All results / Stories / Eloise Poitier

Androsian speaks out on election

Androsian speaks out on election EDITOR, The Tribune. I'm a 42-year-old female who has only voted twice in my life, 1992 FNM, 2007 for the PLP, because I had rather abandon my party and for Vincent than Mrs Chandrice Woodside Rolle who at the time ha


IN PRAISE OF BYRON WOODSIDE EDITOR, The Tribune. Elections, elections, elections! This is certainly the season for politics locally, regionally and internationally. With this thought in mind, I decided to highlight "an unsung hero" in local politics, a


WHY I WILL BOYCOTT THE ELECTION EDITOR, The Tribune. As a supporter of the Free National Movement (FNM) and a voter in the great constituency of Marco City, I am very disappointed in several political moves that were made on Grand Bahama by the governin

Christie being led by Davis

Christie being led by Davis EDITOR, The Tribune. It is public knowledge by now that the leader of the opposition is being led by his deputy leader into a fray that is going to mark him with all of the negative frailties that some in the watching public

Brave Davis and his conflict of interest

EDITOR, The Tribune. The response of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) deputy leader; Mr Philip "Brave" Davis to the question of conflict of interest in relations to his law firm's connection to the Bahamas Petroleum Company (BPC), instigates more ques

Bus driver hurt in crash

Bus driver hurt in crash BY DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - A public bus driver was seriously injured in a crash yesterday and had to be airlifted to New Providence for medical treatment. Witnesses said M

Bus driver hurt in crash

Bus driver hurt in crash BY DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - A public bus driver was seriously injured in a crash yesterday and had to be airlifted to New Providence for medical treatment. Witnesses said M

Unions not helping

EDITOR, The Tribune. It does not take a genius to understand that a decrease in travel world wide would affect tourism in our part of the world. Lower tourism dollars means less money in the Treasury. Why then do unions choose this time to agitate for m

Unions not helping

EDITOR, The Tribune. It does not take a genius to understand that a decrease in travel world wide would affect tourism in our part of the world. Lower tourism dollars means less money in the Treasury. Why then do unions choose this time to agitate for m

Unions not helping

EDITOR, The Tribune. It does not take a genius to understand that a decrease in travel world wide would affect tourism in our part of the world. Lower tourism dollars means less money in the Treasury. Why then do unions choose this time to agitate for m

Haitian president's 'address'

Haitian president's 'address' EDITOR, The Tribune. I have no doubt that your paper will be bombarded with letters and comments regarding the Haitian President's recent "rally" held in Nassau reportedly with hundreds/thousands of Haitians in attendance.

Haitian president's 'address'

Haitian president's 'address' EDITOR, The Tribune. I have no doubt that your paper will be bombarded with letters and comments regarding the Haitian President's recent "rally" held in Nassau reportedly with hundreds/thousands of Haitians in attendance.

Androsian speaks out on election

Androsian speaks out on election EDITOR, The Tribune. I'm a 42-year-old female who has only voted twice in my life, 1992 FNM, 2007 for the PLP, because I had rather abandon my party and for Vincent than Mrs Chandrice Woodside Rolle who at the time ha

Androsian speaks out on election

Androsian speaks out on election EDITOR, The Tribune. I'm a 42-year-old female who has only voted twice in my life, 1992 FNM, 2007 for the PLP, because I had rather abandon my party and for Vincent than Mrs Chandrice Woodside Rolle who at the time ha

Pastor backs calls for national debate

Pastor backs calls for national debate By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - A Grand Bahama pastor is calling for nationally televised political debates in the Bahamas. Pastor Mark Smith, of Dominion Com

More borrowing

More borrowing EDITOR, The Tribune. Just my opinion on an article that I read yesterday concerning the borrowing of more money for the road works. Yesterday, I was indeed disappointed as I read the headline stating the government will need to borrow eve

Pastor backs calls for national debate

Pastor backs calls for national debate By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - A Grand Bahama pastor is calling for nationally televised political debates in the Bahamas. Pastor Mark Smith, of Dominion Com

More borrowing

More borrowing EDITOR, The Tribune. Just my opinion on an article that I read yesterday concerning the borrowing of more money for the road works. Yesterday, I was indeed disappointed as I read the headline stating the government will need to borrow eve

Why I will never vote for the PLP

EDITOR, The Tribune. Election season is upon us once again. This important event is commonly referred to by the general public as "Silly Season", but to be honest, "Stupid Season" is a more accurate description, because every time this five year event co


By Mike Lightbourn YOU have analysed your home sale appraisal provided by your BREA professional. You've priced your home fairly based on recent sale prices. You're feeling good about your asking price. Now, however, you're confronted by a solid offer at
