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John 11 years, 9 months ago on 'Truck burned for more than an hour' with three inside

Tribune has pics on front page of vehicle burning with persons inside...will they be charged with an 'indecent act"?

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lazybor 11 years, 9 months ago on 'Truck burned for more than an hour' with three inside

this is dramatic, solidarity with these people, now the situation must change!" width="1">

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lazybor 11 years, 8 months ago on Support for activist grows on internet

police please stop this mess, this is not serious and you are getting the opposite effect" width="1">

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banker 11 years, 5 months ago on Landlords under threat of legal action

We is da gubment fer da people. We een kickinya out! Its dems lanlords. Deys da hartless ones. Neèr mind we said dat we vood prossecute dems, but it een are fault dat dose FNMs is kickinyou out on da street. We fer da people. If da evil lanlords ewictin you, it een da fault of yer PLP gubment. Nosirreee. Its dem lanlords. Daze kicking you on yer bungy into da street. Sure we shet dem down, but dems doan havta ewict you. Its dems, not us. We is da finest gubment in da land.

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observer2 8 years, 2 months ago on Power failure: BPL blasted for ‘worst hurricane recovery ever’

Besides the horrible BEC customer service I am paying between my generator, high power costs, work disruption and ruined electrical equipment my business is suffering over $50,000 in cost. Compare this with my Florida Power and Light bill of under $2,000 per annum.

Have made the decision to stop working in Nassau as electrical costs are killing small businesses. Will sell out if there are any buyers and move.