All results / Stories / Eileen Carron

Britons cry for return of death penalty

Britons cry for return of death penalty WHILE the Bahamas government, in an attempt to crack down on crime, this year made life sentences for murder mean just that -- "the remaining years of a convicted person's life" - there was an uproar in England when

Greek austerity meeting postponed again

Greek austerity meeting postponed again Greece's prime minister negotiated late into the night Tuesday with the country's international creditors, finalizing a proposal for new austerity measures to avoid a disastrous bankruptcy. Prime Minister Lucas Pap

People will not fall for the FNM again

People will not fall for the FNM again EDITOR, The Tribune. I understand it is the silly season but I am deeply concerned that want-to-be politicians who appear to have no conscience will stoop to any level to lie and deceive the people of this great B

People will not fall for the FNM again

People will not fall for the FNM again EDITOR, The Tribune. I understand it is the silly season but I am deeply concerned that want-to-be politicians who appear to have no conscience will stoop to any level to lie and deceive the people of this great B

Why the hold-up in turning college into a university?

RECENTLY, I caught the tail-end of a polite rant on JCN-TV by College of the Bahamas professor Nicollette Bethel. She was lamenting the fact that the College's move towards university status has stalled, threatening dire consequences for the future of the

Why the hold-up in turning college into a university?

RECENTLY, I caught the tail-end of a polite rant on JCN-TV by College of the Bahamas professor Nicollette Bethel. She was lamenting the fact that the College's move towards university status has stalled, threatening dire consequences for the future of the

Why the hold-up in turning college into a university?

RECENTLY, I caught the tail-end of a polite rant on JCN-TV by College of the Bahamas professor Nicollette Bethel. She was lamenting the fact that the College's move towards university status has stalled, threatening dire consequences for the future of the

People will not fall for the FNM again

People will not fall for the FNM again EDITOR, The Tribune. I understand it is the silly season but I am deeply concerned that want-to-be politicians who appear to have no conscience will stoop to any level to lie and deceive the people of this great B

Concerns about medicines

EDITOR, The Tribune. After reading the article in last Friday's (February 24) newspaper on "Insurance Board Issues Response To Drugs Claims", I am becoming more concerned about the safety of prescription medicines in our country. I have, from time to tim


Save Guyana: History summons its leaders to higher purpose By Sir Ronald Sanders (The writer is a Consultant and former Caribbean diplomat) NOVEMBER 28 general elections in Guyana have resulted in a crisis for the country. While it is being suggeste

Guyana crisis follows election

By Sir Ronald Sanders NOVEMBER 28 general elections in Guyana have resulted in a crisis for the country. While it is being suggested that the elected President, Donald Ramotar, of the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) can appoint and run a minori

Guyana crisis follows election

By Sir Ronald Sanders NOVEMBER 28 general elections in Guyana have resulted in a crisis for the country. While it is being suggested that the elected President, Donald Ramotar, of the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) can appoint and run a minori

Guyana crisis follows election

By Sir Ronald Sanders NOVEMBER 28 general elections in Guyana have resulted in a crisis for the country. While it is being suggested that the elected President, Donald Ramotar, of the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) can appoint and run a minori

Guyana crisis follows election

By Sir Ronald Sanders NOVEMBER 28 general elections in Guyana have resulted in a crisis for the country. While it is being suggested that the elected President, Donald Ramotar, of the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) can appoint and run a minori

Guyana crisis follows election

By Sir Ronald Sanders NOVEMBER 28 general elections in Guyana have resulted in a crisis for the country. While it is being suggested that the elected President, Donald Ramotar, of the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) can appoint and run a minori

Campaigner seeks retrial for notorious killer Sante Kimes

A YOUNG American is leading a website campaign to secure a retrial for murderess Sante Kimes, who is believed to have drowned a banker in her bath at her Cable Beach home in Nassau. Family friend Bryan Johnson believes Mrs Kimes and her son Kenny, who liv

Beware of election promises

ELECTION TIME is here again and so are the promises. Promises, we might add, without any reference to the Public Treasury. Bahamians should be aware of the times in which we live and don't depend on election promises -- even in

Survivor of the Holocaust tells how Schindler saved her life

Survivor of the Holocaust tells how Schindler saved her life During the entire period in which we worked for Director Schindler, he did everything possible to save the lives of the greatest possible number of Jews, in spite of the tremendous difficulties
