All results / Stories / Eloise Poitier

Satisfied to be a killer and not a murderer

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - Lawyer Brian Hanna said Glinton Louis is satisfied with the manslaughter verdict and that jurors did not find him guilty of murder. "It was a fair verdict," Hanna said. "

Is the PLP for the small man?

Is the PLP for the small man? EDITOR, The Tribune. Sea Hauler Tragedy It was on that fateful day, the August 2, 2003, when the Motor Vessels United Star and Sea Hauler collided at sea. It was an August Monday holiday weekend and the Sea Hauler was full

More of us than them?

More of us than them? EDITOR, The Tribune. The statement, there is more of us than them seems to be taking deep roots in the psychic of a number of persons within the Bahamian society. This statement was reportedly made at a gathering on Fort Charlotte

Customs staf trying blackmail

Customs staf trying blackmail EDITOR, The Tribune. I listened with keen interest to remarks made by Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham in Exuma over the weekend (March 3-4) concerning the industrial unrest in the Customs and Immigration Departments at the

Customs staf trying blackmail

Customs staf trying blackmail EDITOR, The Tribune. I listened with keen interest to remarks made by Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham in Exuma over the weekend (March 3-4) concerning the industrial unrest in the Customs and Immigration Departments at the

Customs staf trying blackmail

Customs staf trying blackmail EDITOR, The Tribune. I listened with keen interest to remarks made by Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham in Exuma over the weekend (March 3-4) concerning the industrial unrest in the Customs and Immigration Departments at the

Customs staf trying blackmail

Customs staf trying blackmail EDITOR, The Tribune. I listened with keen interest to remarks made by Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham in Exuma over the weekend (March 3-4) concerning the industrial unrest in the Customs and Immigration Departments at the

No worse time for job layoffs

EDITOR, The Tribune. Just when you think the economy in Grand Bahama couldn't get any worse, it has. Like many Grand Bahamians, I was very disappointed to hear the heartrending news that Hutchison Whampoa had terminated 70 of its employees at the Freepo

Ambition without action is failure

by Sir Ronald Sanders A recent statement by the Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Irwin La Rocque, that the region has been "overly ambitious in its integration targets", coming from the person who is expected to drive the regional

Ambition without action is failure

by Sir Ronald Sanders A recent statement by the Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Irwin La Rocque, that the region has been "overly ambitious in its integration targets", coming from the person who is expected to drive the regional

Ambition without action is failure

by Sir Ronald Sanders A recent statement by the Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Irwin La Rocque, that the region has been "overly ambitious in its integration targets", coming from the person who is expected to drive the regional

Ambition without action is failure

by Sir Ronald Sanders A recent statement by the Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Irwin La Rocque, that the region has been "overly ambitious in its integration targets", coming from the person who is expected to drive the regional

Ambition without action is failure

by Sir Ronald Sanders A recent statement by the Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Irwin La Rocque, that the region has been "overly ambitious in its integration targets", coming from the person who is expected to drive the regional

Suicide in the Bahamas

Suicide in the Bahamas EDITOR, The Tribune. It now appears that a very disturbing trend is developing in this country. I have noticed that more and more troubled Bahamians are resorting to suicide. It appears that these persons who have chosen to take

Suicide in the Bahamas

Suicide in the Bahamas EDITOR, The Tribune. It now appears that a very disturbing trend is developing in this country. I have noticed that more and more troubled Bahamians are resorting to suicide. It appears that these persons who have chosen to take

Suicide in the Bahamas

Suicide in the Bahamas EDITOR, The Tribune. It now appears that a very disturbing trend is developing in this country. I have noticed that more and more troubled Bahamians are resorting to suicide. It appears that these persons who have chosen to take

Suicide in the Bahamas

Suicide in the Bahamas EDITOR, The Tribune. It now appears that a very disturbing trend is developing in this country. I have noticed that more and more troubled Bahamians are resorting to suicide. It appears that these persons who have chosen to take

Suicide in the Bahamas

Suicide in the Bahamas EDITOR, The Tribune. It now appears that a very disturbing trend is developing in this country. I have noticed that more and more troubled Bahamians are resorting to suicide. It appears that these persons who have chosen to take


KIOSKS TO BE ADDED TO CHURCHILL SQUARE FREEPORT - As the Downtown Revitalisation Project nears completion, the Grand Bahama Port Authority has announced it will introduce kiosks for the sale of indigenous Bahamian products as an added attraction to the n

Gun Point base to open later this year

THE new base being developed at Gun Point in Ragged Island will allow the Royal Bahamas Defence Force to maintain a constant presence on the Great Bahama Bank, Minister of National Security Tommy Turnquest said. The base is expected to become operational