All results / Stories / Brent Stubbs

sports inbrief

BASKETBALL GENEVA RUTHERFORD GIRLS' TOURNEY RESULTS from day one of the HOYTES 2012 Geneva Rutherford Girls National Basketball Classics in Grand Bahama are as follows: Jr Girls: Temple Christian def. Catholic High 30-23. Sr Girls: Tabernacle def. Centr


DURING the opening of the Freedom Farm Baseball League on Saturday, Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, Charles Maynard confirmed that the road from Yamacraw Road leading to the field will be renamed Freedom Farm Way. Mr Maynard, however, did not discl

In Japan, Mark St Fort wins, Kadeem Coleby suffers loss

IT was contrasting results for Bahamian professional basketball players Mark St Fort and Kadeem Coleby yesterday as they continued their journey in the regular season of the Japanese B League.


The Basil Neymour Most Outstanding Junior Male Track Athlete Of The Year Delano Davis 2011 CARIFTA Games U17 100m Gold medallist 2011 CARIFTA Games U17 200m Bronze medallist 2011 IAAF World Youth 100m Semifinalist O'Jay Ferguson Hig

'Sea Wolf' honoured again

By BRENT STUBBS Senior Sports Reporter From the ocean to the pulpit, Sir Durward 'Sea Wolf' Knowles has been awarded another title. This time, a Doctor of Humane Letters honourary degree. During a church service Sunday at the Mis

Rev Dr David Samuel Johnson - a man truly worthy of praise

By BRENT STUBBS TODAY, I wish to deviate a bit from the norm on the page of the sporting arena to put some attention on the religion forum. My focus of attention has to do with the passing of Rev Dr David Samuel Johnson, my beloved pastor at the Macedoni


The Basil Neymour Most Outstanding Junior Male Track Athlete Of The Year Delano Davis 2011 CARIFTA Games U17 100m Gold medallist 2011 CARIFTA Games U17 200m Bronze medallist 2011 IAAF World Youth 100m Semifinalist O'Jay Ferguson Hig


The Basil Neymour Most Outstanding Junior Male Track Athlete Of The Year Delano Davis 2011 CARIFTA Games U17 100m Gold medallist 2011 CARIFTA Games U17 200m Bronze medallist 2011 IAAF World Youth 100m Semifinalist O'Jay Ferguson Hig


The Basil Neymour Most Outstanding Junior Male Track Athlete Of The Year Delano Davis 2011 CARIFTA Games U17 100m Gold medallist 2011 CARIFTA Games U17 200m Bronze medallist 2011 IAAF World Youth 100m Semifinalist O'Jay Ferguson Hig


The Basil Neymour Most Outstanding Junior Male Track Athlete Of The Year Delano Davis 2011 CARIFTA Games U17 100m Gold medallist 2011 CARIFTA Games U17 200m Bronze medallist 2011 IAAF World Youth 100m Semifinalist O'Jay Ferguson Hig

sports inbrief

BASKETBALL GENEVA RUTHERFORD TOURNEY AFTER winning their fifth straight Government Secondary Schools Sports Association senior girls title, the CR Walker Knights will be heading to Grand Bahama to try and win another crown at the Geneva Rutherford Girls

sports inbrief

BASKETBALL GENEVA RUTHERFORD TOURNEY AFTER winning their fifth straight Government Secondary Schools Sports Association senior girls title, the CR Walker Knights will be heading to Grand Bahama to try and win another crown at the Geneva Rutherford Girls

sports inbrief

BASKETBALL GENEVA RUTHERFORD TOURNEY AFTER winning their fifth straight Government Secondary Schools Sports Association senior girls title, the CR Walker Knights will be heading to Grand Bahama to try and win another crown at the Geneva Rutherford Girls

Tease photo

Major Jr and Nottage face off in men’s final

It will be youth versus experience and Grand Bahama vs New Providence when rising teenager Denali Nottage faces former champion Kevin Major Jr in the men’s final of the 2022 Giorgio Baldacci Open Nationals. The tournament, hosted by the Bahamas Lawn Tennis Association, will come to a close today at the National Tennis Centre when the women’s champions will be decided as well in a rematch of last year’s finals between champion Sydney Clarke and runners-up Elana Mackey.

sports inbrief

SWIMMING MOSS QUALIFYING PERFORMANCES IN the Sea Bees Swimming Invitational Saturday at Betty Kelly Kenning Aquatic Centre, Sea Bees' T'Auren Moss' times in the 15-and-under division were either qualifying times for the Caribbean Invitational Swim Champi

NPSA: Wildcats, Truckers win season openers

BOTH the new look Sunshine Auto Wildcats and the Commando Security Truckers picked up where they left off last year, winning the season opening games in the New Providence Softball Association 2019 season.

Basketball standout Rhema Collins prepares for Ole Miss

AS she continues her transition to college, University of Mississippi bound Rhema Collins came home to take advantage of some training from professional player Ryan Moss and veteran women’s coach Anthony Swaby. Moss and Swaby took Collins through a series of workouts yesterday at the Kendal Isaacs Gymnasium as the 6-foot, 2-inch forward took the break from her final season with the Webb School in Bell Buckle, Tennessee.

BAISS track and field championships to start this morning

By BRENT STUBBS Senior Sports Reporter WILL this be the year that the St Augustine's College Big Red Machine's dominance of the Bahamas Association of Independent Secondary Schools' inter-school track and field championships come

Sports news in brief

Sports news in brief SOCCER BFA RELOCATION THE Bahamas Football Association has announced that its office has been relocated to Rosetta Street. The new phone numbers are 322-4343 and 328-7666. TRACK NCAA D1 INDOORS TWO athletes are expected to represen

Sports news in brief

Sports news in brief SOCCER BFA RELOCATION THE Bahamas Football Association has announced that its office has been relocated to Rosetta Street. The new phone numbers are 322-4343 and 328-7666. TRACK NCAA D1 INDOORS TWO athletes are expected to represen