Not FNM Under Minnis

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ClearlyThinking 12 years, 4 months ago on Rejecting the gay and lesbian agenda

Firstly, let me congratulate you for writing this article all by yourself. It must have taken a really long time. I think you had a few minor lapses in logic but they can be easily addressed and corrected. I will quote a few of them:

"But how can we give equality to an agenda that is flawed and in my view wrong?"

I have absolutely no idea how you can believe that anyone wanting equality is "flawed" especially when you've already referenced injustices that never should have existed because they disrespected people's humanity. Perhaps you only referenced these decisions because in "your view" it was correct.

Please understand that firstly, no one gives a damn about your views, and secondly, your views have nothing to do with what is correct and what constitutes as equality or not. Segregation and slavery were wrong in their own right, not because you disagreed with them.

Next, "Their struggle has nothing to do with race and as a result we now have blacks and whites fighting in unison to further their cause. They believe that their “struggles” can be compared to the aforementioned events listed above and that the equality that they seek is a basic human right."

Firstly, contrary to your extremely intelligent beliefs, even struggles that have nothing to do with race can be meaningful. Perhaps your own beliefs about what constitutes as a struggle or not should not be based on the color of a persons skin like slavery was. Secondly, I doubt that slaves would believe segregation was a big deal compared to what they had to endure and yet segregation was still wrong, was it not?

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ClearlyThinking 12 years, 4 months ago on Rejecting the gay and lesbian agenda

Next, “Men sleeping with men and women sleeping with women in my view are acts that are immoral and should be condemned whether in private or in public in the highest order. Married men and married women who cheat on their spouses should be condemned. Heterosexuals who engage in sexual activity before marriage should be condemned. Single parent homes with mothers or fathers should not be encouraged. Aren’t all these acts contrary to God’s teachings?”

Thank you for including the phrase “in my view” because it is exactly that and we have already concluded that society does not change and things are not right or wrong based on “your views” and so whatever they may be have absolutely no place in an article about whether or not gay marriage should be legalized. Now, I have a question for you. Have you ever even read the Bible? Because the last time I checked Jesus spent most of his time professing the value of forgiveness and not condemnation. Your listing of just how many types people you believe should be condemned, Bahamians especially, merely shows how little you actually know about Christianity and how greatly you despise your own people. At this point in your article, you have effectively attacked or offended all gays, lesbians, Bahamians and Christians with your ignorance so once again I have no idea who could possibly be paying attention to you at this point but nevertheless, you carry on. I love your question “Aren't all these acts contrary to God's teachings?” because while you probably believe it to be rhetorical, the fact is that you do not truly know and another fact is that it's not. There is never any mention of gay marriage in the bible and especially nothing about lesbianism so I weep for the even more ignorant who allow themselves to be swept up by anything that sounds convincing enough from anyone without bothering to check the facts for themselves. Apparently, much like yourself.

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VickySawyer 12 years, 4 months ago on Rejecting the gay and lesbian agenda

Dear DEHAVILLAND MOSS funny how you quote the preamble of our constitution but did not add the part that goes against the bible outlawing slavery when slavery is clearly supported in the bible. Even in Exodus a father can sell his daughter as a slave. I can go on and on with the many flaws in using your god and bible as an excuse to deny other people equality. The Bahamas constitution states freedom of religion thus freedom from religion.

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BiminiHomeowner 11 years, 1 month ago on Bimini developer: No twice-daily trips till April

The Bimini Bay Resort, now Resorts World Bimini, has been the most consistently controversial, destructive, disrespectful, and mismanaged resort for the last decade in The Bahamas.

Having a government that continues to suck up to developers like this doesn't make The Bahamas look attractive for investors, it makes The Bahamas look desperate and weak.

People will ALWAYS want to invest here, it's one of the most beautiful countries on Earth. The Government's job should be to pick through proposals and find the best ones. In that regard, they are failing miserably.

