B_I_D___ 11 years, 11 months ago on 'Outrage' over City Meat pension transfer
'Outrage' over City Meat pension transfer
Shameless...truly shameless. Finlayson's should be barred from owning any stake in any business. Their management style is wreckless and the final goal is just to strip any and all funds and leave a devastated company and employees in their wake. Did I hear correctly that Tiger's boat at the Yacht Haven got repossessed?
Ironvelvet 11 years, 11 months ago on None
What this speaks to is the poor state of the family unit, specifically fathers. Wake up Bahamians, either don't procreate or be better mothers and fathers. If these children came from better supportive homes, these girls/boys, would not fall prey to those exchanging sex for basic needs of living.
banker 11 years, 11 months ago on Shock over immigration staff swoop
Shock over immigration staff swoop
humming "Down to the banana republic" .. This makes Fred Mitchell and his department look like a bunch of parochial idiots in front of the world.
B_I_D___ 11 years, 11 months ago on Shock over immigration staff swoop
Shock over immigration staff swoop
Absolutely disgraceful. Do I feel the person could have or should have been questioned, by all means, but do it a bit more tactfully, especially when in the end you did not have all the facts and made yourself, and the country for that matter look like idiots. Willing to bet the fired employee has a friend or family member in Immigration that got that swung. Sad when people have to resort to such childish behaviour.
bahamian242 11 years, 11 months ago on Shock over immigration staff swoop
Shock over immigration staff swoop
I am surprised Immigration answered the phone!
marrcus 11 years, 11 months ago on Shock over immigration staff swoop
Shock over immigration staff swoop
Are these Gestapo tactics really necessary? Couldn't this have been done in the HR office of Atlantis behind closed doors? Definitely agree that this was retaliation for recently fired employees. Would love to why they were fired.
Ironvelvet 11 years, 11 months ago on Shock over immigration staff swoop
Shock over immigration staff swoop
Oh my goodness!! How disgraceful! There is a protocol for everything. These are the same police who won't go in and raid illegal activities in the number houses, the same ones who don't go into the slums, but go to a place of business of a person who had a applied for a permit? These people need to be properly TRAINED!!! How much sense does it require for you to at least know that an appeal is possible and that it status should be simply checked.
Oh and Mr. Mitchell, please let me know what Bahamian you know can train a sea lion?
Reader 11 years, 11 months ago on Shock over immigration staff swoop
Shock over immigration staff swoop
I know a Sea Lion that can train a Bahamian.
Ironvelvet 11 years, 11 months ago on Shock over immigration staff swoop
Shock over immigration staff swoop
I think it is ridiculous on all levels, be you white, red, yellow, or purple. It is horrible that this issue just making headline news, I agree with that. Mitchell and his foreign affairs crew need to stop their foolishness and this Bahamian only mentality. No country has a workforce that is 100% comprised of its citizenry...NONE!
proudloudandfnm 11 years, 11 months ago on Shock over immigration staff swoop
Shock over immigration staff swoop
Time for our government to use their computers for more than solitaire and facebook!
hj 11 years, 11 months ago on Shock over immigration staff swoop
Shock over immigration staff swoop
Couldn't these people have done their homework before,instead of looking like a bunch of idiots?
islander242 11 years, 11 months ago on Shock over immigration staff swoop
Shock over immigration staff swoop
Atlantis is a landmark in the Bahamas and it is interesting to know this happened in front of tourists. Who cares about the Haitian made who got busted in an empty house
B_I_D___ 11 years, 11 months ago on Shock over immigration staff swoop
Shock over immigration staff swoop
ks and Bahamaboy...first, check the Guardian's website, they are saying the same thing and are even going into further details with former MP's saying they are typically allowed to carry on working during the review. As for the Haitian and Jamaican maid scenarios, I think it is slightly different and here is why. You have some individual knowingly working illegal for a private residence let's say, police and immigration do need to act a bit more swiftly otherwise that person can go underground and relocate. In the case at Atlantis, she is under the employment of Atlantis, following the instructions no doubt from the Human Resources department and probably their legal department as well, all it would have taken would have been a phone call from Immigration to the HR department at Atlantis to clarify the matter to everyone's satisfaction. It's not like this gal was going to duck and cover and go try work for some other house on the side, she's a professional doing a highly trained job at a major hotel and tourist facility. One phone call...they wouldn't even have had to leave their desks, and the matter would have been resolved, instead, they behaved like idiots and made Atlantis and the Bahamas look like idiots. Let's not be so quick to turn around and say...they gonna treat her different cause she white...blah blah blah, this is not a race issue...this is a common sense issue, which a lot of you appear to be lacking.
