That is why we need change. The musical chairs between the PLP and the FNM or former law partners Christie Ingraham has been going on too long, 20 plus years! The Bahamas Petroleun Company has been exploring since 2005 to 2012 and the execitive of BPC says they have spent in excess of $50,000,000.! So pray tell where are the receipts to show where the money was spent. Homeboy Albury that is why we need change.
P.S.Thanks DNA for fighting for the business people and merchants who suffered from business losses and cliente when the roads were dug up.
Oh yeah also thanks for wanting to reorganize the Education system where the present govt Education budget is $290,000,000. to educate some 49,850 or 50,000 students at $5,800 per year or $1,933 per term which is like the second most expensive school fees in this country! Unbelievable ! Stop pouring our tax dollars on Education instead of getting value for money! Young man you definately have testicular fortitude. You and the DNA have the correct right stuff and your new broom would sweep clean !
mybiggerpapa 12 years, 10 months ago on Albury challenges party leaders over oil
Albury challenges party leaders over oil
That is why we need change. The musical chairs between the PLP and the FNM or former law partners Christie Ingraham has been going on too long, 20 plus years! The Bahamas Petroleun Company has been exploring since 2005 to 2012 and the execitive of BPC says they have spent in excess of $50,000,000.! So pray tell where are the receipts to show where the money was spent. Homeboy Albury that is why we need change. P.S.Thanks DNA for fighting for the business people and merchants who suffered from business losses and cliente when the roads were dug up. Oh yeah also thanks for wanting to reorganize the Education system where the present govt Education budget is $290,000,000. to educate some 49,850 or 50,000 students at $5,800 per year or $1,933 per term which is like the second most expensive school fees in this country! Unbelievable ! Stop pouring our tax dollars on Education instead of getting value for money! Young man you definately have testicular fortitude. You and the DNA have the correct right stuff and your new broom would sweep clean !