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B_I_D___ 11 years, 1 month ago on $50,000 report urges WSC to close contract loophole

Rory's rant aside, it is very interesting how water works...particularly RO water. While it is a nice concept to have purified RO water, the water itself is way out of balance, water needs certain mineral content, so when you strip that away during the RO process it will find minerals where it needs to to try to restabilize itself, in this case it is going after years of scale buildup and old metal pipes. RO water in you house is a menace as it eats away at all the internals of your faucets causing faster wear and tear and repair or replacement. Just on the pure science side very interesting. Worth 50K though...nah.

4 Vote

JohnDoe 11 years ago on Trust gets 2% of BTC in 'face saving deal'

The devil is in the detail but on the face of it this appears to be akin to a sleight of hand magician's trick with absolutely zero substantive value or effect. CWC continues to be able to consolidate BTC's operations into its accounts which tells me that what's happening here is that by introducing an intermediary, CWC has converted its legal interest in the 2% to an equitable interest in the assets of the Trust . Substantively ownership does not change though the Trust may disguise the character and nature of that ownership. All smoke and mirrors with no substance.

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B_I_D___ 11 years ago on No control of BTC for govt

...and this surprises people...would be VERY curious to see the make up and outlay from this 'foundation'. Hopefully CWC controls the purse strings of the foundation and can tell the government...PLP, FNM or whoever comes next to keep their grubby paws to themselves.

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realfreethinker 11 years ago on Halkitis: Don't judge VAT by effects on our neighbours

He said they are struggling with a bloated civil service ,over spending, I hope he aint saying we dont have those problems. that is precisely why we are in trouble. B-I-D REAL IDIOTS

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ThisIsOurs 11 years ago on No comment on withdrawals, but bank 'secure'

Why in God's name our government owns a friggin bank is beyond me...

Sounds like you just gave the answer....

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B_I_D___ 10 years, 12 months ago on VAT coordinator ‘must pay back every red cent’

What it did succeed in doing though is bringing the attention to the forefront on what taxes already exist out there that are NOT being collected...get what is owed collected FIRST before any new taxes are imposed!!

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JohnDoes 10 years, 11 months ago on Bahamas 'to consider medicinal marijuana'

Yup, the only problem is stereotype and politics. They absolutely cannot stop a plant from naturally growing, why waste money trying stop something natural when you can adopt it and benefit from it both in the health arena and that industrial arena. Coke, Meth, Heroin, X, Molly's all are scientific experiments designed to destroy the mind and body. There is absolutely no additive but God's refreshing water and rejuvenating sunlight that creates the discriminated marijuana.

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B_I_D___ 10 years, 11 months ago on $550m owed in property tax

I keep reading this crap and wonder if they even realize what words they are spewing out of their mouths...very distressing to see how they are just going to brush it off and ignore it. RPT on my home will be in the neighbourhood of $12,000 this year...scares the crap out of me as to how I am going to pay it...guess I should just not bother apparently. Thank you Mr. Halkitis...after all, I am enduring some hardships and will be unable to pay my just due taxes. According to your logic...and everyone else in government...BOTH FNM and PLP...we won't be coming after you anyways...and legal action is always the very last hey...I'm cool!!

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B_I_D___ 10 years, 11 months ago on ‘More than half of MPs owe property tax’

Disgraceful...but's our culture...those special few who know someone who know someone will just get a free pass and burn the honest individuals out their paying their dues.

Screw and my taxes payments are going on strike.

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TheMadHatter 10 years, 11 months ago on Attorney General confident despite stenographer row

So it will take until September to get some digital recorders? I can get her some by next week Friday if she will prepare a cheque.

Are we living in Zimbabwe ?


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elleng20 10 years, 11 months ago on Bahamian runs for US Congress

I am a Bahamian American and I will vote Republican when Sir LOP comes back and vote UBP. Any Bahamian that runs on a Republican ticket need to go back and read from whence he came. when you will boost about knocking bread out of the poor mouth and stand in the way of peoples rights to vote then you have sank to an all time low and is no different than the hate mongers on the right.