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kurls 12 years, 6 months ago on Sentence for part in $6m drug smuggling operation

JOHN u r really an ignorant ASSHOLE. Ur dumb ass really believe crime will decline because DIE lock up????Iguess while he's been behind bars he's responsible for the past unknown amount of killings????? Don't be stupid & close minded!!!! Nobodys perfect but u cant blame one man....ANYWAY FREEDOM IS A MUST!!!!! And one more reminder "JOHN"........STOP LIKIN MAN!!!!!!!! FA REAL

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positiveinput 12 years, 8 months ago on Bahamians ‘not disciplined enough’ to use casinos

One thing about you JohnBrown your comments do make sense but we still must realize that as Bahamians, we put ourselves in the position we are in. Just look at our news the other day; teenagers stabbing one another over a dice game. Judge what would happen in a casino. Staff members at our local number houses are being verbally insulted because a ticket WE purchased and left the establishment was incorrect after being urged to check for accuracy before leaving.

Again I stress the meaningful sense of your comment of the beaches but again the attitude and manner of which some Bahamians conduct themselves is having a negative affect on US as the total population. I worked for a few months on a public beach occupied by visitors and locals and again the locals there portrayed a negative look for the entire population. Visitors would be sun tanning wearing their beach-wear and the locals (mainly males in small groups) would stare and in some cases disturb the guests with their annoying and senseless conversations. In most situations besides the female guests requiring security assistance, most of them were with partners which escalated a different level of problem when their partner whom left to go to the restroom or juice-bar would return.

Its sad that the innocent must suffer for the guilty but the best we could do now is to teach our younger generation the 'doos' and 'donts' so that in the future the good would out weigh the bad. Bahamians know better but like I stated weeks back we only tend to do what is inspected of us and not what is expected. For months our law officials have been stressing the importance of the use of seat belts, whereas for years when we travel abroad we always knew. Again, the greater percentage of the population is only doing what is inspected of them, making it hard for the percentage whom know what is expected to participate in various fields.

2 Vote

positiveinput 12 years, 6 months ago on Sentence for part in $6m drug smuggling operation

Decline how and you have these lazy no good animals killing you for your own belongings now. Think the man who got shot and kill over the cell phone and laptop is connected to this individual, or the man who got kill for his own chain. Open your eyes and see the full picture.