joeblow 4 years, 9 months ago on UPDATED: Complete shutdown of all services from 8pm Friday until 5am Monday
UPDATED: Complete shutdown of all services from 8pm Friday until 5am Monday
Closing down everything for two days will accomplish nothing. They have no sustained strategy and seem clueless if they can't mimic what America is doing.
-All wash houses must be closed indefinitely. People can wash at home, one piece at a time if need be!
-Police must be stationed at all grocery stores and banks and couples and families in stores should be cited.
-All cars with more than two persons in it should be stopped by police!
-No person who is coughing or sneezing should be in a public space.
-Medical clinics must remain open as different kinds of emergencies can arise, but should turn away all walk in patients who do not absolutely need to see a doctor at this time. All patients should call the clinic first so an over the phone assessment can be made to determine if they need to be seen urgently.
Lastly, the government has to be honest. They are not testing people who have complaints and are telling everybody who calls the hotline to self-isolate without testing for the virus. This is madness and will only prolong the economic recovery and encourage the spread of this virus!
People must remember that the virus jumps from person to person. If we severely restrict movement of people then you automatically reduce spread of the virus.
Economist 4 years, 9 months ago on UPDATED: Complete shutdown of all services from 8pm Friday until 5am Monday
UPDATED: Complete shutdown of all services from 8pm Friday until 5am Monday
It is clear the PM has no idea of what he is doing.
What if you were planing to go tomorrow to get groceries as you have not been for a week?
I guess he believes that you can starve the virus.
How can you plan when he keeps dumping things on you?
You had better go out at every opportunity as you never know when he will do something stupid.
Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 9 months ago on UPDATED: Complete shutdown of all services from 8pm Friday until 5am Monday
UPDATED: Complete shutdown of all services from 8pm Friday until 5am Monday
What took you so long to realise he's a born loser? I'm fearful he will take down our country by instigating, through his sillier orders and obvious power trip, riots and looting. The more he tightens his 'way-too-late' and now over-bearing restrictions, the more desperate the public becomes. One has to wonder whether he's deliberately inciting a widespread sense of despair more deadly than the Red China Virus itself.
sheeprunner12 4 years, 9 months ago on 'Govt cannot save everyone'
'Govt cannot save everyone'
D'Aguilar is worth $25 million ……… his laundromats are open for business ……… He is not hurting like a laid-off minimum wage worker ……….. Can he really feel their pain??????
He tried to extend our dependency on tourism ……. time to move to another Economic Plan
joeblow 4 years, 9 months ago on 'Govt cannot save everyone'
'Govt cannot save everyone'
Actually, so far, government has saved no one! And that's a fact, but they have ways to cover up their incompetence and control the flow of information!
I have accepted the fact that incompetents are running this country and if I lower my expectations enough, I won't continue to be disappointed!
joeblow 4 years, 9 months ago on Questions to be answered
Questions to be answered
The answers to your questions are yes, no and no !!
TalRussell 4 years, 8 months ago on PM paints roadmap back to normality but warns: Read my lips - don’t break quarantine
PM paints roadmap back to normality but warns: Read my lips - don’t break quarantine
Should never be forgotten by colony's First among equals. the I will prosecute their backsides to jail”? mouthed at a section PopoulacesOrdinary whose threatening words are neither forgotten nor taken lightly, so much so that the words mouthed by the founding red shirts first father leader comrade Sir Cecil was the single utterness that was to cost his red party a general election and a credible shot at governing over the colony. God Save us, comrade sister Queen Liz. Nod once for yeah, twice for no?
Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 8 months ago on PM paints roadmap back to normality but warns: Read my lips - don’t break quarantine
PM paints roadmap back to normality but warns: Read my lips - don’t break quarantine
The prime minister revealed his emergency orders have been amended to ensure those who break quarantine are fined up to $20,000, face five years imprisonment or both.
“You break quarantine, we lock you up,” he said.
Here we see in all its glory the epitome of a man totally unsuited in character and demeanor to be PM under our constitutional democracy. Minnis is now exhibiting all of the traits of tyrannical leader on a very demented power trip.
Minnis could very well see fit to next order that those who dare to violate any of 'his orders' will also be subject to having all of their assets of any kind, wherever located, confiscated by 'his state', and/or face the possibility of death before a firing squad of 'his' marksmen police and/or defense force officers.
Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 8 months ago on PM paints roadmap back to normality but warns: Read my lips - don’t break quarantine
PM paints roadmap back to normality but warns: Read my lips - don’t break quarantine
P.S.: A 'real' leader would be taking great pains to instill calm while diligently enlightening everyone of the grave risks covid-19 poses to their health if the advised measures are not observed. The measures of course have to be well thought through to ensure they are reasonable, are given with adequate notice and are articulated in a way that clearly spells out the rationale behind. Unnecessarily frightening the hell out of people with extraordinarily punitive penalties smacks of a weak leader who feels he must resort to bullying and terrorization to achieve submission to 'his orders'.
Clamshell 4 years, 8 months ago on PM paints roadmap back to normality but warns: Read my lips - don’t break quarantine
PM paints roadmap back to normality but warns: Read my lips - don’t break quarantine
Well-said, Mudda. Five years in prison for breaking a curfew?
Really? In a nation that lets killers walk away, and won’t investigate a hit-and-run that killed a woman, and they have video, the license number and a description of the car? (See related story.) In a nation that locks up child-rapists for less than 5 years? Really?
TalRussell 4 years, 8 months ago on Minnis grants lawyers further exemptions
Minnis grants lawyers further exemptions
What mockery weighed against the jailing of a comrade Homeless person along with a hefty fine...and expect the cash sprung out which bank account...chequing or savings.
I've known my fair share crazy's but you'd have been on crazy pills has ordered the arrest, levied a fine, and have actually jailed a Homeless person.
Comrade Imperial PM, when you live on the damn street...that's your damn shelter-at-home.
Nod once for yeah PM. do the decent thing to demonstrate some form compassion left in your soul...turn off your meanness long enough to free this unfortunate, down on the luck Homeless person,Twice for no?
Economist 4 years, 9 months ago on PM suggests more restrictions on movement could come
PM suggests more restrictions on movement could come
I have been staying at home as you asked. Haven't been to the food store since the 19th but by the tone of your statement I need to panic a go try but out the food store now as it sounds that you are going to make that a major exercise of "begging and pleading justification" to go.
This is going from the sublime to the ridiculous.
I thought that the police were out there to stop people who were not supposed to be out.
So because you can't control 1,000 people you are going to punish all 400,000?
That's not leadership.