leeza 12 years, 9 months ago on DNA to create shadow cabinet
DNA to create shadow cabinet
I am happy that Branville McCartney decided not to return to the FNM, he is out let him stay out. He lies like fish. Intergrity needs to be his watch word and then carry it out. The FNM is better off with him right where he is. Next election he will get less votes than the last election, if they are still around. Please dont come back, your claim is that to the DNA's membership growing I greatly question. again why cause you is lie. Then you say yall will hold the government accountable you is the offical opposition aye.The first time you have spoken why cos your big ego who stroked. To think that "they want me back that" made you feel invincible, I was happy when it was clarified that not you but that plea was all FNMS to return home.Thought you were so special you are just another vote. Please stop lying and resign as you said you would..........just another lie.
pfunkf 12 years, 9 months ago on DNA to create shadow cabinet
DNA to create shadow cabinet
the more rope you give this guy the sooner he will hang himself.he feeds off media attention.he is unbelievably drunk with ego and deception.first he thinks himself to be the bahama obama, now his totally rejected band of misfits the offical opposition.the plot thickens,give it obout one more year or so and it will be clear for all to see who are the puppet masters behind the traitor.
PKMShack 12 years, 8 months ago on Is this meeting just one big charade?
Is this meeting just one big charade?
@Concerned I am with you, there is no benefit to Government having anything to do with CWC. BEC and Bahamasair should be sold next.
proudloudandfnm 12 years, 9 months ago on DNA to create shadow cabinet
DNA to create shadow cabinet
Man just let the DNA die!!! When will this idiot realize he is only hurting our country with his nonsense!?!? We do not need the DNa and it's slate of joker candidates! We need them to fade out and go away forever. Bran you courted a known drug runner, you took advice from the most crooked immoral politician in the Bahams, you accepted a candidate for MICAL that was actually under indictment for stealing from JA. You put up the most naieve beligireant ignorant slate of candidates in the history of politics in this nation. Celi Moss? Dario Terreli? Ben Albury? Rodney Moncur? Man you have to be joking!!! You were never serious about helping our country, you raced to put candidates up just so you could hurt the FNM out of spite. You are a traitor and a joke. I never want to see you in my government again!!