All results / Stories / Eloise Poitier


Freeport - Having just celebrated its fifth anniversary, the Keep Grand Bahama Clean organisation got a major boost when Acting Assistant Commissioner of Police Emrick Seymour again pledged his officers' full support in the fight against environmental cr


Freeport - Having just celebrated its fifth anniversary, the Keep Grand Bahama Clean organisation got a major boost when Acting Assistant Commissioner of Police Emrick Seymour again pledged his officers' full support in the fight against environmental cr


Freeport - Having just celebrated its fifth anniversary, the Keep Grand Bahama Clean organisation got a major boost when Acting Assistant Commissioner of Police Emrick Seymour again pledged his officers' full support in the fight against environmental cr

The legacy of St Patrick

EDITOR, The Tribune. Regarding St Patrick's Day - March 17: For most people, St Pat-rick's Day is a day of parades, parties, leprechauns and green beer. But just as Christmas is about more than commercialised fun, so too does St Patrick's Day have a deep

The legacy of St Patrick

EDITOR, The Tribune. Regarding St Patrick's Day - March 17: For most people, St Pat-rick's Day is a day of parades, parties, leprechauns and green beer. But just as Christmas is about more than commercialised fun, so too does St Patrick's Day have a deep

Grand Bahama targets law breakers who dump waste

Freeport - Having just celebrated its fifth anniversary, the Keep Grand Bahama Clean organisation got a major boost when Acting Assistant Commissioner of Police Emrick Seymour again pledged his officers' full support in the fight against environmental cr

Winning election

EDITOR, The Tribune. There is a saying in The Bahamas that money, drugs and/or obeah will always win elections. Something strange has happened. KEN W KNOWLES, MD Nassau, May 8, 2012.

Rodney's rant

Rodney's rant EDITOR, The Tribune. Re: 'Devil's pills rant'- What was he thinking? - The Tribune, June 8, 2012. Too much DNA on the brain? KEN W KNOWLES, MD Nassau, June 10, 2012.

Why I will never vote for the PLP

EDITOR, The Tribune. Election season is upon us once again. This important event is commonly referred to by the general public as "Silly Season", but to be honest, "Stupid Season" is a more accurate description, because every time this five year event co

BORCO restructuring creates redundancies

BORCO restructuring creates redundancies By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - The Bahamas Oil Refining Company International (BORCO) yesterday said a restructuring had resulted in the termination of an undiscl

BORCO restructuring creates redundancies

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - The Bahamas Oil Refining Company International (BORCO) yesterday said a restructuring had resulted in the termination of an undisclosed number of Bahamians at the oil storag

BORCO restructuring creates redundancies

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - The Bahamas Oil Refining Company International (BORCO) yesterday said a restructuring had resulted in the termination of an undisclosed number of Bahamians at the oil storag

BORCO restructuring creates redundancies

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - The Bahamas Oil Refining Company International (BORCO) yesterday said a restructuring had resulted in the termination of an undisclosed number of Bahamians at the oil storag

BORCO restructuring creates redundancies

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - The Bahamas Oil Refining Company International (BORCO) yesterday said a restructuring had resulted in the termination of an undisclosed number of Bahamians at the oil storag

BORCO restructuring creates redundancies

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - The Bahamas Oil Refining Company International (BORCO) yesterday said a restructuring had resulted in the termination of an undisclosed number of Bahamians at the oil storag


POLICE PRAISED FOR DRUG SEIZURES By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - National Security Minister Tommy Turnquest commended police on Grand Bahama for seizing millions of dollars worth of illegal drugs and fir

PLP candsidate hits out at lack of tourism investment

PLP candsidate hits out at lack of tourism investment By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - PLP candidate Gregory Moss says tourism is virtually dead on Grand Bahama and the FNM government has done nothing to

Man accused of murdering victim in his own bedroom

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - The murder trial of Samiko Rigby opened in the Supreme Court on Tuesday before a jury of six women and six men. Rigby, 24, is accused of the murder of 32-year-old Erison

Lawyer claims child rapist should be spared jail and given treatment instead

BY DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - A Grand Bahama attorney says there is an urgent, nationwide need for a rehabilitation programme for pedophiles and other sex offenders. Carlson Shurland was the defence l

Role model for a gloomy future?

Role model for a gloomy future? EDITOR, The Tribune We are frequently reminded that our future lies with our young people - an alarming thought indeed. However, if the tragic but hugely talented Whitney Houston was truly a role model for many of the you