Now I know the Director of Education is a researcher.... his strength is that he has a strong analytical backgrowund in understanding the education enterprise. So it scares me that he would allow his minister to slash a segment of pie and present it to the country as a representative of the entrie desert.
Please compare the total population of students year over year. I suspect when you do this...there will be a significant drop in the number of students who sat national exams this year.
Please give a school by school breakdown of the percentages so that the nation will know which schools participated at which level.
Please also give island by island results also..because with Grand Bahama and Abaco facing both Dorian and COVID....thereis no way that student persormance could have been better.
If after normalizing these factors, and student performace is actually better...then we need to destroy that cabal that we call the school system because our kids dont need it to get better ....simply means ....that going into those things called schools...actual "bumbens" our children.
I cant wait for MOE's response to this.
sage 3 years, 7 months ago on A-C grades increase in exams
A-C grades increase in exams
Now I know the Director of Education is a researcher.... his strength is that he has a strong analytical backgrowund in understanding the education enterprise. So it scares me that he would allow his minister to slash a segment of pie and present it to the country as a representative of the entrie desert.
Please compare the total population of students year over year. I suspect when you do this...there will be a significant drop in the number of students who sat national exams this year.
Please give a school by school breakdown of the percentages so that the nation will know which schools participated at which level.
Please also give island by island results also..because with Grand Bahama and Abaco facing both Dorian and COVID....thereis no way that student persormance could have been better.
If after normalizing these factors, and student performace is actually better...then we need to destroy that cabal that we call the school system because our kids dont need it to get better ....simply means ....that going into those things called schools...actual "bumbens" our children.
I cant wait for MOE's response to this.