
3 Vote

TalRussell 8 years, 10 months ago on 20 arrested as hunt for escaped murderer goes on

Comrades a bus driver is accustomed to a loud fist thumping on the door .. hey, hey bus driver, open the door, let me in. Not, what are you doing, opening the damn bus door, prisoner.
Bus driver gets on the radio and tells the Fox Hill Prison. I am on my way Warden, minis one escaped murderer.
You policeman's running around Nassau Town, acting likes it ain''s your own fault this prisoner is unlawfully at large.
Didn't law enforcement have him in their custody?
What an excellent picture to visualize how law enforcement can react when faced with embarrassment and why the PLP cabinet ain't got's no damn business be accepting that $1.3 million of military armaments from China..
Comrades can you imagine one them Chinese built armoured vehicles, pulling up in front you place of abode?


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realfreethinker 8 years, 7 months ago on Moss: Govt backing for yes vote like Nazi propaganda

It is laughable how the gov wants us to pass a referendum to end discrimination,but sees no problem leaving a gambling law that discriminates against it's own citizens VOTE NO until they get it right

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Thumbelina242 8 years, 6 months ago on Constitutional Referendum updates: Results coming through

The majority of Bahamians want a BETTER BAHAMAS and we are very passionate , vocal, vociferous even, about that. In EVERY RELATIONSHIP however opinions will differ. NO does not necessarily mean an individual is opposed to change but rather "LET'S REASON SENSIBLY ON THIS". Even our kids don't want us to force our way of doing things on them when they are not clear on WHY we are doing it. The more we push, the more they resist if it appears the argument is one-sided. I've seen words like ignorant, stupid, xenophobic, backward thinking, idiot, fool, even profanities ascribed to people who voted NO in this referendum and that's disappointing coming from intelligent, forward thinking Bahamians. "Pledge to excel through LOVE and UNITY...to a COMMON, LOFTIER GOAL"......we can do this!!

4 Vote

lkalikl 8 years, 4 months ago on Christie administration was ‘dead wrong’ on Baha Mar

Finally, a leader in a top position speaks the plain and simple truth on Baha Mar! LBT is the only other one who has said the obvious, but you sexist f$%^ing PLP and PLP Lite Bahamians don't listen to your women, even though they smarter than ya'll stupid a$$es! Hopefully, now that Ingraham has said it, you sexist f$%^s will listen.

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Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 4 months ago on "I prayed with men who robbed me" says Dr David Allen

"When they were leaving I asked them if I could pray with them and they stopped and we prayed." The good doctor's head is clearly not well and in need of some serious therapy. Either that or he's downing "happy" pills!

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observer2 8 years, 4 months ago on Five more Zika cases in Florida is a warning sign

Each of us as Bahamians must take Zeka seriously and remove garbage or open containers around our homes that accumulate standing water where mosquitoes bread.

Our leaders (Christie, Minnis, Butler and McCartney) should come together and have a National Clean Up and Zika Awareness Day. The entire population, especially in the Southern Islands that are overrun by mosquitoes must come together and clean up our Country.

If we do little or just rely on the Government and Zika spreads and some of our island are designated as "Zika hot zones" by developed Countries, our tourism, which is already hurting will be hurt further.

5 Vote

Emac 8 years, 3 months ago on McCartney: I met with FNM and third parties to discuss strategy

Boy this one arrogant man. He just doesn't get it! No man is an island. If he really loves the Bahamas and the Bahamian people like he claims, then he would drop all of his ego and do what is in the best interest of the Bahamas. But let me say this: If the PLP wins another election because of the situation similar to last election, when FNMs voted DNA, Bahamians will never ever forgive this man. It is so regrettable that there are no political hopefuls out who is campaigning on the basis of a better Bahamas, rather than just self interests. The Bahamas is in for a bumpy ride!

3 Vote

John 8 years, 3 months ago on McCartney: I met with FNM and third parties to discuss strategy

A split and splintered opposition to the PLP cannot vein a general election. Not only because the will split up and have to share the opposition votes, but also because voters will get mixed votes and decide to vote PLP. Call it arrogance but Branville McCartney finds himself in a strange and favorable position. He has proven that his newly formed DNA party has hang time as it has not only survived the 5 years between elections, but it has also been highly visible and very active. With the FNM seeming to be under attack from all quarters and especially from within, Branville's party appear like a fresh bright rose in a field of weeds. The DNA has everything to lose if they decide to join up with the FNM and don't dot all the 'i's' and cross all the 'T's'. Main time the FNM seem more ruffled and raggedy as it has ever been since its inception. The party never seemed to get its bearing ever since the day Hubert A. Ingraham resigned as leader, walked out and slammed the door behind him. The pitiful thing is he never seem to look back until the party has reached this very low ebb. It is definitely not election ready and as Branville observed it may be trying to pull the DNA on to a sinking ship. Can a coalition work when there is so many personalities in the party, each one having their own opinion about where the party should be headed and who should be leader. You would thing by now everyone would have put away pettiness and self serving ambitions and join forces for the good of country and party. But no.

