Honestman 9 years ago on ‘Significant movement’ on Baha Mar, says Prime Minister
‘Significant movement’ on Baha Mar, says Prime Minister
“In short, I am anticipating that in the not too distant future you will have a significant statement giving an indication of what I am talking about.”
This will be Perry Christie's epitaph!
thomas 8 years, 10 months ago on ‘Time to stop using the race card in politics’
‘Time to stop using the race card in politics’
Totally agree. There are many things tearing this country down and the white man isn't one of them.
DillyTree 8 years, 4 months ago on UPDATED: Gibson blasts Sandals as 600 lose their jobs
UPDATED: Gibson blasts Sandals as 600 lose their jobs
And the beat goes on. When will people see that these "foreigners" are the ones bringing jobs to this country -- it's not like we are producing jobs on our own. So when we start behaving like spoiled brat unions, what else do we expect?
Sandals is tired of strongarm union tactics, so have simply acted to protect themselves. So let's see how the whole negotiations go from here. The 600 employees will surely tell the union to stop with the BS and negotiate in good faith - not like thugs.
Sickened 8 years, 4 months ago on UPDATED: Gibson blasts Sandals as 600 lose their jobs
UPDATED: Gibson blasts Sandals as 600 lose their jobs
Sandals/Breezes/Atlantis etc. etc. wouldn't be here if they had to have a Bahamian partner. Plus, these Bahamian partners are always family members of politicians. Going back some 20 years now, everyone I personally know who tried to get a business going (even Bahamians - albeit white Bahamians), were not only told that they needed a Bahamian partner, but were told who that partner should be.
The vast majority of Bahamian officials are crooks, gangsters and thieves. We Bahamians get what these nasty officials alone deserve.
themessenger 8 years, 4 months ago on DNA blasts Govt over failure to ‘stand up’ for Sandals workers
DNA blasts Govt over failure to ‘stand up’ for Sandals workers
What is it with Bahamian politicians, wannabe politicians and unionists that they can't seem to grasp the fact that private businesses first responsibility is to their shareholders. They are in business to make money not to provide jobs or prop up corrupt politicians, governments or all for me unionists who make doing business here a nightmare. What law in this country says that a private employer has to keep their doors open, particularly if they're losing money or being harassed by the unions, just to appease the government or the unions executive? Those people have been made redundant and paid their severance in accordance with the law thanks to incompetent meddlers like Obie Ferguson and Shane Gibson. Greed and bully tactics will get you nowhere and in these desperate economic times half a loaf is better than none at all. As you said Mr. Ferguson, those employees have been vindicated under the law of the land. How is your unions unemployment benefits fund looking these days? How are your unemployment numbers looking now Mr. Gibson? Those Sandals employees should be looking for you two with a barrel of hot tar and a sack of feathers.
John 8 years, 4 months ago on DNA blasts Govt over failure to ‘stand up’ for Sandals workers
DNA blasts Govt over failure to ‘stand up’ for Sandals workers
So what about the armies of Chinese construction workers, doing two and three shifts while Bahamian construction workers sitting idle..such hyprocrisy..(yea it spell wrong) so you get the point. And even more about to be hired...where is our national pride..let me guess..at the (Chinese) national stadium wat aint hardly ever used?
jackflash 8 years, 4 months ago on Martin: Sandals move ‘a slap in the face’
Martin: Sandals move ‘a slap in the face’
Jack Tar Resort in West End, Grand Bahama closed it's doors and left a fully furnished hotel and marina because of the hotel union. They left food on the shelves of the grocery store, golf carts, etc. Didn't bother to take anything with them, just their weekly payroll. They warned the union that they could operate under the unions demands. But the union wouldn't budge. So the company split, never to do business again in the Bahamas.
They were good to the people of West Grand Bahama and everyone who wanted a job had one.
West End has never recovered. Now people have to come to Freeport for work. They had it good and the union screwed it up.
Sandals in Exuma is not turning a profit, was Nassau?
Be careful of what you wish for!
They could roll out of here in an instant!
John 8 years, 4 months ago on PM is defended over Baha Mar
PM is defended over Baha Mar
Unfortunately the Christie government is the main reason Bah Mar was brought to s squeeching halt and so now they only fixing what they helped create. When Izlirimian was crying out to the government for help and trying to get them to see the problems he was having with the Chinese, Christie called him a crazy mad and sided with the Chinese in taking Bah Mar into receivership. And over the year of doing so everything the Bah Mar developer was complaining about was proven to be true: shoddy work, missed deadlines, failure of contractor to pay sub contractors and a strange and guarded relationship between the bank and the contractor.
Honestman 8 years, 4 months ago on PM is defended over Baha Mar
PM is defended over Baha Mar
Christie was "not specific regarding the development’s opening date, only saying that its doors were expected to open no later than the end of winter 2017."
Every Baha Mar timeline the Prime Minister has hitherto promised has proven to be unreliable and so Bahamians should treat this opening date "with a grain of salt". Even if a genuine World Class operator were to be secured, a year-end 2017 opening date seems ridiculously optimistic. So we wait on the revelation of this World Class owner / operator with wonderment in the knowledge that no such operator would purchase Baha Mar for anything less than a substantial discount on its book value. We also know that the Chinese are not prepared to accept anything less than 100 cents in the dollar. Therefore, my friends I ask the question: who will be making up the difference? You've guessed it: you and me and the generation to come. That's probably why the Prime Minister was looking so miserable in making the big announcement. He knows what he's had to give away and it ain't pretty. Or maybe I've just gotten too cynical in my old age. Maybe I should just trust the PM like the AG says. I can trust her too, right?
