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meshaliqueknowles 12 years, 10 months ago on Long Island in mourning

Yea they maybe delivered roses in commemoration of Mother's Day to all the mother's by bringing in all of the flowers from Nassau when they have a florist right here on the island that has a certificate in floral arrangements and yet still had to turn around looking for items that they forgot and left out. If Loretta Butler-Turner cared so much about Long Island she would have patronized this business seeing as times have bin so rough, and supported it.

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242352 12 years, 9 months ago on Shop owners applyIng for guns

Bell is an ex cop and may have people out to get even with him so I think if he wants a gun - then no problem.

Notage has no past need that would suggest that he should carry a gun.

Next we will start having shoot outs in front of visitors....

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spoitier 12 years, 9 months ago on Residents tell of living with the fear of crime

Police officers have authority and guns, community leaders don't, you said move them from where their needed. What is being accomplished by them staying where you think they are needed? See how it works out first because the other way around wasn't working.

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spoitier 12 years, 8 months ago on Accused man cleared of sex with a minor

I don't think they know because one thing I could say about a lot of Bahamian men is even if they are bad man who would that, they don't want it to happened to their daughter, little sisters or neices. So the most no gooded man who would sleep with age 9-90 blind, cripple or crazy will almost always protect their own.

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spoitier 12 years, 8 months ago on VIDEO: Ingraham 'I would turn down knighthood'

Speaking about rum and coke, I use to work for a hotel back home during his first term and HAI stayed there a few days, he probably had a few of his security because you could hear conversation going on in the room, after they left and I inspect the room, it was a bar of empty rum bottles in there. I taught to myself that was enough rum to get a party drunk.

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USAhelp 12 years, 1 month ago on Nottage: gaming will not be shut down until court makes decision

Guess were really not free our votes did not mean anything. Guess were really a communist country that only the big bosses have a say.

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jackflash 12 years, 1 month ago on House call for new building

This is insane,

Fly away Fred has figuered another excuse to travel -

'He wants the government to travel to neighbouring countries, including Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Antigua to observe their parliamentary complexes

So Fred, the country is broke, no money in the bank, asking for another loan, blaming it all on the FNM and you want a new parlament - which I aggree is needed - WHEN WE CAN AFFORD IT !!!!

Not now, and I am sorry, another committiee, this one to - Parliamentarians also debated launching a select committee to review the benefits and allowances of MPs yesterday.

So you want more money for yourself?

What about the small man? The power station here at Wilson City, the roads in Acktins, the dock in Salt Pond.

Do you think we should put some engery in BEC, Bahamas Air The Bloated civil service?

No, let's travel the islands (with the committee) and look at the other parlement and have dinbner with them.

Yu gat to be kidding me....

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242 12 years, 1 month ago on Police cracking down on opening hours of nightclubs

what about the workers who directly or indirectly work the late shifts at the clubs? they will make less money or be out of a job. Come on everybody lets march so it can be a great day for democracy!

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Oracle 12 years, 1 month ago on Minister 'very concerned' but urges public patience

Ok Doc we will WAIT TWO-THREE-FOUR Years to hear what she has to say...STOP TALKING FOOL!

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TimeForChange 12 years, 1 month ago on 'Parliament a good idea - and a house for PM too'

OMG I dont believe this a new Prime Minister house for entertaining! This country is on the brink of ruins and this is all this man can come up with a house for entertaining guest! With these people running the finances of the bahamas this place is going right down the tubes.

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legalmindatwork 12 years, 1 month ago on 'Parliament a good idea - and a house for PM too'

I am convinced the Prime Minister has fired his speech writers and is now speaking off the top of his head. How can you be so concerned with something that is trivial because other countries have it....that sounds like some high school jealousy issue to me. Regardless of what we have and what we don't have in terms of a place to entertaining delegates is minor to the rising crime rate and unemployment that is plaguing this country. I am convinced this PLP government has the great power of deflection....each member knows the right thing to say to the public by avoiding the issue and placing less serious issues at the forefront so by the time the public realizes what has happened it is too late.


These are all questions that need to be answered before the Prime Minister and his council can even begin to consider a Prime Minister residence...

My 5 cents!!

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Concerned 12 years, 1 month ago on 'Parliament a good idea - and a house for PM too'

A couple things on this: 1. It is clear that Mr. Christie is no longer fit to lead this country.

  1. It is clear that the PLP government does not have the Bahamian people at heart.

  2. Political payouts and favors are deeply rooted in this PLP government, so nothing can stop them from going ahead with this project and giving out this contract to some crony.

  3. Mr. Christie, the only embarrassing thing right now is not whether or not the Prime Minister should have a multi-million dollar house just for entertaining, but rather you are the embarrassment, Sir.

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nationbuilder 12 years, 1 month ago on Gov't targets 15% VAT from July 1, 2014

well if the VAT will not increase the taxation amount in the country, then how is the government going to gain additional revenue from the VAT?

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moncurcool 12 years ago on NFL champ’s girlfriend on Nassau drug charge

Something is wrong with our justice system. An american gets a fine of $100 for marijuana. Yet we send all of our Bahamian youth to Fox Hill if they are caught with it and give them and prison record they have to carry for the rest of their lives. Or we sentenced a Bahamian who never committed a crime for stealing electrifying or resisting police arrest, while a tourist can beat up Bahamian police and only be give a fine. I guess this is what it means to put Bahamians first.