
1 Vote

abcd1234 12 years, 10 months ago on Perry Christie 'encouraged by support'

Well, aren't we so lucky to have PLP back!!!! FNM did more in those five years, than Perry would ever do. If you say different, whatever.

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concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago on Seven new PLP Senators

wait K Bell is a senator and a minister of state in security , boy he hit the lotto ,thats cuase he did such a good job finding crookedness in the ministry of housing when he was a police inspecter, wink wink ,,,,glad to see hard work and honesty still payoff, LMAO

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jt 12 years, 9 months ago on UPDATE: SUSPECTS CAUGHT

Good job RBPF. Now let's hurry up and let these guys out on bail so they can continue their spree.