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Revived Mortgage Plan may assist ‘over 1,000’

The Government yesterday unveiled a revised Mortgage Relief Plan it believes could assist “upwards of 1,000 delinquent borrowers”, via a 20-25 per cent cut to monthly loan payments.

BFSB makes Landfall in Miami and Europe

BFSB makes Landfall in Miami and Europe The Bahamas Financial Services Board's (BFSB) main promotional event is set to make Landfall in Europe and Miami in June, as it seeks to educate intermediaries and their high net worth clients on what this jurisdi

Mortgage Corp loan provisions $71m off norm

Mortgage Corp loan provisions $71m off norm By NEIL HARTNELL Tribune Business Editor The Bahamas Mortgage Corporation's (BMC) existing policy underestimates loan loss provisioning by more than $71 million, it was disclosed yesterday, its chairman unveil

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