DillyTree 10 years, 8 months ago on F.N.M. deputy's comments on new B.T.C. C.E.O. 'disgraceful'
F.N.M. deputy's comments on new B.T.C. C.E.O. 'disgraceful'
Well, Mrs. Butler-Turner called it, didn't she? And look what came to pass. Speaking of disgraceful, Mr Gray should fix his own face and mouth instead of parroting the party line.
This is more of the PLP and Mr. Christie's foolish pride and hubris that lets the BTC issue continue to make fools of them for the fools that actually believe that they ever owned a stake in BTC in the first place. Were any of us getting dividends for our shares in the company? How exactly did the Bahamian people have any stake? And only those fools believe that Williams is anything but a shadow puppet to appease those who want to see their beloved Perry put a Bahamian back in charge. Who is fool enough to believe this? Does anyone actually believe that Williams will have any say in the day to day business of BTC? He has a desk and a chair. Period.
DillyTree 10 years, 8 months ago on DION SMITH: Nassau Village 'frighteningly poor'
DION SMITH: Nassau Village 'frighteningly poor'
I applaud Mr. Smith for speaking out. At least the dire conditions in this country are being acknowledged while much of the government seems to have turned a blind eye or is totally out of touch with reality. But before we get too excited over Mr. Smith's ephiphany, this is nothing the average Bahamian doesn't already know.
What we do want to know is what is being done to fix this and alleviate the suffering?
In the old days a community would have rallied together to help each other. Where is that same concern for our neighbours today? Where are the churches? Where are the community leaders? Waiting for government to fix things has not proven effective -- at least not in recent times.
moncurcool 10 years, 8 months ago on Gibson: 30,000 now employed who were out of work
Gibson: 30,000 now employed who were out of work
It is amazing how many senile persons are in the House of Assembly. Yet Sandilands would not come and take them to where they belong. Is Shane Serious? Did he read over his speech before he came to parliament? Does he in all stupidity believe they created 30,000 jobs since 2012 just because of NIB contributions? That comment alone ought to be enough to kick him out of the House of Assembly.
. I'm just sick and tried of these tired politicians with the lame way of doing things. Is there any wonder our country is going the way it is when you have idiots running the show?
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 8 months ago on Flowers would offer deal to small webshops
Flowers would offer deal to small webshops
Christie stands up on the floor of the House of Assembly and claims he must ignore the outcome of our most recent referendum, duly held at his instigation, because he considers it in our national interest for him to do so. He claims to have only just found out about the concerns our Central Bank has about how the numbers' bosses are now using the proceeds of their illegal activities given that they do not have any legitimate access to our normal banking system as a result of the global anti-money laundering standards to which our banks are obliged to adhere. Yes, Mr. Christie, the numbers' bosses have a significant book of mortgage business in Bahamian dollars and this is causing a problem for our local banks. And yes, Mr. Christie, to the extent they can do so, our numbers' bosses are illegally exchanging their illegally obtained Bahamian dollars for U.S. dollars which they can then bank in other jurisdictions that do not have or enforce ant-money laundering laws as stringent as ours and this in turn is wreaking havoc on our Central Bank's ability to control the level of our foreign currency reserves. Where have you been Mr. Christie for the past decade....most bankers have known of these issues for ages now....none of this should be news to you, especially given the type of horse you apparently have in the race to now try and legalize the illegal activities of the numbers' bosses. Here's what you need to do in our national interest to address the concerns of our Central Bank and our many senior bankers in the private sector: Shut down the illegal operations of the numbers' bosses (any business licenses they may now hold could not possibly have been legally obtained); confiscate all of their assets (including their book of mortgage loans) for the benefit of our Public Treasury (it is not an unreasonable presumption in law that all of their assets were obtained from the proceeds of crime); give the confiscated book of mortgage business to the Central Bank to administer over the lives of the mortgage loans; stop making a fool of yourself by ignoring the will of the Bahamian people as already expressed by them in the democratic processes of this country that they hold so dearly; stop making us look like fools in the eyes of international agencies whose mission it is to uphold anti-money laundering standards to keep out of the banking system the proceeds of crime that all to frequently find their way into the pockets of terrorist organizations; WAKE UP MR. CHRISTIE! THAT HORSE YOU HAVE IN THE RACE IS NOW IRREPARABLY MAMED AND YOU HAD BETTER DO THE RIGHT THING OR THERE WILL NO PLP TOMORROW....perhaps you're now too old to care and simply hold the view that your seriously flawed and impaired decisions made today are for the younger members of your political party to worry about after you ride off into the sunset. What a destructive legacy you seem hell bent on creating for those who try to follow in politics under the PLP banner...
