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rawbahamian 6 years, 8 months ago on 500 remain in shanty towns ahead of demolition

If Haitians want more rights here in The Bahamas, then let them exercise the only rights they have here as foreigners and that is the right to pack up and LEAVE !!!

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joeblow 6 years, 11 months ago on ‘Pay $3,000 and you can go free’ – Bishop Hall makes Immigration ‘corruption’ claim

That implies that person integrity increases as pay and education increases! That fails to explain our corrupt, educated well paid politicians!

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joeblow 6 years, 9 months ago on The Bahamas wasted three years of my life, says doctor

It is a fact that in small countries and small communities 'kisses go by favor' in every respect. It is not difficult to believe this doctors story, as we are all aware of people who have been frustrated out of various systems throughout the length and breadth of this country, not due to lack of competence, but for personal reasons. This mentality is why we are still a third world country!

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joeblow 6 years, 11 months ago on Talks in Haiti on tackling migration

I can tell this is going to be pointless but, for decades this was the final destination for many Haitians. Their large numbers here attest to that. There were some who trickled into the US, but slack enforcement of immigration laws, close proximity, easy jobs and money sent back home to pay the way for more who came here pregnant. The vast majority of Haitians in the Bahamas who cause us problems are over 18 yrs.

The US became a more desirable destination AFTER the 2008 earthquake . They even have a problem with Haitians in the border town of Tijuana in Mexico (FYI).

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stillwaters 6 years, 11 months ago on Talks in Haiti on tackling migration

Trump is loud and nasty when fighting to put Americans first. Fred Smith is loud and nasty when fighting to put Haitians first. Who do we have........a bunch of cute, polite shits who are NOT fighting to put Bahamians first. Suck teet.........

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joeblow 6 years, 11 months ago on 'It's time to stop school beatings'

Discipline in ALL forms is good when PROPERLY applied (the child understands why they are being punished and it is applied when not angry). Violence is the result of ignorance and frustration combined!

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joeblow 6 years, 11 months ago on GAME CHANGER: Miss age deadline and you’ll be permanent resident NOT citizen

The clueless Minister still doesn't seem to understand that citizen and residency benefits of any kind are only for those constitutionally entitled. Illegals immigrants and their offspring (without Bahamian parents) ARE NOT constitutionally entitled to anything except deportation!!

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DDK 6 years, 9 months ago on ‘Commodore, stop mashing our boats’

All this talk of well-composed sentences coming from you, Comrade?!!!!?

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OldFort2012 6 years, 11 months ago on GAME CHANGER: Miss age deadline and you’ll be permanent resident NOT citizen

This is the craziest thing I ever heard.

To obtain permanent residency without the right to work, an outsider needs to invest $1m minimum and pay $10,000.

But if your parents were criminals and came here illegally, if you schooled yourself at the expense of the Bahamian taxpayer and generally sponged off this state all your life, you get it for free and we throw in the right to work.

This Minister is a cretin.

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Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 11 months ago on GAME CHANGER: Miss age deadline and you’ll be permanent resident NOT citizen

Goofy Brent Symonette is about as daft as they come and could only wish he had one-tenth of the smarts and common sense that his step brother Bobby had. It is treasonous for Brent and the dimwitted Doc not to accept the basic premise that illegal aliens cannot create legal residents or citizens from their offspring except in those instances where the father was a Bahamian citizen at the time the child was born. In other words, if the root is illegal then all that springs from it must be illegal too.

What goofy Brent Symonette and the dimwitted Doc are proposing here will result in thousands and thousands of illegal aliens being granted amnesty to reside and work in the Bahamas forever more and to produce (by their offspring) many thousands more who would be able to do likewise. The number of individuals of Haitian heritage who would now be able to legally reside in the Bahamas would totally overwhelm the indigenous Bahamian population and would devour our country's very limited financial resources. Such a foolish policy would be the equivalent of turning the keys to the front door of our country over to Haiti, while giving a key to the back door to Jamaica!

5 Vote

sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago on GAME CHANGER: Miss age deadline and you’ll be permanent resident NOT citizen

Let me get this ......... an illegal immigrant has a child in The Bahamas ........ and evades the Law for 18 years ........... and then that child can be made a permanent resident of our country??????? ............. What am I missing here???????

