ThisIsOurs 11 years, 5 months ago on Price tag for Independence celebrations ‘in time’
Price tag for Independence celebrations ‘in time’
Who is managing anything I this country? You don't have any event and then wait till the bills come in to determine how much was have a clear idea of how much you have to spend and you plan your event accordingly. I would have said we shot ourselves in the foot on May-7-2012...buts its clear that we hit the brain
eye2eye 11 years, 5 months ago on Nygard claims target Bacon
Nygard claims target Bacon
One would hope that after 40 years of independence our elected governments would be ready to govern this country as an independent country for the benefit of all its people... That seems sadly not to be the case...
This whole Nygard/Bacon saga shows that among our elite Lawyer/Doctor/Politician/ cabinet minister circle...the slave mentality still reigns supreme....the ( I get mine/you better get yours ) syndrome is still very much alive...even among our highest elected officials.
What is even more astounding, is that a nation as a whole, plus the collective power of the so , so, soooo many churches seems powerless to hold these elected officials accountable after an election. In recent years the world witnessed the so called "Arab Spring " when, in several countries in North Africa,the people rose up and unceremoniously got rid of incompetent, uncaring,leaders...the question is, when will the Bahamian Spring come?????
concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago on FNM threatens legal action against Nygard
FNM threatens legal action against Nygard
some of the female PLPs past and maybe present would not be adverse to being among scantily clad women despite their hypercritical ,religion for show rhetoric
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 5 months ago on Govt ‘is ready’ if environmentalists want to go to court
Govt ‘is ready’ if environmentalists want to go to court
Ok so rather than engaging environmental groups and performing the work to ensure that development is sustainable and has no negative affect on the environment, we've decided that its better strategically to fight them in court with the $0 dollar discretionary budget that we have....interesting
I hope the developers aren't paying for the group from Canada same as the web shops paid for the consultants from the UK. Maybe this time they will receive a big enough payday to actually produce an official report...
BiminiHomeowner 11 years, 5 months ago on Govt ‘is ready’ if environmentalists want to go to court
Govt ‘is ready’ if environmentalists want to go to court
What a sad day for The Bahamas when the Prime Minister openly sides with a wealthy foreign investor, rather than the people he was elected to represent.
BiminiHomeowner 11 years, 5 months ago on Govt ‘is ready’ if environmentalists want to go to court
Govt ‘is ready’ if environmentalists want to go to court
If you think Genting and RAV Bahamas are concerned about Bimini's environment, you obviously don't live here or know anything about their work thus far, or what they are proposing.
sheeprunner12 10 years, 9 months ago on Minnis: Abuse of power for PM to intervene for Lightbourne
Minnis: Abuse of power for PM to intervene for Lightbourne
The only word to describe the likes of "birdie"........................ PATHETIC
sheeprunner12 10 years, 9 months ago on FNM does not support march - Minnis distances party from event
FNM does not support march - Minnis distances party from event
Mr. Minnis made a good observation................ it is not an FNM sanctioned event.
It should be a BAHAMIAN sanctioned event. All right thinking Bahamians should support the march.
This is far bigger than a political party. We need to wise up and stop allowing petty politics divide us.
BahamianAway 10 years, 7 months ago on Parents stand up for school in racism row
Parents stand up for school in racism row
Personally it sounds to me as though this lady never taught her children who they are. I attending primary school in an European country for a few years and the school was all white. There were only two other black students there aside from my sibling and I. I always was taught by my mother who I was, my father was Caucasian but that didn't make me Caucasian and my mom made sure me and my sibling were both aware of that.
It seems to me that Mrs. Chavez's children might have some misconstrued concept of who they are. I have seen many black children attend white schools and live in affluent areas and forget that they are black because they are rarely around other black people. So when confronted with the very obvious fact that they are black suddenly it becomes an issue.
If Mrs. Chavez had instilled in her child from earlier who they were this situation may have ended differently. I faced many racist remarks and situations during my time abroad but my mother had already made me realize who I was and no amount of insults could change that.
andrew7777777 10 years, 7 months ago on Parents stand up for school in racism row
Parents stand up for school in racism row
To John Doe.
Racism exists in Sandyport, in Wulf road, in the USA, all over the world. It has no bearing whatsoever on the school. To say that the schools model is to attract ex pats, white people and social hierarchy and that this is discriminatory practice by the school is JUST PLAIN LAUGHABLE. It is completely without merit.
I went to St. Andrews (considered white) (15 white people in my graduating class of 60+) I am curious, does this make me racist in some way or of social hierarchy???
Parents want a better, in fact the best education for their children wether that be at LW Young, Gov High, Queens College, St, Andrews, Tambearly, abroad or where ever.
A schools location and level of education surely will be the determining factors of how parents want their children to be brought up and taught? Without the distractions of gangs, violence and a social media circus to which the parents of the insulted child are to blame.
The school acted appropriately in its discipline. Thats where this story should have died period!!! Its sad that racism is still right there under the surface, but we all know that it is otherwise it would not have invoked so many deep down staunch responses to which people have come off of point so far that I dont know to what they are referring.
