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laallee 12 years, 1 month ago on Leadership by referendum

Great letter and thanks for pointing out the (possible) oil referendum. I think Christie has dropped the ball on this. BPC have been paying licence money to explore for oil, they have a contract agreeing full production at agreed royalty rates. Is Christie going to renege on these contracts when he was BPCs legal advisor and probably reviewed the same contracts? Does he want the government to be dragged into a legal mess that could deter future investment in the Bahamas? The neighbouring countries are forging ahead with oil exploration and producton while Christie talks about introducing VAT, how is that going to help the population? The Bahamas could be sitting on natural resources that could solve its revenue problems for generations to come. If the oil situation is handled correctly it does not require a "referendum" BPC have "invested" in excess of $50 million (a condition of the licence) to get the country in a position to take advantage of any possible oil production, the contract was never "subject to referendum" I am an investor in BPC, the politics are damaging the Bahamas reputation as an investor friendly country. Representing the people and adhering to contracts should be a given. It is not too much to ask, it is what should be expected in todays world from a democratic country attempting to join the World Trade Organisation Good luck Bahamians.

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BPCInvestor 11 years, 11 months ago on YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Selling off Bahamian oil

I too am an investor in BPC. I was going to reply to this article but I believe Laallee has pretty much said it all. Especially the part about doing some research. I would only add that if you have a problem with how things are being done, talk to your government. BPC are, after all, only playing by their rules.

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Feedupwiththerubbishprinted 11 years, 11 months ago on YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Selling off Bahamian oil

I often read both the articles in the Tribune and Nassua Guardian that report on the hot topic of oil exploration. Whilst I appreciate your perspective of wanting as much as possible for the people of the Bahamas your articles are often littered with errors and falsify the real facts. It's very disturbing being an oversees investor in what if we are frank is a country on the brink of disaster. Foreign investment in your country is crucial, it always has been and always will be. There needs to be some rationale around the points raised, the fat cats already want a piece of the pie before it's been baked. Some of the prominent figures in the Bahamas should be ashamed of the way they are dealing with a foreign investor. Let's not forget the negotiators representing the Bahamas never had a gun to their head when the contracts were agreed. BPC has done an exceptional job in piecing together what was originally a very muddled puzzle. They spent $50M of foreign investment getting the Bahamas to a point where they are nearly ready to explore for oil. I never heard no cry's of foul play then. Whilst the Bahamas hangs on the verge of disaster your Caribbean neighbours are using your God given natural resources to get themselves out of the hole. The Bahamas is an oil virgin so can not demand similar rates to countires with prooven reserves that are already producing oil in commerial quantities. That is an attracive investment to an oil company which would not be soo impressed with what the Bahamas currrently has on offer. The recent statement by the Chuch of an additional sovereign wealth fund being setup that distributes $100,000 to each Bahamian household per year, that is plain and simply ludicrous, your country would implode within a decade maximum. How about one of your journalists actually reports the facts on BPC, who their executive board are etc, why have they not been invited in to discuss their operations. It's all very easy to bad mouth someone without actually meeting them. You obviously have done little reseach, the board of BPC is extremley well educated in the exploration of oil and sometimes as a country the size of Bahamas can vouch, small is sometimes better. Look after your national interests for sure, make sure the gov't is accountable but before you report on foregin investors tread carefully, from the outside the Bahamas is rubbishing what is the golden egg, their opportunity to independence and what will ultimately be their survival. Report the facts and not an opinion ! All the way from the cold cold place that is Lonon.

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ThisIsOurs 11 years, 5 months ago on Oil drilling vote is still planned

So if you find massive quantities of oil, will you really listen to the Bahamian public if they vote no? I can hear the "jobs" argument now.

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TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago on Bahamas suing UK over slavery

Why aren't the "Afro-Bahamalander's" not suing Africa for what could amount to billions of dollars in compensation? Wasn't it them who actually sold their own people to the Slave Traders? Seems many of we Bahamaland's may have feared far better financially than many of their African Comrades? Even President Obama calls it foolishness which will only result in failure.

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asiseeit 10 years, 6 months ago on Regulation ‘suspicions’ delay oil explorer’s JV partner search

BPC must not have greased enough to be first in line. Stem Cells and Gambling now they know what they are doing!

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laallee 9 years, 10 months ago on Oil explorer: New fiscal regime does not apply to us

if the Bahamian government want to attract foreign investment they must stick to contracts. they have to be competitive and trustworthy, getting a company to invest billions of dollars will not happen unless the company sees a profit. that's simple business not politics,,,,…

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magpie 9 years, 10 months ago on Oil explorer: New fiscal regime does not apply to us

BPC have not been allowed to drill by the Govt. They have spent $100m of seismic surveys but no drilling. They now need to attract a big partner with very deep pockets to pay $60m to drill the first well. If they don't find enough oil to extract they lose the lot. It's high risk which is why our govt don't risk our money on a 1 in 5 chance of striking lucky.

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laallee 9 years, 9 months ago on Oil price crash makes BPC ‘even more attractive’

if BPC have a politician paving the way then the politician is as much use as a one legged man in a butt kicking contest.

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I see no major shifts in our society away from oil and gas. If we opposed this for environmental reasons we should also oppose electricity generation via oil and gas. Also transition to electric vehicles. Otherwise we're consuming the same amount of oil and gas expect buying it from other countries. Our environmental impact remains unchanged; this is an economic change.

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Bahama7 5 years ago on Environmental nod 'huge milestone' for oil explorer

Excellent news- good luck BPC.

There is oil in the Bahamas, definitely. The old folks know how it’s there. We just don’t know how many billion barrels we will be producing in a few years time.

It will be nice to find out in May.