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Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 10 months ago on New board planned to oversee contracts

Once again we see Minnis & KP doing the only thing they seem to know how to do: Grow the size of government at the taxpayers expense! How much will this new board of 10 persons cost Bahamian taxpayers? Why is it the Ministry of Finance in conjunction with the Office of the PM are unable to vet proposed government contracts in excess of $50,000? Is it because no one trusts our Finance Minister and our PM to do the right thing? Is it because our Finance Minister and our PM do not trust the civil servants that fall directly under their supervision? Surely the Minister of Finance and our PM are able to appreciate that such a new Public Procurement Board will not remove politics as usual from the selection process for such government contracts, but will merely add to the ever increasing costs of our already grossly bloated government.

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jackbnimble 6 years, 9 months ago on Whipped, beaten and filmed for Facebook

Saw this video and frankly, I don't have a problem with a good cut behind (Bahamian style). Grew up with it and it never warped my thinking or gave me any psychological damage. In fact, I thank my parents every day for the person it made me. What I don't agree with, however, is those punches to the head. Now that is completely over the top. The parent/guardian has now crossed the line and this form of discipline is bordering on abuse. She could have controlled herself... and the person who posted it is equally as reckless.

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joeblow 6 years, 9 months ago on Whipped, beaten and filmed for Facebook

Children for whom beatings would work only need ONE, after that they will change their behavior to avoid getting another. For other children beatings mean nothing. It is for the sensible parent to find out what method of discipline would work best for their child, but under no circumstances is abuse to be encouraged.

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sheeprunner12 6 years, 9 months ago on Minnis paints a rosy picture

Long Island had eight storms since 2006 ........ but you hear us crying, winching and whining like yall GB suckers???? ....... We pick up the pieces and keep going or relocate until better .......... and we do not have a five Cabinet Ministers and DPM, a GBPA, and Chinese bosses ......... smt

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Cobalt 6 years, 9 months ago on Minnis paints a rosy picture

Yes, John. The Prime Minister understands that citizens living within the inner cities need jobs. He understands that the entire nation needs an economic boost. But the delimma that we all face is that economic development takes TIME.
It may only take a second to make a mistake, but it can take years to rectify that mistake. And here in the Bahamas we have made TONS of mistakes. So while the government is doing its best to initiate an adequate economic foundation in the midst of a “mess of a country”, I encourage every Bahamian to take a long look in the mirror. The problem I see with many Bahamians is that we want our situation to change, yet we fail to change ourselves. We want our situation to improve, yet we fail to improve ourselves. We want the government to accomplish everything, but ask your nearest neighbor what has he accomplished for himself. Successive Bahamian governments have failed because we the people have continued to fail. The government is simply an extension of the people it represents. The government is extracted from a pool of its own citizens. So when we begin to improve ourselves, the government will likewise begin to improve.

Here’s a fun fact..... Foreigners come to this country with little or nothing, and in a little over a decade are successful businesses owners and entrepreneurs. The Chinese do it, the Jamaicans do it, the Haitians do it. Yet all we Bahamians do is sit, complain, and blame the government. If we want change in our country, we have to be the change. If we want change in our communities let’s start by changing our households. Let’s start by talking with our neighbors and forming community resources. We as Bahamians are NOT helpless. We can help ourselves and improve our own country.

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joeblow 6 years, 10 months ago on Got him - pit bull owner arrested

The reality is that this is just one symptom of a dysfunctional society caused by the increase of single parent homes. While there are those who talk about the dog that was killed, hat about children born to single parents who are emotionally and physically abused, deprived of the love and sensitivity that they deserve? It is the lack of proper parental guidance that causes young people to grow up hardened and lacking the skills they need to live in a civilized world, but nobody wants to address the root issues. We have slack unruly, cold blooded young people in our country because of the failure of adults to raise their children properly-- simple! Bet this young man is one of those children and probably smokes marijuana as well!

Sensible children are the result of a lot of hard work and training. Too many want children but are not prepared to do what is necessary to make them fit to live among decent people!!

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joeblow 6 years, 10 months ago on Got him - pit bull owner arrested

Please present a rational response if you are in disagreement with the statement I made!

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HarryWyckoff 6 years, 10 months ago on Got him - pit bull owner arrested

Acceptance of violence as the norm and a disregard for all life?

Which stems from a lack of moral standards and boundaries being taught in the home.

And usually starts with 'tree hugger' things like animal cruelty, which devalues life of all types.