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GLIKA Christofilis, a member of a well-known Bahamian family, died on Thursday, January 12, in Minnesota at the age of 94. Born in Marsh Harbour, Abaco, her family moved to Nassau aged two, where she grew up with seven siblings. Mrs Christofilis worked at
GLIKA Christofilis, a member of a well-known Bahamian family, died on Thursday, January 12, in Minnesota at the age of 94. Born in Marsh Harbour, Abaco, her family moved to Nassau aged two, where she grew up with seven siblings. Mrs Christofilis worked at
Bran vows public vote on making gambling legal
By DANA SMITH DNA leader Branville McCartney will call for a referendum on the legalisation of gambling and a national lottery should the DNA win the up-coming general election, stating it's "something we will put to the Bahamian
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