
9 Vote

banker 7 years, 11 months ago on Pastors' plea to US on gay rights

I wish that these so-called ministers would emulate Jesus. He hung out with tax collectors, sinners and prostitutes. He welcomed the poor and marginalised. He accepted everyone. These ministers are charlatans who skew the old covenant words of an inexact book to raise their own profiles. They have no right leading people, leeching off them by collecting money and preaching hate against a group of people who cannot help the fact that they are gay. The ministers are despicable human beings who preach hate under the guise of religion. They should be banned.

9 Vote

Chucky 7 years, 11 months ago on Pastors' plea to US on gay rights

I would like to suggest an alternative:

Pass laws banning the practice of any religion, in every country in the world.

Here are some good reasons:

Religion is man mad, and has nothing to do with any god. If we came from Adam and Eve, and they had two children- Cain & Able, how did they reproduce...... so many lies in all the " good books"

Pastors and Preachers etc, quite often take the church money to buy big houses and fancy cars.

Religion is the cause of many wars and much violence. While its true their have been wars caused by the non religious, if we ban religion we can eventually grow out of religious wars and violence.

Many in the church are the most despicable people on this earth, take the Catholic church for instance, how many members have been caught up in paedophilia , the whole church including the pope supports transferring these criminals to other jurisdictions to avoid prosecution.

Christians burned " witches at the stake" for 500 years Christians used to burry children in foundations and post holes to appease the weather gods. Exodus verse 21 21 clearly states that you can beat your slaves (just another religious verse supporting slavery and the slaves torcher)

Need I go on? The church is last place on earth we will ever find the "moral high ground"!

Anything good that is done in the name of god, would be better done just because a person thought it should be. Do you really need God to tell you to help others, you'd be a better person if you help others because you believe you should, not needing "god" to tell you to.

Religions collect billions yearly, pay no taxes and for the most part, don't spend the money on people in need. What good is this? Ie the Catholic church is one of the richest institutions in the world. If there was a god, and one worthy of praying to, he'd never want any of these scumbag organizations who purport to do his work. Also, if a god created the earth, he'd easily create money for those in need......

I'm not a fan of, nor someone who can dislike someone because they're gay or lesbian. I can only like or dislike those who I've met. The few I've met are no worse than anyone else, and likely a lot better than the religious freak pastors and preachers who speak all these "good words" and meanwhile take all the church money for themselves..

I know, god works in mysterious ways- Lets stop this foolishness and move on with life.

14 Vote

242613 7 years, 11 months ago on Pastors' plea to US on gay rights

Why is it they only come out regarding anything gay/LGBT? Crime, poverty, dead beat fathers, adutry, fornication, courrption, sex abuse scandals, etc, these men say not a word. Their obsessed with this! Something's fishy!

3 Vote

Reality_Check 7 years, 8 months ago on Roker: Arrogant PLP face oblivion

Is this the best The Tribune can do to try titillate us into visiting its web site? Get your journalists out there to do some real, albeit costlier, investigative reporting of the kind that is much more meaningful to your readers but puts less profits in your owners' coffers!

2 Vote
1 Vote

avidreader 7 years, 6 months ago on Cheap Japanese car imports driving the industry down

How can anyone say that a damaged vehicle imported from the USA is better than a used Japanese vehicle? The Japanese government refuses to allow the export of flood damaged or rebuilt cars for fear of damaging the reputation of their manufacturers. However, many damaged and rebuilt vehicles are allowed to be exported from the USA. When companies like Fiat-Chrysler learn to build reliable vehicles like Honda and Toyota then we can talk again. Just check the reliability statistics from a source like Kelly Blue Book or MSN Autos for confirmation. There are many 10-15 year old Japanese cars on the road every day.

2 Vote

JohnDoe 7 years, 6 months ago on Cheap Japanese car imports driving the industry down

Thanks Mr. Scavella for telling me I am not getting value for my car because "the auto repair sector guys aren’t getting any money because for one, if there’s an accident or any significant damage to those vehicles, people simply say they’ll buy a new one".

You cannot make this stuff up. Maybe we should all buy new Japanese or South American made $50,000 economy cars sold in America so that the auto repair guys can have something to do. I have a $5,000 Japanese car that I have had for five years which has costs me less than $500 over the 5 years in maintenance. That is value for money Mr. Scavella and maybe you and the new car dealers do no like it but it benefits the average consumer. Is it possible that the issue that most repair mechanics have is shoddy workmanship and overcharging consumers?

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jackbnimble 7 years, 6 months ago on Cheap Japanese car imports driving the industry down

It's hard to feel sorry for the new car businesses. Their prices for new cars are grossly inflated and the poor consumer just cannot afford them. 20% down with a 5-year term to pay it off and a heft insurance payment to boot. Makes sense to just join an asue and buy a car for about $5,000 cash. Although I agree the market is oversaturated with used Jap cars, at least they are affordable, they are definitely not gas guzzlers and the air pollution is considerably less.

Here's an ide for a get rich quick fix: Open a Jap car parts shop. In another 5 years when these cars start to have problems, you will be rich.

1 Vote

John 7 years, 6 months ago on Cheap Japanese car imports driving the industry down

What Mr. Scavella failed to mention is that most people importing the cheap Japanese cars are not his customers anyway. Most of them are first time car owners who see the Japanese cars as a way to own a vehicle without involving the bank and without having to owe anyone. Others are persons with bad credit or limited funds. The Japanese car is a bargain and their fuel efficiency makes them even more affordable. In other words if it were not for the Japanese cars many people who own them will not have a car. They will not be going onto and car lot in Nassau where cars cost upwards of $20,000.00. In fact their next option would be to bring a car in from the US even if it is damaged and has to be repaired. New cars sold in Nassau is just plain and simple the last option for many because of the price. This is no fault of the car dealers and if they can convince the government to lower duties on new vehicles that may help. But remember the country is still in recession if not a depression and majority of people are struggling to make ends meet.

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DEDDIE 7 years, 5 months ago on Haitians warn PM over exit deadline

The Tribune knows exactly how to stroke passions. They went into those areas with the headline and article already written and needed some fool to help them filled in the blanks. Why couldn't the headline read, "Haitians concern about children not going to school" . Nooo! that headline will be too positive for such a people.

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DEDDIE 7 years, 3 months ago on Irma saves Bahamas from EU blacklist

Regardless of what the Bahamas does, it will be blacklisted. They EU objective is to make the Bahamas totally dependent on AID from the develop world. Such nations are easier to control.From colonization to independence and back to colonization.

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John2 7 years, 3 months ago on Irma saves Bahamas from EU blacklist

Every few years we have to amend finance laws and sign agreements to avoid these blacklist. The developed countries keep finding ways to ensure we as developing country continue to struggle while they laugh all the way to the Banks !