BahamaPundit 9 years ago on Boston man arrested for marijuana possession in Harbour Island
Boston man arrested for marijuana possession in Harbour Island
Why are small amounts of marijuana for personal use even illegal? What a travesty of "free will" human dignity. When will we allow people to make their own choices and live their own lives?
Sickened 9 years ago on PM 'promised' land to Nygard
PM 'promised' land to Nygard
Looks like the whole slate of PLP candidates are going to be in prison soon. FINALLY!!!!
lkalikl 9 years ago on Baha Mar fury at Pointe claim
Baha Mar fury at Pointe claim
Making your words bigger doesn't make them any less stupid.
lkalikl 9 years ago on Judge brands Blackbeard’s Cay developer ‘untruthful’
Judge brands Blackbeard’s Cay developer ‘untruthful’
The PLP loves to do business with crooks, loves defending crooks and is itself the number one criminal organization in the Bahamas. Bahamians, take back this country or suffer the consequences.
DreamerX 9 years ago on Corrections Officer arrested for marijuana possession at prison
Corrections Officer arrested for marijuana possession at prison
I agree with you, it should be legalized. And I deplore anyone using the drug as the reason this story is important for a bad action.
I believe the underlying point is that a corrupt officer of the prisons was either illegally confiscating for person interest or illegally providing an illegal substance to people imprisoned.
proudloudandfnm 9 years ago on Boston man arrested for marijuana possession in Harbour Island
Boston man arrested for marijuana possession in Harbour Island
Bout dangerous drug.....
Legalize weed now. It is a benign drug. Liquor is more dangerous. There is no such thing as being inebriated from weed.
Legalize this gift from God now.....
Sickened 7 years ago on BPL: Nine fail drug testing
BPL: Nine fail drug testing
This 'wife' is trying to get hubby and herself arrested cause obviously ma boy keeps weed at home.
Sickened 9 years, 5 months ago on Private sector fearing ‘extinction’ over NHI
Private sector fearing ‘extinction’ over NHI
When you say everyone, you mean... Brave and Fred in particular. I hear they love it and just can't get enough!
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 5 months ago on Private sector fearing ‘extinction’ over NHI
Private sector fearing ‘extinction’ over NHI
The Chamber of Commerce just doesn't seem to realise that Perry Christie has no interest in creating a thriving private business sector......he just wants every one sucking away on his _ _ _ _ !
Economist 9 years, 5 months ago on Private sector fearing ‘extinction’ over NHI
Private sector fearing ‘extinction’ over NHI
They say universal health BUT the real reason is because Government is paying out too much for the Civil Servants.
Add the fact that the PHA, due to a total lack of any management, looses more money than Bahamasair.
Government just wants more money from the public to throw away on money losing operations.
Universal health is just a smoke screen for taking more money to waste.
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 5 months ago on Poor audits leave COB unable to use $16.1m loan
Poor audits leave COB unable to use $16.1m loan
Can you imagine holding a degree of any kind from COB? In the same way the Council and Administrators of COB have no accountability and/or responsibility for COB's financial reporting requirements, you can be rest assured that its educators have little to no accountability and/or responsibility for the quality of its educational/degree programmes. It's perhaps most fitting that COB's business school is named after Franky Wilson aka Snake and that the Dean of its business school is (was?) Remelda Moxey. Alfred Sears certainly did nothing to improve things and Rodney Smith is grossly over paid in terms of his worth to COB. In recent years COB has been flushed down the proverbial toilet by the poor calibre of its Council members and administrators, leaving graduates from recent years with costly degrees that they may as well use to wipe their cans with. The local private/business community and the more reputable colleges and universities abroad all know only too well that COB graduates in recent times have been seriously short changed in the quality of their education. It must be so embarrassing to be among the older alumni of COB! Meanwhile Perry Christie clearly believes COB's students need only learn his junkanoo shuffle and how to be courteous to his new Chinese friends in order to be prepared for the dismal course ahead that he has charted for them in life. How very sad.
lkalikl 9 years, 5 months ago on TOUGH CALL: Where’s the will to hold authorities to account?
