All results / Stories / Dana Smith

Haiti denies FNM 'vote ploy'

Haiti denies FNM 'vote ploy' By DANA SMITH HAITI'S president Michel Martelly did not intend to interfere in Bahamian politics when he told Haitian-Bahamians to identify "who is on their side" in the upcoming general elections, H

Haiti denies FNM 'vote ploy'

Haiti denies FNM 'vote ploy' By DANA SMITH HAITI'S president Michel Martelly did not intend to interfere in Bahamian politics when he told Haitian-Bahamians to identify "who is on their side" in the upcoming general elections, H

Haiti denies FNM 'vote ploy'

Haiti denies FNM 'vote ploy' By DANA SMITH HAITI'S president Michel Martelly did not intend to interfere in Bahamian politics when he told Haitian-Bahamians to identify "who is on their side" in the upcoming general elections, H

PLP defend Gibson choice

PLP defend Gibson choice IT is up to the Bahamian public, not the FNM, to decide if PLP Golden Gates candidate Shane Gibson will once again sit in the House of Assembly, according to FNM Chairman Carl Bethel. Mr Bethel's statement follows one from the DN

PLP defend Gibson choice

PLP defend Gibson choice IT is up to the Bahamian public, not the FNM, to decide if PLP Golden Gates candidate Shane Gibson will once again sit in the House of Assembly, according to FNM Chairman Carl Bethel. Mr Bethel's statement follows one from the DN

Miller dismisses Turnquest lawsuit as 'foolishness'

Miller dismisses Turnquest lawsuit as 'foolishness' By DANA SMITH PLP Tall Pines candidate Leslie Miller has dismissed National Security Minister Tommy Turnquest's lawsuit against him as "foolishness" but also spoke on possible

Hospital deal near for Exuma

Hospital deal near for Exuma By DANA SMITH THE government will be accepting bids for the construction of a community hospital in Exuma before the end of the month, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham told constituents Saturday night

Hospital deal near for Exuma

Hospital deal near for Exuma By DANA SMITH THE government will be accepting bids for the construction of a community hospital in Exuma before the end of the month, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham told constituents Saturday night

Hospital deal near for Exuma

Hospital deal near for Exuma By DANA SMITH THE government will be accepting bids for the construction of a community hospital in Exuma before the end of the month, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham told constituents Saturday night

Hospital deal near for Exuma

Hospital deal near for Exuma By DANA SMITH THE government will be accepting bids for the construction of a community hospital in Exuma before the end of the month, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham told constituents Saturday night

Hospital deal near for Exuma

Hospital deal near for Exuma By DANA SMITH THE government will be accepting bids for the construction of a community hospital in Exuma before the end of the month, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham told constituents Saturday night

Woman finds brother dying from gun shots in back yard

By DANA SMITH A 27-year-old man is the country's latest murder victim after his sister found him dying in their back yard. He had been shot multiple times. It is understood that Clyde McKenzie, of Whylly's Close, off Market Street

Woman finds brother dying from gun shots in back yard

By DANA SMITH A 27-year-old man is the country's latest murder victim after his sister found him dying in their back yard. He had been shot multiple times. It is understood that Clyde McKenzie, of Whylly's Close, off Market Street

Woman finds brother dying from gun shots in back yard

By DANA SMITH A 27-year-old man is the country's latest murder victim after his sister found him dying in their back yard. He had been shot multiple times. It is understood that Clyde McKenzie, of Whylly's Close, off Market Street

Compensation will be paid for road road blights

Compensation will be paid for road road blights By DANA SMITH THOSE adversely affected by the New Providence Infrastructure Improvement Project will still be compensated despite the change in government, according to PLP chairman


By DANA SMITH Family members of a man who reportedly jumped to his death on a cruise ship remained silent as they waited to identify his body. Standing outside of Princess Margaret Hospital's Rand Laboratory, the family refused to

Mystery remains over Betty K blaze

Mystery remains over Betty K blaze By DANA SMITH A YEAR after a fire ripped through the offices of the Betty K shipping company on Bay Street, fire officials have yet to determine what started the blaze. The Valentine's Day fire

Tease photo


MINISTER'S OFFER OF AIRPORT TALKS DISMISSED AS 'STALLING TACTIC' By DANA SMITH FOLLOWING the Ministry of Labour's offer to meet with representatives of frustrated airport employees, one union leader dismissed the proposal as noth

Ambassador says only 500 Haitians granted citizenship

By DANA SMITH HAITIAN Ambassador Antonio Rodrigue denied reports that thousands of Haitians were granted Bahamian citizenship last year, stating the number is closer to 500. Mr Rodrigue's statements concurred with those of Foreign

Ambassador says only 500 Haitians granted citizenship

By DANA SMITH HAITIAN Ambassador Antonio Rodrigue denied reports that thousands of Haitians were granted Bahamian citizenship last year, stating the number is closer to 500. Mr Rodrigue's statements concurred with those of Foreign