Aegeaon 6 years, 10 months ago on Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long
Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long
Your "Offshore customers" are a bunch of loser, tax-dodging idiots that flock here because we punked out, supported the Mexican Drug Cartels, and allowed the PLP and some of the FNM to use Number Houses to launder money around before and after it was created and legalized. Bunch of BS, we deserved this blacklist, and I just hope that people wake up and smell the garbage that we (Bahamians) created for ourselves.
Sickened 6 years, 10 months ago on Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long
Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long
The Government was last night “optimistic” The Bahamas’ blacklisting will be “quickly reversed” And he's optimistic because??? It's not like Turnquest even got to speak with anyone about anything while he was in the building - YOU WERE IGNORED.
This Blacklisting will stay in place until the EU decide to remove us - NOT once we sign shit into legislation!
OldFort2012 6 years, 10 months ago on Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long
Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long
The EU can tax our exports: what, lobsters? slow down access to the global financial system by our offshore financial industry: they have done it already through the blacklisting. They can't do it twice. put up barriers to the movement of people (both ways including tourism): how exactly? It is up to us who we let in, not them who they let out. And if they put up Visa requirements for what? It's not like we all go to the EU every fortnight. In fact I would wager that 95% of Bahamians have never, nor ever will, go there.
Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 10 months ago on Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long
Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long
Meanwhile there are huge backlogs in just about every government department, agency and corporation because of a bloated civil service choked with obese, illiterate and non-productive hires, including temporary workers, who owe their public paying jobs to corrupt politicians. Each is given a menial task that they take their own sweet time doing while tripping over one another, causing very costly serious delays at just about every point in all of the dysfunctional systems that frustrate taxpaying businesses and individual taxpayers virtually to death. Our average government worker spends two hours a day planning their lunch, another hour and a half eating it, a couple of hours of chit chatter and listening to radio talk shows with fellow workers, and an hour or two doing special favours for their own friends and family members (including friends and family members of politicians) while everyone else waits ever so patiently unless they are prepared to 'grease the system'. A truly pathetic state of affairs that has our country well on its way to bankruptcy!
DDK 6 years, 10 months ago on Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long
Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long
You don't mince words. Unfortunately for The Bahamas, they are right!
hrysippus 6 years, 10 months ago on Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long
Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long
Brutal but unfortunately accurate except that you left out the afternoon school run.
Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 9 months ago on Minister seeks ‘sober’ debate about marital rape laws
Minister seeks ‘sober’ debate about marital rape laws
I pity your poor wife if you are a married man.
TorontoGal 6 years, 10 months ago on Minister seeks ‘sober’ debate about marital rape laws
Minister seeks ‘sober’ debate about marital rape laws
VDSheep, rape is rape is rape be it between married people or single people. A marriage license does NOT give a husband the right to rape his wife. Rape has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with POWER. When a man or woman rapes it's for the power over that person and nothing more. Men and women must have the right to so NO if they so chose.
sheeprunner12 6 years, 10 months ago on Churches propose marriage controls
Churches propose marriage controls
Politics and Religion should remain apart ........ it is radioactive to mix both. Let the laws remain as is and add spousal sexual abuse clause to cover the alleged loophole.
Now that France is going to get rid of sexual consent laws for teens, will this be touted by the church as well??
ohdrap4 6 years, 10 months ago on Churches propose marriage controls
Churches propose marriage controls
The legislation suggests a ten per cent reduction in annual car licence, driver’s licence, and real property tax fees for married couples that can prove they have been living together for a period of six months. Eligible couples would fill out a form that, once notarised, would represent a “certificate of residing together”.
Why don't the preachers give tithes discounts or cash back to people for people who live together?
Better yet, exempt the people who live together from paying tithes. that is alot more savings than car license.
hrysippus 6 years, 10 months ago on Churches propose marriage controls
Churches propose marriage controls
Paying tithes to a church is decidedly idiotic,.. ......... .. ... ... Buying entrance into heaven is totally neurotic, . . .... The pastor, he gets fat while your family staying thin, . . . . And when your time is done Saint Peter still won't let you in, .. .. . .. .. If you've stolen and you've cheated yet think your sin is washed away, . . ... You're in for a hell of a shock when you reach that judgement day, And that fancy car that the pastor just bought . . ... . . ... On that Judgement Day will count for nought, . . ......... ... There is a special circle reserved in Hell, . . . ... For those who Salvation seek to sell, . . . ... Now some of these council members may mean well, .. .. .... How many and which I cannot tell, . . . .. ... But when they seek to judge just who is fit to wed, . . . .. We should go back to the Good Book and see what Jesus said, . . .... Concerning splinters and a mote, . ........ ..... And marriages not subject to vote, . ... ... Of confidence from the local churchman, . .. .... Who will fatten his wallet whenever he can, . . . .... . By charging for counselling and license fee, . . ...... For an arrangement that should, and used to be, free.
sealice 6 years, 10 months ago on Churches propose marriage controls
Churches propose marriage controls
why can't people just make logical ethical fair decisions without having to drag the BCC into everything.... all of their opinion is based on a purely FICTIONAL book that has changed over the course of time to suit religous "leaders" (talk about the blind leading the blind) . Some of these
lkalikl 7 years, 9 months ago on Activist says pastors wrong to focus on LGBT issues
Activist says pastors wrong to focus on LGBT issues
Fook all these ignorant fooking pastors! Fook all the ignorant fooking people! Defend human rights Bahamas! Stop acting like a bunch of fooking Jihad loving Muslims! Fook religious extremists!
banker 7 years, 9 months ago on Activist says pastors wrong to focus on LGBT issues
Activist says pastors wrong to focus on LGBT issues
I thought that I had you and licks pegged as the sensible ones here. The idea of same sex, man-to-man intimacy is abhorrent to me - just trying to imagine it makes me want to gag and vomit. ( if its a couple of lesbians going at it -- different story -- I could watch that). But that is no reason to discriminate against it. Why don't we just let them be. If you don't like homosexuality, don't do it. You een gern turn sissy by having dems around. There are no homo ninjas attacking people and converting them. The enlightened view is to live and let live, and don't deny anyone their human rights.