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 8 months ago on ‘Public is wrong over issue of raise in M.P. salaries’
‘Public is wrong over issue of raise in M.P. salaries’
Freddie Boy, let's try get things "straight" here (pun fully intended). You more than any MP in the history of our parliamentary democracy love the trappings of public office (almost as much as you love yourself). You are so enamored by all the hobnobbing you get to do with other government elitists of your ilk during your many lavish trips abroad at the expense of the poor peasant voters you loathe to mingle with back home. YOU WANT PRIVACY FROM THE POOR PEASANT VOTERS, FREDDIE BOY.....THEN WHY DON'T YOU JUST CRAWL BACK INTO YOUR OWN LITTLE CLOSET?! (once again, pun fully intended!!)
jlcandu 10 years, 8 months ago on ‘Public is wrong over issue of raise in M.P. salaries’
‘Public is wrong over issue of raise in M.P. salaries’
This coming from Mr. Mitchell, who blew his annual travel budget within the first few months of being in office!!! It's easy to complain when you are spending someone else's money!!!
Mr. Mitchell, now is not the time to be building a new Parliament OR PM's residence. Fix the crime problem, fix the poverty problem, fix the education system... There are more pressing matters in this country than YOUR working conditions, which YOU only show up very infrequently.
Of course, you can't expect anything better from someone who thinks that everyone who doesn't agree with him is an idiot. Must be a very small world for you, Mr. Mitchell.
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 8 months ago on ‘Public is wrong over issue of raise in M.P. salaries’
‘Public is wrong over issue of raise in M.P. salaries’
I have never seen someone so clearly unsuited for public SERVICE
jackbnimble 10 years, 8 months ago on LADY PINDLING OWES $306,000
I love this new "media is our watchdog" thing that has come to Bahamian politics. It is obvious going forward thay anyone who is looking to ascend to high office had better have their ducks in a row!! Leaders should lead by example from the GG down. I don't care who it is and what their contribution to the Bahamas has been. Pay ya damned bills!!!
The_Oracle 10 years, 8 months ago on LADY PINDLING OWES $306,000
OK, we need a citizen appointed Royal commission of inquiry on delinquent tax payers from the political elite, the connected and the wealthy, then everyone else! Check the bill paying status of anyone on that commission first! Rack 'em and Stack 'em! There seems to be no rock without some shyster hiding under it! What a legacy they've built for themselves, Stellar, absolutely stellar! Forget forgiveness, we need stocks in Rawson Square!
DillyTree 10 years, 8 months ago on LADY PINDLING OWES $306,000
Oh, then that's ok, as it isn't her fault. Maybe with the dreadful mail service we have, she never got the bill for 14 years either. And then the bank lost the cheques that she did send faithfully all those years, and the treasury applied it to the wrong account....
The excuses keep coming! LOL!
BDN 10 years, 8 months ago on LADY PINDLING OWES $306,000
Where do you get that kool-aid from? I been looking for a new flavor to taste.
jlcandu 10 years, 8 months ago on LADY PINDLING OWES $306,000
I've heard this nonsense before from PLP's claiming Mrs. Pindling "has done much for the Bahamas and its people". I in turn asked what exactly has she done -- besides being the former PM's wife.
So I ask you. What has she done? What are her accomplishments over the 20+ years she was the PM's wife? I'd like to know...
asiseeit 10 years, 8 months ago on LADY PINDLING OWES $306,000
The POLITICAL CLASS of this country need to be taken down a notch or maybe even taken out. These set are WORSE than the BAY STREET BOYS at least when they got taken out the country had money in the bank! People are starting to say words that start with R, such as revolt, revolution, rebel, but surely NOT re-elect. And lets be strait, ALL of the POLITICAL CLASS need to CHECK STOCK, the people will only take so much!
