
1 Vote

JokeyJack 3 years, 11 months ago on Raise taxes on property

An income tax won't work here. If govt decides to go with it, just increase the employee % of the monthly NIB payment. NIB has the best database of Bahamians in the country (except probably any that the U.S. Embassy may have), and so there is no need to reinvent the wheel here.

Income taxes don't work in the Bah (won't work) for exactly the reason given by the previous commenter - some pay, and some don't. In the Bahamas, there is no law that applies equally to all - whether it be the most high crime law or the lowest tax offense. Because we are a small nation of "family" islands where everybody is family, it's a "who you know" and always has been.

We like to make high fines and penalties and seldom enforce them, instead of having low penalties often enforced bringing a stead stream of income. Every law in the Bahamas says "A fine not exceeding $x or a term of imprisonment not exceeding (some time) or both fine and imprisonment." It's like a stuck record. No imagination whatsoever, and everything that has a penalty risks imprisonment. With what we know about prison, it is hard to justify the national outrage at homosexuality. How do you square the two together? Homosexuality is not good, unless you steal a loaf of bread - then off you go, no problem.