BTW - in some populations, the percentage of homosexuals can reach as high as 23 percent according to Gallup.
kairosmatt 7 years, 9 months ago on Activist says pastors wrong to focus on LGBT issues
Activist says pastors wrong to focus on LGBT issues
How does a straight person have to bend over backwards to accommodate LBGT? It's much harder to discriminate than to just let people do what they do with each other (as long as its done consensually of course).
If gay people want to love each other, hurray! The Bahamas is so filled with petty stupid hate right now (Pastors to blame plenty). Let em love! Let em marry! More happiness all around.
Stop the hating. Stop cherry picking from an old nonsensical book of myths and open your eyes and heart to the people around you NOW.
banker 7 years, 9 months ago on Activist says pastors wrong to focus on LGBT issues
Activist says pastors wrong to focus on LGBT issues
How is Erin Greene imposing her lifestyle on you? Did she come to your house with the Licktower magazine, like the Jehovah's do to convert you? Did she preach the benefits of man love (toilet seat always up)? Did she use high pressure used car salesman tactics to make you touch another man intimately? Did she make you wear pink shoes and a ballet tutu?
They een imposin' anything. Do you know what is being imposed on you? Perpetual taxes for a kleptocratic, corrupt government. You are being imposed upon to support Shame Gibson's teifin'. You are being imposed upon to support that sub-human Mad Brad. You are being imposed upon to pay for the luxurious lifestyles of the PLP. You are being bent over to empty your pockets. But gays ... pheft! Nada. They een harming you.
Plus ain't 99%. More like 75%.
Alex_Charles 7 years, 9 months ago on Do you agree with the pastors who petitioned President Trump over same-sex marriage promotion?
Do you agree with the pastors who petitioned President Trump over same-sex marriage promotion?
Some of those pastors are closeted homosexuals themselves. Aside from that, the caribbean has far more pressure matters than their obsession with what people do in the bedroom.
banker 7 years, 9 months ago on Pastors' plea to US on gay rights
Pastors' plea to US on gay rights
I wish that these so-called ministers would emulate Jesus. He hung out with tax collectors, sinners and prostitutes. He welcomed the poor and marginalised. He accepted everyone. These ministers are charlatans who skew the old covenant words of an inexact book to raise their own profiles. They have no right leading people, leeching off them by collecting money and preaching hate against a group of people who cannot help the fact that they are gay. The ministers are despicable human beings who preach hate under the guise of religion. They should be banned.
Chucky 7 years, 9 months ago on Pastors' plea to US on gay rights
Pastors' plea to US on gay rights
I would like to suggest an alternative:
Pass laws banning the practice of any religion, in every country in the world.
Here are some good reasons:
Religion is man mad, and has nothing to do with any god. If we came from Adam and Eve, and they had two children- Cain & Able, how did they reproduce...... so many lies in all the " good books"
Pastors and Preachers etc, quite often take the church money to buy big houses and fancy cars.
Religion is the cause of many wars and much violence. While its true their have been wars caused by the non religious, if we ban religion we can eventually grow out of religious wars and violence.
Many in the church are the most despicable people on this earth, take the Catholic church for instance, how many members have been caught up in paedophilia , the whole church including the pope supports transferring these criminals to other jurisdictions to avoid prosecution.
Christians burned " witches at the stake" for 500 years Christians used to burry children in foundations and post holes to appease the weather gods. Exodus verse 21 21 clearly states that you can beat your slaves (just another religious verse supporting slavery and the slaves torcher)
Need I go on? The church is last place on earth we will ever find the "moral high ground"!
Anything good that is done in the name of god, would be better done just because a person thought it should be. Do you really need God to tell you to help others, you'd be a better person if you help others because you believe you should, not needing "god" to tell you to.
Religions collect billions yearly, pay no taxes and for the most part, don't spend the money on people in need. What good is this? Ie the Catholic church is one of the richest institutions in the world. If there was a god, and one worthy of praying to, he'd never want any of these scumbag organizations who purport to do his work. Also, if a god created the earth, he'd easily create money for those in need......
I'm not a fan of, nor someone who can dislike someone because they're gay or lesbian. I can only like or dislike those who I've met. The few I've met are no worse than anyone else, and likely a lot better than the religious freak pastors and preachers who speak all these "good words" and meanwhile take all the church money for themselves..
I know, god works in mysterious ways- Lets stop this foolishness and move on with life.
Calypso 8 years, 7 months ago on Latest Constitutional Referendum Results
Latest Constitutional Referendum Results
Ah yes, the classic "Blame the white man because I cannot accept responsibility for the careless actions of my countrymen" approach.