JohnDoes 11 years, 1 month ago on Embassy warning on crime does not seek to kill 'the golden goose of tourism'
Embassy warning on crime does not seek to kill 'the golden goose of tourism'
The thing is, if they keep focusing on this 'golden goose', they are also going to get strangled by it. We need to focus more on developing other industries that when added to tourism can bring in a lot more money for the country. For example, there aint no need for a foreigner to come here and make millions of dollars of our salt that is naturally occurring here. Why couldnt we the Bahamians take advantage of this? Oh yea, because we are too lazy and we are taught to look up to others rather than start businesses and trends for ourselves.
banker 11 years, 1 month ago on Embassy warning on crime does not seek to kill 'the golden goose of tourism'
Embassy warning on crime does not seek to kill 'the golden goose of tourism'
Hubert Ingraham tried to diversify the economy and create a Third Pillar in 2002. He was roundly voted out of office. When he got back into power, he gave Bahamians exactly what they wanted -- nothing. The status quo. It doesn't pay to have vision here. It can easily be defeated at the ballot box with free booze, ham, turkey, tee shirts, or $200. Or in the case of Valentine Grimes, getting caught with a suitcase full of 'practice' ballots. Suk teet.
B_I_D___ 11 years, 1 month ago on Embassy warning on crime does not seek to kill 'the golden goose of tourism'
Embassy warning on crime does not seek to kill 'the golden goose of tourism' didn't see anything...please...go about your regular business...there is no crime issue to worry about...Dey just holograms of people doing silly sheet man!!