ohdrap4 4 years, 8 months ago on 25 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19
25 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19
It appears most patients are younger than 50.
ISpeakFacts 4 years, 8 months ago on 25 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19
25 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19
(WHY IS ABACO NOT ON THE DASHBOARD???) We have more confirmed cases in 3 weeks than we did in the past 4 months, all because the WORST PM in the country's history decided to open up our borders and allow our D- population to travel in and out of the country without needing to be quarantined or tested upon arrival!
happyfly 4 years, 8 months ago on Hotelier calls for 'calibrated' action on COVID surge
Hotelier calls for 'calibrated' action on COVID surge
Amen. The PM thought he was so clever scaring the pants off of everyone so they would do whatever he says ....... and now he has to deal with a population that would rather starve to death than risk 0.0something chance of dying from Covid
Dawes 4 years, 8 months ago on Hotelier calls for 'calibrated' action on COVID surge
Hotelier calls for 'calibrated' action on COVID surge
Thankyou whogothere, fully agree. We are about to enter uncharted waters in Bahamas with all the layoffs coming, and the idea of staying closed until this is over seems to still be the mantra of the day for some, with the belief that when we re-open everything will go right back to how it was.
Wisdom4 4 years, 8 months ago on ALICIA WALLACE: Playing the blame game when everyone knew what was likely to happen
ALICIA WALLACE: Playing the blame game when everyone knew what was likely to happen
Alicia Wallace, highlight some important points in her article. Thinking about the blame game "COVID-19" was discovered in China and the virus rapidly spread around the globe including the Bahamas. Nevertheless, I wonder why is China interested in the Bahamas? China has colonizes the Bahamas and the country has benefited financially from it's relationship with China. The global world including the US notice this can "Controversy"
Do we need restrictions on our borders due to COVID-19. Yes! wearing a mask at the airport, on commercial planes and regular temperature check also limited number of people on flights can be a good strategy as well. How can we jump start the tourist industry if our borders remain close.
Many Bahamian workers depend on the tourist industry as income and part of their livelihood. oppressing people with another restrictions and lock down is not going to help the issue only make things worst for the Bahamian people. Every country throughout the world is struggling with COVID-19. We have to get the economy back on track and people to work. Closing down Arawak Cay and other business is not the solution.
What happens to the Bahamian students that has to return back too college in the United States this fall?
If people can follow the health guidelines during COVID-19 pandemic and using these precaution can help prevent the spread.
ISpeakFacts 4 years, 7 months ago on PM reverses new lockdown measures
PM reverses new lockdown measures
Minnis MUST resign! He is somehow doing the impossible, I thought the fool couldn't make himself look even more stupid and ridiculous, but time and time again he continues to prove me wrong!
To think the only reason this arrogant, selfish, inhumane, nasty, and evil SOB even reversed HIS mighty orders is because of the protesting by the UNRULY D- average Bahamian citizens and a potential Hurricane reaching the shores of New Providence in the next few days! (The storm excuse is utter BS, experts have been tracking this tropical wave for many many days and it has always been forecasted to make way near our shores!)
The Bahamas is well on its way to dealing with 3 disasters: Chinese Virus, the peak of the VERY active Hurricane Season, and last but not least, the hurricane that has been terrorising our waters since 2017...Category 5 Hurricane Minnis!
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 7 months ago on SHAMBOLIC: PM forced into dramatic U-turn after public fury at ‘no notice’ lockdown
SHAMBOLIC: PM forced into dramatic U-turn after public fury at ‘no notice’ lockdown
Why would you increase the hospitalizations to include people who are already in hospital? Hospitalization would imply that the person is in critical condition due to COVID complications. But if someone is on male medical for a broken leg, is asymptomatic for COVID, why include them in hospitalizations? It's now clear to me that the spigot is being manipulated to gush numbers out or slow them down based on the position they want to push at the time
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 7 months ago on 95 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19
95 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19
Wait a minute! Heard on the news that Dr Forbes said the 78 increase is because they counted people already in Sandilands. Huh????
repost: Why would you increase the hospitalizations to include people who are already in hospital? Hospitalization would imply that the person is in critical condition due to COVID complications. But if someone is on male medical for a broken leg, is asymptomatic for COVID, why include them in hospitalizations? It's now clear to me that the spigot is being manipulated to gush numbers out or slow them down based on the position they want to push at the time
If this they're in hospital makes sense then if someone dies and has COVID it should be recorded as a COVID death, it's the same rationale. Who is doing the thinking?
ISpeakFacts 4 years, 7 months ago on UPDATED: Most New Providence businesses can open on August 31, no hard lockdown needed
UPDATED: Most New Providence businesses can open on August 31, no hard lockdown needed
Hubert "Idiot" Minnis: I am happy to tell you that the health team sees positive trends developing regarding the situation in New Providence, at this time, a hard lockdown is no longer recommended for New Providence.