UserOne 11 years, 11 months ago on Shock over immigration staff swoop
Shock over immigration staff swoop
@Jamaican: I didn't see anywhere in the article where it said the person was white.
hj 11 years, 11 months ago on Shock over immigration staff swoop
Shock over immigration staff swoop
I don't think anyone would be upset over the department doing its job. However the facts should be checked first. Also doing your job includes all illegal immigrants. So let them go to the so called "shanty towns" and do what they did to Atlantis.
MonkeeDoo 11 years, 11 months ago on Shock over immigration staff swoop
Shock over immigration staff swoop
A Rogue Nation by any other name. The tourists can go home now and tell all of their friends how the Bahamian Gestapo shut down their show. And when Atlantis closes up shop, I hope Freddy can pick up the new employment slack. Ever see a Bahamian working on a cruise ship ? Ever wonder why they (cruise ships) are so popular today. Bahamians need to rub the stardust out of their eyes before they go blind. And YES, I am a Bahamian too.
Concerned 11 years, 10 months ago on Readers rate PLP with a grade F
Readers rate PLP with a grade F
No surprise to me at all:
Urban Renewal 2.0. Yes it got started but they fired people to replace them with PLP
Ministry of Grand Bahama - Yes, but only a ministry in words with a lousy minister
Mortgage Relief - Yes, but a complete failure with no one benefiting
Gambling Referendum - Yes, but a national embarrassment
Buy Back BTC - Complete failure when they already knew it could not be done
Decrease Stamp Tax - Yes in certain areas but no real benefit for the masses
Review of Financial Services - Okay, so they reviewed it - now what?
Everything about this government has been a complete failure or just a smoke screen to cover up other colossal failures. They taking credit for investment projects that had clearly started construction even before this government came into power. PLP government, as usual, has been plagued with controversies and corruptions. Every cabinet minister appears to be prime minister, except for the prime minister himself. Ministers are shooting their mouths off in the media on matters that don't concern them and the prime minister's favorite line is "I am not aware of that". I wouldn't say we're doomed but I will say that we need a lot of prayers to make it through this storm.
B_I_D___ 11 years, 10 months ago on Victim tried to stop attack on woman
Victim tried to stop attack on woman
Seeing multiple press releases across mainstream papers in the US...sailor killed in the Bahamas during a robbery...hope the thugs appreciate the devastating financial blow this will have on our economy...but hey...let's not always worry too much about the tourists, we don't need them...we can do just fine without them...yeah right.
USAhelp 11 years, 10 months ago on Victim tried to stop attack on woman
Victim tried to stop attack on woman
Cuba is a better choice right now for tourist we needto do something about crime.
John 11 years, 7 months ago on QC ready to mount lawsuit against the govt
QC ready to mount lawsuit against the govt
I dont smoke but the new taxes on cigsrettes is didgraceful. The price doubled (for the poor man) overnight. And while government that it is not collecting about $20 million a year on tobbacco imports due to smuggling, it decides to double the tax on the poor man who is already paying. SO WHILE THE RESIDENT in Lyford Cay can continue to fly his cigarettes in duty free on his private jet, and while residents in the northern Bahamas can bring cigarettes in on speed boats and others on yatchs residents in the inner cities must pay almost $8.00 for a pack of cigarettes...damn near the price of a lobster tail on Montagu!! Cry shame Bahamas!!!