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hpallas 6 years, 7 months ago on Taranique - now there’s some hope

Taranique is stateless. Her mother, Ginette Caty, was born in the Bahamas to non-Bahamian parents and applied for citizenship as was proper in 2000. She was not naturalized until 2013-- government dragging its feet with the backlog of citizenship applications. In the meantime, her children were born out of wedlock with a Bahamian man.

Haiti's constitution only allows native-born Haitians to pass on citizenship, so Taranique was not entitled to a Haitian passport at birth. And she can only apply for Bahamian citizenship at 18 since her father cannot pass on his citizenship. She is truly stateless then, because Bahamian law has gender discrimination built into it.

Quote from the Tribune below:

"Ms Caty, born in The Bahamas to two non-Bahamian parents, says she applied for citizenship in 2000. However, she was not granted status for more than a decade – by which time she had already given birth to her three daughters.

She claimed that prior to her naturalisation, she also applied for status for each of her children, but said officials informed her that under the law, her daughters, like her, would have to wait until the age of 18 to apply for citizenship."

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Islangal1 6 years, 7 months ago on Taranique - now there’s some hope

All I can say is today for me tomorrow for you! Bahamians seem to have a natural born hatred for Haitian. Bahamians who fly to America to have children just so that child could get automatic citizen and reap the rewards of being an American.

I hope I live to see the day when the shoe is on the other foot!

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DEDDIE 6 years, 7 months ago on Taranique - now there’s some hope

Reading comprehension. Her grandmother is native born. Her mother is not. Sometimes it is painful to read these blogs.

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CatIslandBoy 6 years, 7 months ago on Taranique - now there’s some hope

I have to assume that either many of you bloggers are just downright ignorant (which is consistent with a D average mentality), or you are choosing to ignore facts. The young girl, Taranique, does not qualify for Haitian citizenship, plain and simple. No matter how some of you may try to twist the facts, her mother was not born in Haiti, and never held Haitian citizenship. So, how could this young lady even be considered a "natural-born" Haitian citizen?

Like many well-meaning Bahamians, I do not like to see my beloved country over-run by illegal immigrants of any nationality. We need to control our borders and up our efforts to prosecute employers who take advantage of their cheap labour. But, this not mean we should throw common sense out of the window when dealing with other human beings. Come on Christian Natiion, where are your souls? Or that only matters on Sundays?

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HonestTruth 6 years, 7 months ago on UPDATED: 'Gov't not paying Taranique's bills'

Tribune spreading Fake News now? Trying to sell papers?

I thought only the guardian made retractions for their fake news, it’s spread to the tribune as well?

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hrysippus 1 year, 9 months ago on Union officials to work with police on Labour Day parade safety

Hah hah hah. How can I get some some gubbent recognition so I can get one of those comfortable gummint jobs with a generous unfunded pension?