The real victims here other than the Langfords and Tambearly school are sadly now BOTH boys By all accounts from what I heard on excellent authority, the two boys were the best of friends. Something hurtful was said, why couldn't it have been allowed to work itself out with a quite but firm discipline from the school and stay within the school confines?? The two boys are 5-6 years old! This media frenzy with the parents of the insulted boy calling for the closure of the school, has caused the parents to fight and their children and all the children of Tambearly to be distracted and talking about this and taking sides instead of learning and growing.
Sad....the boys are 5.
islandlife 10 years, 5 months ago on Baha Mar chief joins Nygard lawsuit
Baha Mar chief joins Nygard lawsuit
Everyone is so busy bashing Peter Nygard but nobody talks about the amazing things he has done for the Bahamas and sports and donations. Why don't people talk about that? He is a saint to the Bahamas people.
Honestman 10 years, 4 months ago on FNM leader urges PM to take action, not order reports
FNM leader urges PM to take action, not order reports
Read Candia Dames' article about PGC's leadership in The Guardian today. It says it all.
Sickened 9 years, 10 months ago on Carnival told to ‘get it together’
Carnival told to ‘get it together’
In Junkanoo, the second lap (on Bay Street) should be opened up to the fans. Can you imagine the fun locals and tourists would have if they could rush down Bay Street along with their favourite group? Have the judges only for the first full lap (i.e. Bay and Shirley) and then full rush out for the second with everyone included. Great fun!!!
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 9 months ago on MOTHER WHO DIED IN SEA PLUNGE HAD VISITED POLICE STATION
There are literally thousands of educated people out there right now just like this poor lady who cannot find jobs in the private sector and are left destitute and in great despair as a result of the failed economic policies, mismanagement and rampant corruption of the Christie led government. Truly very sad for her and all those in the same desperate predicament right now!
lkalikl 8 years, 10 months ago on ‘Time to stop using the race card in politics’
‘Time to stop using the race card in politics’
I did. My response stands.
Godson 8 years, 10 months ago on ‘Time to stop using the race card in politics’
‘Time to stop using the race card in politics’
Look Publius, What is being iterated here is not a denial of an existential fact of individual persons; what Mr. Symonette is saying is,and, what I wholly agree and support is, as a collective whole... WE THE 'PEOPLE' OF THE BAHAMAS HAVE MOVED ON BEYOND THE SCOURGE OF RACISM. One cannot go back and supplement the thinking of the people from that time in the pass... They were a product of their generation and the experiences of the time. If you wanted to be constructive in this discussion, you should whole-heartedly condemn Mr. Wells in his comments... and rather, question Mr. Minnis as to his acceptance of this aspect of Mr. Wells comments.
Mr. Hubert Minnis now should be made to say whether or not he condones these comments that were made along the racist lines and as also coming from Mr. Wells. I, for one, will be insisting on this!!!!!!
Right thinking citizens of The Bahamas wants to leave a better country for the future of generations to come. UNITY is an essential ingredient for this to happen. We must denounce those who wish to sow discords. Mr. Wells has other problems that seem to be playing out in form of wanting others to become bitter and resentful along with him.
The likes of Mr. Wells is a cause for all of Bahamians to hang their heads down in shame. What wasted years!!! What a wasted life!!! If I didn't strive to improve on my outlook in life... I would probably have been still looking up to this man.
I thank God for His enlightenment, under which, I can see the vile, hateful and dissenting diatribe from the corrupted mind of Mr. Wells.
Godson 'Nicodemus' Johnson
Publius 8 years, 10 months ago on ‘Time to stop using the race card in politics’
‘Time to stop using the race card in politics’
Wells is an old crook who is clearly working for the PLP. The fact that Minnis is co-signing his work meantime, speaks volumes.
butlers 8 years, 10 months ago on ‘Time to stop using the race card in politics’
‘Time to stop using the race card in politics’
Many intelligent responses to the statement made by past DPM Brent Symonette and a few simply stupid remarks. I am 63 years old and I don't even remember the UPB, however in all these years I have never heard one person in this country, black or white, say anything bad about Roland Symonette. Remember when Pindling made ZNS play the movie Roots on election night, twice. The PLP have always been raciest when it was convenient or to get votes from the less fortunate in education. For three generations we watch the sensationalisms on American TV with much violence and racism, What do you expect of young minds on the border of poverty. Many of the writers here are correct, their is no place for this BS here in the Bahamas. I and many citizens of this country agree that Brent would make a great PM. The FNM salt and pepper leadership worked perfectly and the world looked upon us as a country united. How do you think the world sees us now ????
vinceP 11 years, 6 months ago on Gospel church honours Wilson for his work for the nation
Gospel church honours Wilson for his work for the nation
Are y'all serious? Tribune, come on! Please stop printing these crappy stories about Mount Tabor because frankly, this honor has more to do with his political affiliation than anything else. There are many Bahamians that have no respect for this guy, and certainly not for Neil Ellis of Mount Tabor. "Work for the Nation" huh? please!!! what a joke! These guys are all about lining their pockets, nothing more.