
2 Vote

atwr 11 years, 9 months ago on Police launch investigation into assault


Pastor Bethel is absolutely correct on the reasons for the crime here in our country. Breakdown of the family structure.

3 Vote

B_I_D___ 11 years, 8 months ago on Anti-crime campaigner hopes more parents will be arrested

Yes yes yes!! Start holding the parents accountable, especially if they are housing the criminals and are in possession of the stolen goods!!

3 Vote

jlcandu 10 years, 10 months ago on This Wednesday marks the second year anniversary of the PLP's election victory. How would you grade their two years in office?

I voted F as well. As stated above, the PLP are leaderless and visionless and basically doing what they did in their last term of office: rape & pillage the Treasury.

On behalf of the more intelligent of the population to those who voted for these idiots: thanks for nothing, idiots!!! I just hope you gain a bit of sense before the next election!!!

God help us all.