Honestman 8 years, 4 months ago on PM is defended over Baha Mar
PM is defended over Baha Mar
My sober assessment is that this whole exercise was a PLP political stunt timed to take the focus off the news of the rating downgrade and aimed at fooling the electorate that the resort is moving forward (just in time for the general election). In reality nothing has changed. The government (or we the people) are likely paying for construction to begin (in the form of current and future concessions) and the "World Class" operator has not yet been identified or, if they have, their credentials are suspect. I would so love to be wrong.
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 4 months ago on A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: How Perry Christie has sold out the country over Baha Mar
A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: How Perry Christie has sold out the country over Baha Mar
A well written indictment of Christie and summation of his legacy as the "sole owner" of the Baha Mar debacle. With more in-depth investigation though, you would have learned that none other than the evil serpent a.k.a. Sir Snake has been advising Christie behind the scenes on how best to ensure the political elite and their business cronies (in addition to Christie's Chinese friends) all make out like bandits while honest hard working Bahamian taxpayers get stuck with, better still, royally screwed by, the bill.
SP 8 years, 4 months ago on Wilchcombe: Govt has taken right approach to Baha Mar deal
Wilchcombe: Govt has taken right approach to Baha Mar deal
.................................................... STFU Useless Obie ......................................................
"Cuba,has 63,000 hotel rooms, Dominican Republic has 55,000 hotel rooms, Jamaica has more than 30,000 rooms, Puerto Rico has more than 30,000, **and we are around 15,000.
How does Oble figure Bahamas as one of the "leaders" in regional tourism when we are in dead last position?
Bahamas sits on the doorstep of 400M North Americans and we failed to maintain a viable tourism product??
PLP and FNM led the country from highest standard of living and number one in regional tourism to deep poverty and the bottom of heap in regional tourism!
Go to hell Ms. Wilchcombe and take that worthless, POS, dancing idiot of a PM you worship with you.
DillyTree 7 years, 11 months ago on Attorney apologises for calling Bahamians ‘hateful’
Attorney apologises for calling Bahamians ‘hateful’
Many black Bahamians do not like white people, period -- that is true and I see it very damn day. Only thing is, I'm a white Bahamian. And why is it that many black Bahamians don't think there are such things as white Bahamians? They don't like their own countrymen, so it certainly stands to reason they don't like the foreign ones either. Call it like it is, Mr. Smith. And you know he's right.
banker 7 years, 9 months ago on FNM: Baha Mar move a photo op
FNM: Baha Mar move a photo op
Now I know that you are a brainless PLP troll. You had me fooled for awhile. I thought for a minute that you had at least an iota of cognitive abilities. I put my trust in humanity, and the PLP prostitutes who have no moral or ethical compasses have let me down. I thought that perhaps you were a REAL Bahamian and person who could think.
realfreethinker 7 years, 9 months ago on FNM: Baha Mar move a photo op
FNM: Baha Mar move a photo op
Another brainless plp troll. But never had me fooled birdie.
concernedcitizen 7 years, 9 months ago on FNM: Baha Mar move a photo op
FNM: Baha Mar move a photo op
Birdie go online and book a room at Baha mar ,,book one april 2017 or December 2017 ,,you can,t !!! They will bring in some travel agents or 100 people for free ,,They are not selling rooms and that's what a hotel does ,,Birdie tell me when you make that reservation
OldFort2012 7 years, 9 months ago on ‘Dock tax’ crackdown on gated communities
‘Dock tax’ crackdown on gated communities
Lets do some maths, shall we: 1. Average Bahamian Income is $21,000. VAT on this is: 21k x 7% = B$1,470 on average per person per year. A "foreigner" will spend 10 times that, no problem. His VAT contribution is thus $14,700. 2. All the "stock market gains" you mention are taxed where they are made. You don't think they are made here, do you? Therefore, simply does not apply. Income tax: the overwhelming majority of "foreigners" do not have the right to work. Therefore what income tax you gonna charge them, brainbox? 3. If it wasn't for the "foreigners" paying their bills on time, BEC, Water, BahamasAir, etc. would be long bankrupt, as Bahamians are notoriously tardy in paying their bills. These institutions are run at massive losses because they are so inefficient, employing 100 people to do the job of 5 in the "first world". Look at average kwh electricity cost in Miami: 7 cents, and they make a profit. Here it is 35 cents and we are still losing money. Enough said. On top of all that you "forget" that the "foreigners" employ tens of thousands of Bahamians, who would just join the unemployment queue if they were not here. They bring in $100s of millions every year to support their lifestyles. Without that money the B$ would long ago have devalued to 30c US. As it still soon will. But at least we got 20 years of grace. I am just amazed that they are willing to put up with all the shit we come up with and they don't pack up and leave. Would be no more than we deserve.
Economist 7 years, 9 months ago on ‘Dock tax’ crackdown on gated communities
‘Dock tax’ crackdown on gated communities
Tal, anyone who lives behind those gates are already paying the bulk of what goes into the Treasury.
DDK 7 years, 9 months ago on ‘Dock tax’ crackdown on gated communities
‘Dock tax’ crackdown on gated communities
And to think, the Bahamas used to advertise as a country with very low taxation to attract foreign investors. We must now be very high on the global 'most taxed countries' list. They are taxing locals, foreign investors and visitors into oblivion. Talk about killing the goose.......
Government coming into power PLEASE TAKE NOTE!
watcher 8 years, 9 months ago on PM 'promised' land to Nygard
PM 'promised' land to Nygard
In any civilised country, this would topple the Government