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Sir Durward improving
Sir Durward improving THE health of prominent Bahamian Sir Durward Knowles was said to have made a slight improvement in hospital yesterday. Sir Durward, 94, was admitted to hospital suffering from pneumonia last week. A family friend said the former Oly
Gov't urged to 'look carefully' at manufacturing's survival
Gov't urged to 'look carefully' at manufacturing's survival By NATARIO McKENZIE Tribune Business Reporter A leading Bahamian bottled water manufacturer yesterday urged the Government to "look very carefully at how we can survi
Mourning for 'plait lady'
Mourning for 'plait lady' By AVA TURNQUEST Tribune Staff Reporter ANDROSIANS mourned the loss of their beloved matriarch, Omelia Marshall, this weekend. The recipient of numerous tourism honours, including a Cacique award, f
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