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KimAra 10 years, 10 months ago on ‘School did not protect my kids from racial slurs’

There is so much nonsence being thrown around....Tambearly is NOT racist...the kids are not either...Little kids say silly things...when my kid was being called "white boy" I did not have a fit.In fact I did nothing!..My children went to Tambearly for many years, I have had eight family members (no, actually, not all white, of various ethnic combinations and backgrounds) attend the school...many children of successful Bahamians white and black have benefited from Tambearly's exceptional programme...There have been PLP families and FNM teasing, no jeering...Kids say stupid things..if you say that kids only say things they heard at home them I am here to tell you that we all must have said some shocking things at home, because I hear kids saying the worst of things often, in public places...yes, kids from families I know well, and I am sure their parents do not talk that way nor think that way....Sorry if am i insulting anybody. I taught at Tambearly for five years. Sure I heard kids say nasty things to each other and each time it was dealt with, kindly and professionally..the children ended up shaking hands or hugging and understanding. I must say I am sorry for these kids, because I understand ( I do not know for a fact, but lots of people told me) that they had to be removed from Meridian also because they were victims of comments perceived to be racial slurs.Correct me if I have been wrongly informed. If it is the case how sad that at their young lives this is happening more than once. Is it possible that too much has been read into the stupid comments in both cases? Now Just because some revolting old 80 year old American said some disgusting remarks to his "Sweetheart" more than 50 years his junior (UGH), we now in the Bahamas have to have "racial seminars" for the kids....this is the Bahamas for God's sake!!! Any here we go back to losing an argument and running to Immigration...can you imagine if in the States somebody told my child that tall children can't sit down, or white kids can't dance or some other foolishness...can you imagine me rushing off to the US dept of Immigration....give me a break, how far do you think I would get before being laughed at.

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Emac 10 years, 10 months ago on ‘School did not protect my kids from racial slurs’

I am writing in response to bahamian242 postings and others who have lambasted the school’s administration without first investigating the circumstances or without even acquiring any knowledge about the school’s policies or history.

Well, interestingly enough, I was one of the first black teachers at Tambearly, when the school opened its doors sometime around 1983, through Queen Street. I taught at this school for about 10 years. Even today I am still considered to be a part of the Tambearly family.

Let me state emphatically that I have never seen or heard anything even resembling racism throughout my tenure at this school, or even during my recent visits. I know the principal on a personal level, and again I can attest to the fact that she is colour blind. She strongly believes in diversification. This is quite evident when students showcase their works and talents during the end of school productions. Nevertheless, the school’s administration is very stringent with whom it hires. The school has a very high standard and they try to maintain this standard at all cost. So teachers who do not meet the standards of the school, whether black or white, Bahamian or foreign, are simply not hired. You cannot expect for the principal to hire teachers solely based on the applicants being Bahamian or black.

As a matter of interest, Tambearly was one of the first private schools to fully embrace Bahamian culture through music, art and theatre. This has allowed foreign students and parents to learn about our culture by speaking the dialect, learning dances like the quadrille or eating native dishes. These shows have culminated into the formation of the school’s theatre program that has helped instill discipline, cultural appreciation and good posture in all students, of all origins. I have had the opportunity to meet with many former students of Tambearly who came from all walks of life. They always mention how a large part of their success can be attributed to the time they spent at Tambearly School.

While I do not know the details of what went on with this irate parent and the principal, based on what I have read so far, I believe there must have been some kind misunderstanding. This principal always listens to everyone’s concerns and always tries to resolve in a timely manner.

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duppyVAT 10 years, 3 months ago on And who is Fred Smith, QC?

This is the purpose of journalism .............. to answer any propaganda questions that may be circulating in the country.

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ThisIsOurs 9 years, 11 months ago on Urban Renewal chiefs snub Public Accounts Committee

If there are bad apples in Urban Renewal, then we weed them out. But an audit report ought to dictate our weaknesses and our strengths and tell us what we need to do to strengthen one part or what we need to get rid of, but not to send scathing remarks as though it’s no good. The devil is a liar.”

But that is what the report did. You are just too attended at how many bad apples there are to realize it.

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DonAnthony 9 years, 11 months ago on Urban Renewal chiefs snub Public Accounts Committee

How pathetically sad these two people are. I now realize one of the biggest problems facing this country is that we as a people suffer from an ethical deficit. We have no statesmen and no one who can look to the common good above their own interest and reputation, no one who can simply be honest and take responsibility for their actions. So These two blame the messenger ( auditor) and refuse to answer questions, or accept any responsibilty. Again simply disgraceful, can these two just resign and go, the Bahamian people deserve so much better.

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Sickened 9 years, 11 months ago on Urban Renewal chiefs snub Public Accounts Committee

First these two question why they didn't have an opportunity to address concerns about the report with the PAC then, when the PAC ask them to come in to discuss the draft report they refuse to. 90+ year old's should not be in charge of public monies.

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themessenger 9 years, 11 months ago on No fire truck as George Town Straw Market burns

My sympathy goes out to the straw vendors of Exuma who unlike their Nassau counterparts still make and sell beautiful authentic straw work instead of Chinese knock offs. The loss of their goods along with the loss of the beautiful fig tree at the center of George Town is the real tragedy not the pathetic shack to which they have been confined for all these years. The government should be roundly condemned for the lack of a functioning fire truck in Great Exuma, imagine what the consequences would have been should this fire have occurred at Sandals or February Point? The residents of Exuma voted for the current government and are now unfortunately reaping their just rewards from their caring, believe in Bahamians masters.