P.S Birdie, I want some of what you are drinking, then even when I am getting swing I will be able to smile and think it is all good.
sheeprunner12 10 years, 8 months ago on LADY PINDLING OWES $306,000
You said a mouthful........... these are the "Sunshine Boys" named by Greg Moss ............ he defined them perfectly ....... Snake and the Boys
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 8 months ago on LADY PINDLING OWES $306,000
Why did The Nassau Guardian choose a picture of Mrs. Ping standing next to Sir Pompie who now serves as our Chief Justice of The Supreme Court? Is it possibly because they may know he too has not paid all of his taxes? Now that would be a truly scandalous revelation, in which case all of us should immediately stop paying any and all taxes. fees, etc. of any kind levied by our corrupt government.
DillyTree 10 years, 8 months ago on LADY PINDLING OWES $306,000
I am a Bahamian who pays all my bills on time -- electric, tax, property tax, National Insurance, etc. So do all of my 80-something relatives, so this talk about giving her a pass because she's old doesn't wash. Most old people aren't getting $75k a year for doing absolutely nothing -- have you seen what National Insuance expects people to live on these days? Stop making excuses for her -- she needs to pay her taxes like everyone else. And if she can't pay them, sell the house and move into a nice condo or apartment somewhere. That is everyone else's reality.
John 10 years, 8 months ago on LADY PINDLING OWES $306,000
Maybe this is a good time for the government to have an amnesty period and allow those who want to bring their property taxes current to do so. Part of the problem was that when this tax was introduced, many years ago, many persons did not pay RPT because they felt the tax was both unfair and an unnecessary burden. Now come times like this when tax bills have escalated into the hundreds of thousands of dollars and some people (politicians included) have no means to pay. The only option left to some people may be to sell the property and pay off the taxes. The lesson here is to remember that as you get older or when the economy goes bad your income stream may be substantially reduced. Also the value levied on your properties may increase, thus increasing the amount of tax you will have to pay. Either property owners must plan for taxes when they retire or sell off their properties and move into smaller homes. Personally I think that persons over the age of 65 should be exempt from paying property taxes on one residential property until their demise, provided they can show proof that they live there.
asiseeit 10 years, 8 months ago on LADY PINDLING OWES $306,000
The fact of the matter is that there is a class of people that believe that the Bahamas is THEIRS, they think that they are the ELITE, they think that they are ABOVE THE LAW, they are THE POLITICAL CLASS! The rest of us are just PLEBES that must bow down and pay THEIR TAXES to KEEP THE POLITICAL CLASS IN THE MANNER THEY HAVE BECOME ACCUSTOMED! The FAT CATS have run this country into the ground. They have become WEALTHY beyond what most of us could dream of and they want MORE. Regular Bahamians are fit only to grovel at the feet of the POLITICAL CLASS, pay your taxes so they can live large and nothing more. Oh ya, when they waste, steal, and bestow all the taxes on them and theirs, THEY ARE COMING FOR MORE!
jackbnimble 10 years, 8 months ago on Key: Haitian descendents born in Bahamas should get citizenship
Key: Haitian descendents born in Bahamas should get citizenship
So let me see if I get this.... I jump on a boat and break a country's laws by entering it illegally. I stay under the radar and work illegally ensuring that I don't get caught and while I am under the radar I have some children at the country's hospital be cause they can't arrest me there. When the children come of age, I send them to public school cause they can't arrest me there or stop my children from attending. At age 18 my children should now be made citizens of this same country that I entered illegally because they been here all this time, this is the only country they know and furthermore that country's constitution gives them the right to apply. So when my children don't get the approval automatically there is a problem.
Small wonder we have THOUSANDS of illegals here milking the slack system. ONLY IN THE THE 242! Let's entrench this sh** and reward them for their efforts and make them ALL citizens!
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 8 months ago on F.N.M. deputy's comments on new B.T.C. C.E.O. 'disgraceful'
F.N.M. deputy's comments on new B.T.C. C.E.O. 'disgraceful'
Give me a break, phone card sales were a relatively recent service offered by BTC, what accounts for the relatively low profits pre service? I'd be happy too if I was being paid a high salary with crazy benefits and could show up to work one hour per day. Let's not gloss over what BTC was in the "good old days", sweetheart/constituency member employment agency and contract giveaway service, all under Mr Williams' watchful eyes, and EVERYBODY knows it.