TOUGH CALL: Where’s the will to hold authorities to account?
birdie, You are the biggest idiot on the Tribune's comments sections by far. Your blind loyalty t o the PLP and brown nosing behaviour is an embarrassment. Your head must be so far up some of these politicians back sides for you to mouth off the nonsense and drivel that you do. You are a pathetic excuse of a human being.
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 5 months ago on Gov’t to buy UBS’ East Bay St. HQ
Gov’t to buy UBS’ East Bay St. HQ
This property is unconventional and in many respects ill-suited to the Tropics and its lousy low lying land location makes it very prone to severe flooding. Also, the annual maintenance costs for this property are astronomical. Yet another shining example of our VAT dollars and National Insurance Funds being flushed down the proverbial toilet so a select few of Christie's business cronies can profiteer off the over burdened backs of honest hard working Bahamians. Yes, Christie is indeed a greedy uncaring schmuck of the highest order! And to think that fellas like John Rolle and Gowan Bowe assured us that the PLP government would do the right thing and use our VAT dollars to pay down our National Debt and reduce our Debt to GDP Ratio! Wow...what fools those two turned out to be.....and you should never again believe a word that comes out of their mouths....they are no different than Christie himself....nothing but hot air fools and liars selling the people a worthless bill of goods!
GrassRoot 9 years, 5 months ago on Gov’t to buy UBS’ East Bay St. HQ
Gov’t to buy UBS’ East Bay St. HQ
while people are making donations to NEMA (who should be bankrolled properly by the government), the Government is buying UBS HQ with our money. no words.
lkalikl 9 years, 5 months ago on Institution of failed processes, says damning 2011 audit of COB
Institution of failed processes, says damning 2011 audit of COB
So, what they are really saying is, the government appointed crony who is tasked with overseeing COB's accounts is not doing their job at all. This person should be fired and a real CFO should be appointed, but because our corrupt government outright condones theft from public institutions, as long as the right people are doing the tiefing and they vote the right way, nothing will be done about this. No one will be held accountable and the stink PLP rug will be pulled over yet another national mess and yet another national embarrassment.
Is this really how we want our College/University to be run? Why must everything our government is involved with turn to $%^!? How are we going to save the future of this country if we can't even keep proper books at the College? Don't they have a school of accounting there? Why not involve the school of accounting in the process and let the students work as interns with the accounting department of the college? Fire all the dead wood 'friends, family and lovers' appointees and hire qualified and serious people?
HarryWyckoff 9 years, 5 months ago on PLP Chairman says FNM's VAT for hurricane relief suggestion is 'drivel'
PLP Chairman says FNM's VAT for hurricane relief suggestion is 'drivel'
Pintard has a point.
We were told VAT was being introduced to pay down national debt caused by borrowing.
Using it to avoid borrowing more is perfectly reasonable.
Unless, of course, this corrupt, parasite of a government has already spent tha VAT revenue on something else.
Like the PMs new home, or topping up personal bank accounts.
Which is incredibly likely. Almost a certainty, in fact
So Mr Robers.... shut up and sit small. You are nothing more than the corrupt, pathetic government you serve.
lkalikl 9 years, 5 months ago on ‘Tasteless’ painting comparing PM to Hitler causes a stir
‘Tasteless’ painting comparing PM to Hitler causes a stir
The country stands with you, young Mr. Mackey. The country does not stand with the PM and shame on the Tribune for leading with a headline that labelled your painting tasteless, even though most Bahamians love your painting and support your freedom of speech to express yourself through art. The Tribune should not have done that. They call out the government time and time again, but when a Bahamian artist does it, they call it tasteless in the headline? You are a voice for the voiceless and too many Bahamians feel like their voices have been ignored by this shameless, deceitful and corrupt government that lies and steals from the people without a second thought. Shame on this government and shame on our worthless PM and his worthless Cabinet.
Sickened 9 years ago on Boston man arrested for marijuana possession in Harbour Island
Boston man arrested for marijuana possession in Harbour Island
Was he arrested for dangerous drugs OR marijuana? It cannot be both as marijuana is not a dangerous drug. We need to stop this absurd law of going to jail for a joint. The worst punishment for possession of a joint should be the police destroying the joint.