Bahamas the same accounting package that is used by 100s of governments and fortune 500 companies world wide.

The international companies were so upset with the Bahamas bid process that complaints were filed on two continents - Germany, Canada and The USA. Companies promised that they would not sit silently while Bahamian Government Officials deal and wheel contracts.

Much of this was reported in a September 2014 Nicki Kelly column in The Punch - Ms Kelly said about her reporting " my intent in writing the piece was not to promote the cause of any one bidder, but to show how the government has failed to carry the bidding process to its logical conclusion. And if and when a bidder is chosen, will it be a fair choice, or will someone be getting an expensive kickback."

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sheeprunner12 8 years, 11 months ago on ‘No’ campaign launched over referendum vote

Messenger ................... this is about the Bahamian women VOTE in 2017 ...... but this will do very little to ease the suffering of those pre-June7, 2016 Constitution vicims ........ Who will allegedly benefit from this Referendum have not been born/married yet ........... this is not retroactive to July 10, 1973 .......... the 150,000 to 200,000 disenfranchised persons (illegitimates, overseas born, etc. that have to live with the Constitution will have no solace ...... and why should the government be about fast-tracking foreign men to citizenship status anyway?????? ........... this is an asinine plot to distract from serious shortcomings of the PLP government ............ this "gender vote" is no different from Carnival or BAMSI

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sealice 8 years, 11 months ago on PLP chairman hits out at opponents to bill

If the PLP wants you to vote YES for something then you gotta gotta know it can't be good for you, your family, or the country.

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Publius 8 years, 11 months ago on THE BIG QUESTION: MPs and financial declarations

Does the public really need to be asked what should be done when a law is not followed? Appropriately amend the Act to give it actual teeth and then do what The Bahamas seems morbidly averse to - enforce the law on the books without fear or favor.

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justthefactsplease 8 years, 10 months ago on Call for TV debate on vote

It is my understanding that the vote in the referendum is "binding". What does this mean? If it is "binding" why are we here again when we already voted no to the same thing in 2002? Shouldn't that vote still be "binding" or does it lose its "bindingness" after 14 years? HELP!!!!

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Honestman 8 years, 10 months ago on Bran: Economy ‘hanging on by a thread’

A blind man has more vision than Perry Christie and this hapless PLP administration.

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SP 8 years, 10 months ago on Bran: Economy ‘hanging on by a thread’

...................... Bahamas has been in reverse hyperdrive since 1985 ..........................

Anyone willing to be unbiased will have to admit the Bahamas economy has not just been in recession for two consecutive years, rather, we never recovered from the 2008 recession, AND were already speeding backwards since the 80's!

Business's that collapsed post 2008 never recovered, the steady decline and constant layoffs in tourism and banking sectors continue unabated and small business's are still closing weekly.

The significance of small business as the major building block to an economy is absolutely staggering, and a stark contrast to successive governments complete, abject failure to offer them any tangible incentives to bolster economic growth.

In fact, GOVERNMENT are well known to be the major impediment to the creation and growth of small business's in Bahamas!

The UK reports small businesses constitute 99.6% of all small businesses in the UK’s private sector. This means large companies and corporations only account for 0.4% of all the private sector businesses based there.


The Bahamas anemic economic position today, indeed is the direct result of the PLP and FNM friends, family and lovers policy of governance, that alienates, consistently deny and stifle economic opportunities brought by Bahamians.

How many millionaires outside their corrupt grouping of friends, family and lovers can we point to being created post 1973?

The solution is simple.

We must rid ourselves of the self serving PLP and FNM anti-Bahamian "blockers", and provide Bahamian entrepreneurs with the same concessions, incentives and assistance given to Atlantis, Breezes, Sandals and every other foreign owned entity in business here.

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sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago on Bran: Economy ‘hanging on by a thread’

Everything in The Bahamas is hanging on by a thread .......... thanks to the PLP

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Sickened 8 years, 10 months ago on $600,000 college link with Island Luck

Oh what a sight! A former criminal handing out 4 hours of his profit to needy natives. All of this money should have been confiscated long ago by our government under the proceeds of crime act. But no, we would rather accept this dirty money piece, piece all while smiling for the camera. These sleazy people are so proud of themselves.

In The Bahamas God is black and his name is SEBAS.

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MonkeeDoo 8 years, 10 months ago on $600,000 college link with Island Luck

I don't care how much of this MISERY MONEY they bring, it should never be accepted. This is how the Mafia and Drug Lords buy respectability and there is none in this business. Just misery. The Government MUST stop this Chicanery.

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Honestman 8 years, 10 months ago on Bran: Set Baha Mar ‘nationalise’ date

The Chinese government cannot be trusted. It refuses to play by the rules of International Trade, copyright etc. Bahamian politicians were greedy and stupid to have entered into "business" with them. The Chinese just love dealing with corrupt small island nations.