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stislez 8 years, 2 months ago on Staff left short in Baha Mar pay

When asked if he was satisfied with the amount he received, Mr Brown said: “I’m totally comfortable. This was something that didn’t have to happen, you know. And it did. So there is no way you can be disgruntled over getting a gift. All good gifts are from the Creator, and so you receive with graciousness.”

What you talkin bout negro! Something that didnt have to happen? Jahman, you forget you work for your money aye? This gatta be some real slave conditioning jed. When you put a people in a state of despiration, ANYTHING you give them they will be satisfied. I understand people struggling and the little what you gat is more than you had yesterday, but dont just receive it graciously and then say its a gift from God. God dont give you crumbs jahman, he give you things like the EARTH to live off, and AIR to breathe, Sight to see, a functioning brain for you to make choices an most importantly, LIFE!...........dont compare crumbs to that bro!

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paul_vincent_zecchino 7 years, 11 months ago on Attorney apologises for calling Bahamians ‘hateful’

Agree. The kindness comes back. It never fails, every single time we exit the cruise ship terminal to get back to the ship, the personable gentlemen who check one's papers recognize our family and greet us by name, 'good to see you again...'.

They don't have to do that, but they do. And it's appreciated. And we look for them each trip over. It's contagious. Our experiences in the Bahamas are nothing but positive.

People can be as nasty as one goads them into being, or not. It's a two sided process. Agree, well said.

2 Vote

Greentea 7 years, 10 months ago on Two more men die as bloody weekend shooting spree continues

This is an all out gang war. Someone fighting for some perceived power. No real revelation there. Many of these young men are high school drop outs, gang members, some from ok, but most from not so well situated family lives. Not much in their heads except money, wearing Nike, Hilfiger and Jordans, violence, sex from whomever, getting high and appearing like they have it together. I would go so far to say that many of them are dumb, easily manipulated and if they like to get high, even more easily manipulated. Many of them have already had their fathers, brothers murdered. Look at their facebook pages (my new thing). Start with the "boy" who got killed on the park "Richie" and you see a troubled boy, obsessed with guns and money, either from dealing drugs, robbing people or being paid as a "hitta". I have never seen as much cash he displayed on his page in one place in my life and I am comfortably middle class. Or check the page of "Faddah" the one who got shot on East and Lewis street and you find out that his brother "Ghost" got shot about six months ago. So they are all connected somehow. And then there is a gaggle of young girls who protect them, drink with them, party with them and if they are interested, I presume sleep with them and cry for them when they die. This is pretty much a contained world. Someone sent me a picture the other day where one young man- don't know if he was in a gang or not, but he got buried with his head resting on a Gucci leather pillow and in Gucci vest. I must say the boy looked good, but it was sad that his best dress day was probably in his casket. As much as I think I grew up in the hood- I don't recognize nor can a relate to this group. These are mostly working class and poor people, many though not all, are the children of immigrants, and 97% are gang members. I think the police hopes they just get rid of each other rather than drift in and out of the judicial system. As one person said on a FB page- if they continue at this rate, maybe decent people will be able to sleep with their doors unlocked and their windows open by May. Which only tells you that as tragic as this is, many Bahamians don't care anymore whether they kill each other - and they won't until it spills over and "truly innocent" people are hurt.

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BMW 7 years, 9 months ago on PM: Mistakes made for years over landfill

Juscool, I caught a bit of wendell jones ( SINGING FOR SUPPER JONES) talk show the other day an d a caller did mention the fact that here in Freeport there is a functioning land fill that has not had a fire ever at the present location. Caller then said they should talk with the company running the landfill to which he became indignant. Typica!!!

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TalRussell 7 years, 9 months ago on PM: Mistakes made for years over landfill

Comrade BMW, As one having piloted aircraft into Freeport - let me assure you that Freepoort dump, like all dumps, must deal with fires but unlike Nassau's to their credit are well considered to be well managed.
Nassau's dump has been allowed to become a basket case poor management under PM's Pindling, Papa Hubert and now Christie.

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lkalikl 7 years, 7 months ago on 'Ornamental' Allen and Pratt quit co-chair roles

Ceremonial fooking PLP cockroaches! Fook every last motherfooking treasury draining PLP! Fook the PLP! Fook them all and let them burn in hell for their theft against the people of the Bahamas! Fook the motherfooking PLP!

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jackbnimble 7 years, 5 months ago on Fyre Festival vendors to lose out

I think you may find Di'Aguilar to be a little too frank. It may be that you've gotten used to the PLP bullshi**ing you and not coming clean on the actual issue and this is your new normal. Frankly, I find it refreshing.

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sheeprunner12 7 years, 5 months ago on Fyre Festival vendors to lose out

DD will clean up this OBIE garbage ......... DD needs to get the Chinese out of our tourism product .......... They mean us NO good

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Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 5 months ago on Union allies ‘taken aback’ over BTC chief’s departure

Every contract and side deal that BTC ever entered into with cronies of Leon Williams while he was CEO of BTC should be thoroughly investigated.....look carefully at all of the unnecessary intermediaries involved in BTC's purchasing cycle for equipment, supplies and services.

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MonkeeDoo 7 years, 1 month ago on Hunt drags on as first ‘illegals’ sent home

Why are we so sure it was people being smuggled. Haiti is a major trans-shipment hub for cocaine !!! Fooled us all !