SP 8 years, 9 months ago on Rollins: Minnis has no vision
Rollins: Minnis has no vision
Minnis has enough "vision" to address systemic corruption. That's what we need most!
Rollins is talking loud and saying nothing! Dr. Minnis constant attack on corruption is exactly what the country needs most.
What has Dr. Rollins offered as a more important alternative vision?
jackbnimble 8 years, 9 months ago on Dame Joan: Referendum a ruse for LGBT rights
Dame Joan: Referendum a ruse for LGBT rights
I watched her whole speech on Facebook and it gave me goose pimples. I am so glad she added her voice to this debate and with her understanding of the law and the ramifications, I can see why she drew this conclusion. I am even more persuaded to vote NO. Go Dame!
viewersmatters 8 years, 9 months ago on Dame Joan: Referendum a ruse for LGBT rights
Dame Joan: Referendum a ruse for LGBT rights
why is it the anyone who disagrees with any of these bills being lambasted and castigated. do we hear any of the no vote discriminating anyone who supports any of the bills? simply all that they are doing is giving thier views and opinion of the bills. can we not living in a Democracy country where we can freely voice our opinions and say how we feel? why do name calling at any body who just want their voice to be heard, how much level of ignorance are we displaying by trying to take away the voice of any man, woman, child even foreigner? why call someone ignorant just for expressing how they feel? should the Yes supporters be allowed to continue to to try to stamp the free thinking people who disagree with their feelings? how ignorant is that.
SP 8 years, 9 months ago on Dame Joan: Referendum a ruse for LGBT rights
Dame Joan: Referendum a ruse for LGBT rights
............... Dame Joan Sawyer Displays Rare Fortitude Among Dissenting Elites ..............
While an overwhelmingly vast amount of aristocratic individuals share and totally agree with Joan Sawyer's analogy, they continue cowering in silence when the country and people need them most!
These learned cowards are more concerned with "fitting in" and maintaining "shoulder rubbing" status with the powers that be than utilizing their status of national respect to voice opinions unpopular with their political peers, regardless of having the knowledge that the whole country will suffer.
Their silence is deafening and is the main reason corruption flourishes in our country from the high office of PM down to the city dump.
I applaud and highly congratulate Dame Joan Sawyer for breaking the long too old mold of tongue in cheek silence among learned individuals, and exhibiting the moral strength and perseverance to STAND UP and publicly articulate that which must be pronounced for the benefit of people and country.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
- Edmund Burke
Honestman 8 years, 9 months ago on 'Overwhelming rejection' of referendum bills
'Overwhelming rejection' of referendum bills
“The PLP remains committed to the principle of equality for all Bahamians under the law." said Mr. Roberts.
THAT statement my friends is a joke. The PLP is committed only to the enrichment of its party members, family and friends. In order to maintain that commitment, the party has betrayed the Bahamian people to the Chinese, the Gaming racketeers and a dubious Canadian fashion mogul. There is not much left to give away. Bahamas is no longer a "country for sale". It is a country that has "been sold". Time to put up the sign.
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 9 months ago on Pain for ‘Yes’ campaigners as signs of defeat emerge
Pain for ‘Yes’ campaigners as signs of defeat emerge
Five million plus dollars ($5,000,000+) of our hard earned taxpayer dollars flushed down the toilet by the corrupt Christie-led PLP government on their misguided and rightfully failed attempt to buy votes in exchange for Bahamian citizenship and/or pandering to the agenda of the global LGBT movement! The horridly dilapidated public school I voted at sure could have used that money for desperately needed renovations and repair work. My wife actually had tears come to her eyes when she realized that all of the school's water fountains and water coolers were non-functioning and that the restrooms were in a dreadful state, not fit for human use by any standard. Yet the corrupt Christie-led PLP government would have us believe that they care about the rights of men and women (and those somewhere between men and women) being equal. Well, what about the rights of our young children who have to attend these deplorable public schools that are not fit for most animals, let alone humans?! Small wonder our children are receiving a D minus education....it is almost impossible for even the brightest amongst our young to learn anything under such horrid conditions. And no doubt the teachers at these unkept schools are from the bottom of the barrel....who else would subject themselves to working under such squalid conditions. But elitist Christie and his privileged political friends and business cronies (like Sharon Wilson and her husband, Sir Snake) certainly don't give two hoots about the welfare of our young children and the quality of their education .....they only care about themselves....and bills 1 thru 4 were only ever about themselves in terms of their hidden agenda. Thank heavens the vast majority of Bahamians were not fooled and overwhelmingly voted "No" to all four of the bills. Christie and his merry band of bandits are corrupt, power hungry, financially greedy and completely lacking in heart or soul. I truly feel for the very young in our country today, especially the 500+ recent COB graduates.
sheeprunner12 8 years, 9 months ago on Why do you think the referendum bills failed?