He says this while New Providence is clearly surging, has a lack of ICU beds, and the deaths are rising with each passing day! Major lockdown one week and reopening the next? Like usual HE is clueless and is reopening the country once again without a proper plan. Also did anyone else see those OUTRAGEOUS "recoveries and deaths" numbers given by Dahl-Regis??? Now it is more than obvious that the numbers are FAR from accurate!
17 deaths, only 14 new cases and nearly FOUR HUNDRED recoveries in the past 24-48 hours??? SOMEONE IS LYING!
bcitizen 4 years, 7 months ago on UPDATED: Most New Providence businesses can open on August 31, no hard lockdown needed
UPDATED: Most New Providence businesses can open on August 31, no hard lockdown needed
According to them this is the most dire threat we have ever faced as a country, we have basically destroyed our economy based on these figures and these people can't even count to just over 1000 correctly? Who is responsible for this and will take the consequences? Seven, seven hundred thousand, seven seven million, seven seven hundred million thousand and it goes on and on.
Proguing 4 years, 7 months ago on EDITORIAL: From lockdown to opening the doors
EDITORIAL: From lockdown to opening the doors
UK government infectious diseases expert and University of Edinburgh professor Mark Woolhouse acknowledged that the decision to lockdown in March was a “crude measure” that was enacted because “we couldn’t think of anything better to do.”
“Lockdown was a panic measure and I believe history will say trying to control Covid-19 through lockdown was a monumental mistake on a global scale, the cure was worse than the disease,” said Woolhouse, who is now calling on the government to unlock society before more damage is done.
“I never want to see national lockdown again,” he added.
“It was always a temporary measure that simply delayed the stage of the epidemic we see now. It was never going to change anything fundamentally.”
happyfly 4 years, 6 months ago on Emergency orders to run beyond tourism reopening until end of October
Emergency orders to run beyond tourism reopening until end of October
If you haven't figured it out yet - the only place in the world that has COVID under control is Sweden. They put their heads down and pushed through the storm whilst everyone else has embraced the fear and cowered to a bunch of farsical attempts to subdue an airborne pathogen that has done nothing but prolong the inevitable - herd immunity. Papa Doc now understands that he has destroyed our economy and completely failed to protect anyone from the virus in the long term and has no choice but to prepare us for reality. I sure hope you have all been working on your own natural immune systems in the meantime
mandela 4 years, 6 months ago on Government hopeful smaller hotels can jumpstart tourism
Government hopeful smaller hotels can jumpstart tourism
How ironic the very entrepreneurs that can't get the same tax breaks and subsidiaries as there larger counterparts are supposed to help jumpstart the tourism economy, Now, maybe, our governments will finally see and understand how much more important our local entrepreneurs are to the economies survival and invest in them honestly and truly.
John 4 years, 5 months ago on Tourism operators back quarantine replacement
Tourism operators back quarantine replacement
Can someone please hurry and develop a virtual tourism product that will allow government to collect taxes.
happyfly 4 years, 5 months ago on 97 new cases of COVID-19
97 new cases of COVID-19
It means that if 100,000 30 year olds believe that 100% of them are going to die if they contract the Wuhan Flu - 99,998 of them are very wrong
John 4 years, 5 months ago on COVID-19: The workplace is now a 'hotspot'
COVID-19: The workplace is now a 'hotspot'
Rather than restricting the beaches , Minnis should encourage Bahamians (and residents) to get outside, get sunlight, get exercise. Delay going directly from the workplace to the home but still practice wearing of masks, social distancing and other safer protocols.
DRIVER31 4 years, 5 months ago on Weekend lockdowns for New Providence and Abaco
Weekend lockdowns for New Providence and Abaco
Dear Mr. Minnis
1.People aren't only catching COVID AT NIGHT or at the Beaches. STOP with that bull. 2.Suppose COVID Lasts the rest of your time in office, do you intend to continue to lock the country down every other month? If so how do you intend to help the Bahamians that live in Hardship imposed by the decisions your office makes? 3. How do you intend to turn the Bahamian Economy around if we are unable to work to generate the funds required for us to pay (Bills, Rent, Debts, General Cost of Living, Tickets and court fines), in a country focused on Tourism and Construction? Or are we supposed to let these fees pile up? Or are we all going to jail? 4. We do not set the example for the country you do, be carful what you say and how you backtrack.
Mr. Minnis, we the Bahamian people that voted you into power are now questioning this decision
rodentos 4 years, 5 months ago on 'Critical' moment in fight
'Critical' moment in fight
stop this modern witch hunt. You can't control nature. Get a working health system instead, that would also help in future in case of similar problems. Money spend for testing is just waste of resources. Get oxygen machines instead.
ISpeakFacts 4 years, 8 months ago on 25 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19
25 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19
Prime Minister Dr. IDIOT Minnis laid a resolution seeking to extend the emergency orders until September 30. The resolution will be debated in the House of Assembly tomorrow
It seems this arrogant, nasty, and evil fool is still on a power trip! It looks like the peak of Hurricane Season started a few weeks early, be prepared everyone because Category 5 Hurricane Minnis is coming to destroy this entire country!