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paulgallagher 10 years, 2 months ago on Atlantis unfairly blamed for jet ski operators

My name is Paul Gallagher the father of little Paul who was unlawfully killed at the Atlantis Beach in 2002 not 2003. Atlantis Resort refer to the beach as Atlantis Beach and not Cabbage Beach. This is according to their map which they handed me when I arrived in 2002. If Atlantis have nothing to do with the council beach called Cabbage Beach why do Atlantis have 3 or 4 lifeguard towers on the beach in their corporate colours and have their own employees working on them? In the London coroners inquest the coroner had in writing confirmation from the Port Authority in Nassau that the boat that killed little Paul was not registered, licensed or insured. The Port Authority also confirmed in writing that the so called Boat Skipper Mr James Bain does not have a valid Skippers license. After the boat crashed onto the beach the Atlantis security took control. The boat which should have been kept on dry land for evidence was allowed and put back in the water by Atlantis staff and I was told was later torched to destroy any evidence. How could Mr Nottage and Mr Williamson owners of the boat company push it back, it would be impossible. Last year I visited the Bahamian High Commissioner in London and requested answers to some questions regarding the Manslaughter Trial, the Commissioner promised to send my questions to Nassau for answers such as why was the Judge changed at the last minute to do the case. I have not had any response from any Bahamian official. This I find just so insulting and beyond imagination as how we have been treated all these years on. I wish the Bahamian Government would try and use us to prevent anything like this happening again in some kind of positive manner. I offered my help to the Bahamian Authorities but I have heard nothing. I continue to read about more incidents which makes me so sad. It appears that money is more important than life but hopefully so day, hopefully sooner rather than later someone in authority will say no more enough is enough. I can do no more, I still have not been able to afford to put up a head stone at my sons grave. I lost my business and have been unable to work since. I am now profoundly deaf in both ears and life it very tough.

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asiseeit 9 years, 11 months ago on Contractors paid for no work to be pursued ‘to the depths of hell’

The simple fact is that Mother Pratt and AA where hired to MANAGE urban. The auditor has exposed the fact that they have failed at their job and allowed urban to be ripped off. In the real world they would be fired for incompetence. Nobody is attacking the premise of urban, what we are vexed about is the fact that OUR hard earned money has been wasted, mismanaged, and stolen. Newsflash, money is not easy to come by unless you are in government. Maybe if these government types had to actually EARN the money they are wasting they might have a clue!

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Required 9 years, 7 months ago on ‘Psych tests for all developers’

I couldn't agree more. Anybody willing to invest their hard earned money in a place run by this crew certainly needs to have their mental faculties questioned.

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The_Oracle 9 years, 7 months ago on ‘Psych tests for all developers’

Should administer “psychological evaluations” to all politicians first and foremost! Mandatory ethics courses would go far as well, though they'd all achieve the national grade average. 98% of them would be weeded out by the above two criteria. How about along with financial statements we require "outside children counts"? Default loan information? Bounced checks declarations? Arrogant, ignorant and self serving.

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Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 6 months ago on ‘Majority’ of toxic BoB loans ‘high end homes’

There is a high probability that the 13 loans in question were never properly recorded as having been legally transferred from Bank of The Bahamas (BoB) to Bahamas Resolve and this is something the Bank Supervision Department of The Central Bank and the external auditors of BoB should be looking into.

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BMW 9 years, 5 months ago on INSIGHT: Glaring failures

Another thing,why this clown flying around with a plane load of circus people on my *^@@#&@$ tax dollar when he could.have loaded the plane with basic needs for.the people?

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DWW 6 years, 4 months ago on High bills spark ‘cut off’ review

And no charges of arson investigated after the union made threats a few short days before the double fire? Coincidence???

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licks2 6 years ago on Family desperate for body of woman, 29, to be returned to South Africa

The money is not the problem here. . .the ship company will pay for her family to come here for a funeral. . .they don't want to connect anything to their ship because of the "trouble" they will get into. . .EVERY PORT THEY WENT TO IN THE LAST MONTH OR SO WILL PENALIZE THEM. . . this is more serious. . .they want that body gone quick before that information get in the wrong ears. . .

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Cobalt 5 years ago on PLP leader criticises emergency order

(suck teet) I wouldn’t even waste my time answering this incompetent, little piglet.

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ilashulman 7 years, 1 month ago on TheMadHatter

What are you trying to say MadHAtter?

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hrysippus 4 years, 6 months ago on Five injured in new RBDF grounding

The RBDF is a laughing stock. Their navigational skills are simply pathetic. The organisation should be disbanded and the tasks of intercepting migrant vessels and stopping illegal poaching should be contracted out to private enterprise.

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Clamshell 4 years, 6 months ago on Five injured in new RBDF grounding

Can nobody in an island nation run a boat? Seems like we specialize in two things: Staring into an iPhone, and ordering lunch. If there were an Olympics for those two skills, the Bahamas would sweep all the gold medals.