Why do you think the referendum bills failed?
It was a vote of NO confidence in Perry and the PLP dem ........ plain and simple
Zakary 8 years, 9 months ago on Nottage ‘doesn’t know if anything went wrong’
Nottage ‘doesn’t know if anything went wrong’
“What I know is this,” he said, “the four questions were on each ballot and each ballot therefore had to be examined. The examination takes a lot longer because you had to count ‘yes’ and ‘no’ for each of the questions. And so this is one of the things that served the process bad.
Heaven help this current Government. We’ve had a referendum before with more than four questions, if my memory serves me well. I'm I going crazy...
This is just utter tripe. It’s totally unacceptable. Are they suggesting that we’ve regressed so far, that we can count votes better in 2002 than we can in 2016? The hell?
Keep this up and they’re going to have people campaigning against them they don’t want campaigning against them. Wow, and some of us try to have as much patience as possible with the PLP Government.
Reality_Check 8 years, 9 months ago on 199 Haitians caught on sloop
199 Haitians caught on sloop
Listed below are several of the arguments that have been used by misguided people to try and justify illegal immigration. Next to each is the reason why each of these arguments has no merit.
1) They are an economic necessity - Not true. The idea that a bunch of desperately poor, uneducated, unskilled, illegal foreigners are an economic necessity is ludicrous. In fact, when you compare cost vs. benefit, it is obvious that they are not only NOT a necessity; they are not even an asset. Rather, they are a liability and a huge one at that.
2) They do work Bahamians won’t do - Not true. They do work Bahamians won’t do for $5 an hour (especially if Bahamians can get non-productive jobs in an already bloated public sector or government handouts of one kind or another forever). Of course, if you got rid of the illegals, the jobs wouldn't pay $5 an hour. The people who wanted the work done would have to pay a wage that was attractive enough to get Bahamians to do the work. And it might even be enough so Bahamians could support themselves and get off the government gravy train that is killing private sector taxpayers!!
3) They work & contribute to our society - So do I. And if I break the law and commit crimes, I can expect to pay a penalty of some kind. Anything from a small fine to the death penalty. I do NOT get rewarded. This argument makes no sense.
4) They are just trying to make better lives - Aren't we all? The difference is that most of us understand that we don’t have a right to acquire by illegal means those things that we find difficult to acquire by legal means. And we certainly don’t have the right to do it in a foreign country. China certainly does not allow foreigners to enter their country illegally and break its laws. If you believe differently, go give it a try. Call me collect from the dungeon. Let me know how it went.....
5) It is impossible to round up and deport the illegals - We don’t have to. All we have to do is remove the incentives that brought them here in the first place. No jobs. No housing. No services, i.e. no education and minimal health and other benefits. Once we remove the incentives that brought them here, they will leave on their own.
6) It would be too expensive to round them up and deport them - See #5 above.
Continued.....see 7), 8), and 9) in next post immediately below.
My2cents 8 years, 10 months ago on Transgender plea for rights
Transgender plea for rights
I am all for equal rights...men, women, or whomever should be allowed to enter into marital contracts with whomever they chose and enjoy the same civil liberties that everyone else has.
What they seem to want is to become a protected class. However, being transgender is a choice regardless if the person feels it's their 'truth' or not. Only hermaphrodites and similar conditions are scientifically proven, but most transgenders are not that. Therefore, if a 6'+ man decides to wear a skirt, heels, make-up and expect to land a secretarial type job...he is delusional.
Society should not be forced to play along with anyone's delusions. I personally would not hire him for the same reason I would not hire a scantily clad woman with her breasts exposed, visible tattoos, etc. because I'm running a business, not a side show.
ohdrap4 8 years, 9 months ago on Wilchcombe: We are all to blame for crime levels
Wilchcombe: We are all to blame for crime levels
the copy desk made a mistake:
We Are All To Blame For Crime Levels
should read:
We, the PLP, Are All To Blame For Crime Levels
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 9 months ago on ‘Loretta more popular than party leader’
‘Loretta more popular than party leader’
And each time Brent Symonette opens his mouth in support of LBT, her chances of succeeding Minnis become slimmer and slimmer! Brent is the last person any right minded politician should want endorsement from.
