JohnDoes 11 years ago on Mitchell: US could cut assistance over Bahamas stance on LGBT rights
Mitchell: US could cut assistance over Bahamas stance on LGBT rights
Exactly, just how they try to invade our personal lives through Television and other media, Fred is trying to threaten our relationship wit the U.S. through propaganda. Only the gullable person will see this and before actually reading it, think that 'Well if I dont support LGBT then America is going cut their assistance from us; First of all, our assistance from the U.S was never based on this issue.
Cobalt 10 years, 7 months ago on Four dead in 12 hours: Webshop courier killed in ambush
Four dead in 12 hours: Webshop courier killed in ambush
Police are appealing to these stinking vagabonds to "please put down your guns???" Seriously???? Don't beg these lawless animals for anything!!!! Put THEM in the ground instead!!!!!
Cobalt 10 years, 6 months ago on Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'
Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'
I'm not the biggest supporter of Dr Miles Monroe; but in this case he is 100% correct. The crafted manner in which the gay community has tried to piggy-back their agenda on that of the Civil Rights Movement is horrifyingly wicked..... not to mention infuriating! This attempt by the FAG community to exploit and initiate compassion by painting themselves as a disenfranchised, marginalized, oppressed people is not going to work! This is nothing more than a convoluted, dishonest, unscrupulous, shameless act used to justifying a decadent, sickening, nasty, repugnant lifestyle! This is a tactic that these faggots here in the Bahamas learned from our North American neighbors within the United States who themselves are nothing more than a culture of homosexuals! But as these lesbos and queers in the Bahamas are about to learn... this is not the U.S. No one can choose what race or color they are. But one can choose to put the carnal, lustful, unnatural, sac religions, sexual deviant, perverted acts of the flesh under subjection!! No faggot coalition or consortium will ever establish homosexual rights in this country!! And the very attempt will result in their own demise!!!
Honestman 10 years, 6 months ago on Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'
Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'
Regardless of whether you believe homosexuality is biologically or choice driven, no one can deny that it is unnatural. Whenever people live their lives in an unnatural state, there is a price to pay. This is God's law or, if you are not religious, the law of the universe. Man was not made to live in homosexual union - no one can deny that. And so people who find themselves living this way, either through choice or inherent compulsion, do pay a price. That price could be related to their happiness, sense of self worth, or oftentimes their health. If Jesus was alive today in The Bahamas, He would surely embrace the gay community in love but would then say "go my brothers and sisters and live the way I intended you to live" He would not say "go and celebrate your dysfunction"
Cobalt 10 years, 6 months ago on Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'
Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'
How is he a moron??? He's a religious leader speaking out in rigid defiance of a sac religious practice!! More of our religious leaders need to follow his lead! At least as it pertains to gay rights!!
Cobalt 10 years, 6 months ago on Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'
Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'
That's because most of these pastors in the Bahamas like riding-ass and buggery themselves! (Bishop Ellis among them).
Cobalt 10 years, 6 months ago on Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'
Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'
No no no no no!!! Don't try and shift the blame towards the church!!! Don't try to use past the atrocities of ancient civilizations to simultaneously justify a gay agenda while discrediting the sovereignty of the Church!!! It's an exhausted, jaded tactic that's not going to work!!! No matter what history dictates, homosexuality is wrong wrong wrong!!!! NO GAY RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!!!
Laurell 10 years, 6 months ago on Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'
Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'
I'm sorry but I don't see the hypocrisy by Dr Munroe's statement. He is 100% correct and I commend him for speaking out. To compare 'gay rights' to 'civil rights' is indeed illogical and ridiculous. Also, I don't think Dr. Munroe, or anyone who supports these views, has any interest in removing the "rights" of gays. Any adult has the right to their sexuality. Gays have the same right as anyone to work, to live, to function in this country.
Homosexuality (the practise of, not the attraction to), fornication, adultery, stealing, murder, corruption - these are all wrong, and they are all rampant in our society. We should speak out against all whenever they impact our community. While I believe we all have the right to choose our behaviour and lifestyle, I don't believe we should impose our lifestyle on others when they are dysfunctional.
If a group of gays want to have a celebration, a party, an event, no one has a right to stop them, I don't see why anyone would want to. But personally, I have a problem with the word "Bahamas" being included in the name of this event. This culture and lifestyle does not represent the Bahamas and it should not have received endorsement from any of our Ministries.
Nothing a person does in the privacy of their bedroom(s) should ever remove the right they have to function in a society. However, what we do in the privacy of our bedroom(s) should also not be imposed on an entire society - especially a society that does not deem it normal.
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 4 months ago on Wilchcombe: Murder record is a disgrace
Wilchcombe: Murder record is a disgrace
An even bigger disgrace than our murder record is Wilchcombe himself!
Jonahbay 9 years ago on Schoolgirl, 16, dies after being hit by rock on bus
Schoolgirl, 16, dies after being hit by rock on bus
Hanging my head in shame at the reality of the problem that we are in. May the beautiful promise of life that was so stupidly snuffed out rest in peace. She is free of the future of suffering that was ahead of her in a land of no promise and opportunity. Can we hang our collective heads any lower? How many more of our sons and daughters have to perish on the way to or from school before we stop pretending that it is still business as usual? When will we try something new? Our broken down palace of a country is more broken down than palace...
hurricane 8 years, 10 months ago on On the Street: Bahamians’ view on the referendum
On the Street: Bahamians’ view on the referendum
First of all, this wasn't a scientific survey by any stretch of the imagination but this paper is quick to conclude that the more education you have the more likely you are to vote yes? Rubbish reporting! And insulting as well.
hurricane 4 years, 7 months ago on INSIGHT: If black lives really matter, why are we killing each other, abusing our women and selling each other drugs?
INSIGHT: If black lives really matter, why are we killing each other, abusing our women and selling each other drugs?
Joeblow, those are white supremacist talking points, but you probably don't know any better. Please educate yourself.
JohnDoes 11 years ago on Mitchell: US could cut assistance over Bahamas stance on LGBT rights
Mitchell: US could cut assistance over Bahamas stance on LGBT rights
Why is Fred still focused and pushing for this so hard? Does he have anything else to do since his frequent travelling has slowed? I mean this is not an crucial issue in this country. We've got far more problems and concerns to worry about. The U.S is not going to cut us, The entire US does not wholly support this agenda, so do not threaten our relations with the U.S with press releases based on this vile issue. I dont have a problem with a person's sexual preference, but they just need to keep that behind closed doors and away from public life. No man should act like woman and vice versa. This agenda contradicts Christian Values and to say that you respect it and yet pushing for this perversion from Christian values is astonishing. This LGBT is a very perverted and immoral way of life that needs to be kept where it is, the negative side outweighs their alleged positive agenda. Im already having a hard time trying to explain the birds and the bees to my kids, how the hell am I going to explain Adam & Steve or Susan & Anne?