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The destruction of Jumbey village
The destruction of Jumbey village "NO, I can't believe it - that can't be true!" This was Coconut Grove MP's Ed Moxey's shocked reply in May 1974 when a news reporter called to ask what he thought of a report that government had planned to build a repli
Slow down and live
EDITOR, The Tribune. The commissioner of police recently presented his yearly report to the press. The report stated that there have been 276 traffic fatalities in the Bahamas over the last six years. This is an average of 46 fatalities per year. This is
Slow down and live
EDITOR, The Tribune. The commissioner of police recently presented his yearly report to the press. The report stated that there have been 276 traffic fatalities in the Bahamas over the last six years. This is an average of 46 fatalities per year. This is
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