4 Vote
3 Vote
Cc 12 years, 7 months ago on It's all in the name of free speech, Dr Rollins
It's all in the name of free speech, Dr Rollins
I agree wholeheartedly with EVERYTHING the editor writes in this piece.
3 Vote
242 12 years, 7 months ago on It's all in the name of free speech, Dr Rollins
It's all in the name of free speech, Dr Rollins
I agree like and approve of this article. Which by the way is in the Editorial section.
1 Vote
242 12 years, 7 months ago on It's all in the name of free speech, Dr Rollins
It's all in the name of free speech, Dr Rollins
And he will continue to be until he EARNS respect. His own cabinet don't so why should anybody else. He is good at one thing though Finger pointing and not taking responsibility.
2 Vote
Cc 12 years, 7 months ago on It's all in the name of free speech, Dr Rollins
It's all in the name of free speech, Dr Rollins
Ummmm....you do know that you don't HAVE to read the editorials if you don't want to, right? That's the kind of "freedom" everyone is talking about.
1 Vote
242 12 years, 7 months ago on Christie speaks of his 'vindication' from victory
Christie speaks of his 'vindication' from victory
And PM Christie is STILL calling Ingraham's name. Jealousy is a serious thing. Please oh please you Bell Nottage Davis can you all MOVE on.
Concerned 12 years, 7 months ago on It's all in the name of free speech, Dr Rollins
It's all in the name of free speech, Dr Rollins
If divisive means that someone actually has the guts to disagree with the PLP, then I stand guilty as well. If destructive means that someone has the courage to expose the truth which differs from that being purported by the PLP, again I am guilty as charged. If ignorance means blindly following every word being fed to me by politicians, for that Sir, I am a fugitive. Mr. Rollins has neither earned nor deserved his position in the hallowed halls of the House of Assembly. He entered on the coat tail of a political party that he only a year ago vehemently spoke against. I read no anger, division or destruction in the editorial - just straight facts. It is the facts that hurt DPratt and it is facts that create the hallmark of true journalism.