John 8 years, 8 months ago on Roberts calls for Minnis, Butler-Turner to distance themselves from Rollins' statement
Roberts calls for Minnis, Butler-Turner to distance themselves from Rollins' statement
This is almost a reverse to the situation where the Republicans in the USA have blocked President Obama from appointing a replacement judge to the supreme court to replace judge,Antonin Scalia, who died in February. Even though President Obama had almost a full year left in his term they say they will block anyone Obama nominates to become a judge simply because they feel the new appointment should be made by the new president next year. In the main time they see nothing wrong with the highest court in the land operating one member short for one full year. In the case of Bah Mar, Andre Rollins represents the majority of Bahamians when he says Bah Mar should not receive further significant concessions to complete the resort, if any at all. Bah Mar has already received over 1/3 its value in free bees! It should actually be penalized for being two years late. And if the Chinese see the need for more gifts from the Bahamian people then what does this say about Izmirilian's failure to get the resort open? So now the Bahamian people are paying for the national stadium 'gifted to us, five times over. To ask FNM leader, Minnis, and Lorretta Butler-Turner to distance themselves from Rollins remarks, especially when they don't know what the concessions are, is like saying 'it's ok to give away the whole country, as long as it gets Bah Mar to open." And what about Peter Turnquest? Must he also be a signatory on a blank check to the Chinese? BTW what concessions are the Chinese getting on 'The Pointe' project, in addition to constructing without proper permits and using exclusively Chinese labor?
sheeprunner12 8 years, 8 months ago on QC: Dame Anita right to express views
QC: Dame Anita right to express views
The difference between the two Dames is that one is retired and one is active ....... one is free to take political sides and one should appear partial ........ one is clearly practical and one is under the influence of the politicians
John 8 years, 8 months ago on Butler-Turner and Sands in FNM leadership bid
Butler-Turner and Sands in FNM leadership bid
This country is at a critical cross road where Bahamians must elect a government that can steer them safely into the future. Obviously the present government does not have the interest of Bahamians at heart. They themselves are frittering away or mismanaging millions and millions in tax dollars and giving away many more millions and millions to foreign interests. The country cannot continue down this road. They are giving away our children's and grand children's birth rights. The only bigger mistake than re/electing this government is electing a team that is so green or so inexperienced or one that is just as bad that the country goes into an even worse state of dterrioration and mismanagement. The best way to vote is to vote for the best candidate in your constituency and hopefully the better government will emerge
sheeprunner12 8 years, 8 months ago on Butler-Turner and Sands in FNM leadership bid
Butler-Turner and Sands in FNM leadership bid
Most of our political, social and religious leaders are freemasons ....... that is what is so dangerous about our small society
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 8 months ago on Butler-Turner and Sands in FNM leadership bid
Butler-Turner and Sands in FNM leadership bid
Hmmm, I wish he hadn't associated himself with the back stabbing agenda. Dr Minnis may not be the right leader but the confusion they caused trying to oust him is probably indicative of their modus operandi. Not good for Dr Sands in my opinion.
watcher 8 years, 10 months ago on $47m lost at Road Traffic
$47m lost at Road Traffic
(Who hires those unethical thieving RTD employees???)
All these corrupt practices and procedures are allowed by their unethical thieving bosses, who answer to the unethical, thieving Ministers, who sit in Cabinet with the unethical, thieving Prime Minister
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 9 months ago on ‘Voting no could open door to same-sex marriage’
‘Voting no could open door to same-sex marriage’
No righted minded Bahamian would ever a trust a word coming out of the mouth of smooth talking disingenuous Sean McWeeney. The corruption running rampant in our country today is directly attributable to this despicable man's willingness to do the bidding of the corrupt Christie-led PLP government no matter what its hidden and hideous agenda may be. Here are the facts McQueeney doesn't want voters to know. The amendment proposed by Bill#4 would prevent discrimination of any kind based on the word "sex" which means our parliamentarians would then be free to legislate same-sex marriages with the simple stroke of their pen once the courts latch on to the word "sex" (aka sexual orientation) in their rulings against discrimination. This is why the corrupt Christie led-PLP government and the detestable likes of Sean McWeeney, Rubie Nottage, Sharon Wilson, Lynn Holowesko, etc. have steadfastly refused to support the drafting of a proposed amendment that would unequivocally define "marriage" as the legal union through wedlock of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all other forms of union whether they be between man and man, woman and woman, man and sheep and woman and sheep. The Bahamas is not America; we have our own culture and identity and the vast majority of Bahamians want our constitution to be amended in a way that would respect and protect the institution of marriage as we have known it for centuries. Most Bahamians now know they need to do the right thing and vote a resounding "NO!" on June 7th to all four of the proposed amendments given that each of them contains serious flaws of one kind or another that would prove most harmful to our society and way of life.