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FrustratedBusinessman 3 years, 4 months ago on Churches condemn rising domestic violence
Churches condemn rising domestic violence
As if the irreligious parts of the world are any better when it comes to this issue, and no, those teachings do not lead to domestic violence. On the contrary, the Bible says to love your wife as yourself. One flesh. I will tell you like I tell everyone else : unless you have read the Bible cover to cover, don't have an opinion on it.
Anything to Christian bash by the midwit atheists on this forum.
birdiestrachan 3 years, 4 months ago on EDITORIAL: Marital rape issue is a stain on our reputation
EDITORIAL: Marital rape issue is a stain on our reputation
When a marriage reaches the offence of marital rape. it is time for both to go their separate ways. The marriage is over.
Churches and the Government may assist such persons who find themselves in these situations.
These cases may also be difficult to prove especially if they both live in the same house.