All results / Stories / Eloise Poitier

Is national stadium the biggest mistake yet?

EDITOR, The Tribune. May I respond to the letter signed under the name Ed Fields, "We The People". Mr Fields should recognise, I hope, that this National Stadium could easily become the biggest white elephant, hole in the ocean any Bahamas Government ha

More borrowing

More borrowing EDITOR, The Tribune. Just my opinion on an article that I read yesterday concerning the borrowing of more money for the road works. Yesterday, I was indeed disappointed as I read the headline stating the government will need to borrow eve

More borrowing

More borrowing EDITOR, The Tribune. Just my opinion on an article that I read yesterday concerning the borrowing of more money for the road works. Yesterday, I was indeed disappointed as I read the headline stating the government will need to borrow eve

Grand Bahamians urged to save energy and save money

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - Bahamian consumers could substantially lower their electricity bills on Grand Bahama by implementing the right energy solution technology in their homes and businesses.

Grand Bahamians urged to save energy and save money

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - Bahamian consumers could substantially lower their electricity bills on Grand Bahama by implementing the right energy solution technology in their homes and businesses.

Why I will never vote for the PLP

EDITOR, The Tribune. Election season is upon us once again. This important event is commonly referred to by the general public as "Silly Season", but to be honest, "Stupid Season" is a more accurate description, because every time this five year event co

Gun Point base to open later this year

THE new base being developed at Gun Point in Ragged Island will allow the Royal Bahamas Defence Force to maintain a constant presence on the Great Bahama Bank, Minister of National Security Tommy Turnquest said. The base is expected to become operational

Man accused of murdering victim in his own bedroom

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - The murder trial of Samiko Rigby opened in the Supreme Court on Tuesday before a jury of six women and six men. Rigby, 24, is accused of the murder of 32-year-old Erison

We must fight to keep our religious symbols

EDITOR, The Tribune. Regarding the British government's diabolical decision to argue at the European Court of Human Rights that Christians do not have the right to wear a cross or crucifix openly at work: Religion is a part of man's being and essence and

BORCO restructuring creates redundancies

BORCO restructuring creates redundancies By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - The Bahamas Oil Refining Company International (BORCO) yesterday said a restructuring had resulted in the termination of an undiscl

BORCO restructuring creates redundancies

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - The Bahamas Oil Refining Company International (BORCO) yesterday said a restructuring had resulted in the termination of an undisclosed number of Bahamians at the oil storag

BORCO restructuring creates redundancies

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - The Bahamas Oil Refining Company International (BORCO) yesterday said a restructuring had resulted in the termination of an undisclosed number of Bahamians at the oil storag

BORCO restructuring creates redundancies

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - The Bahamas Oil Refining Company International (BORCO) yesterday said a restructuring had resulted in the termination of an undisclosed number of Bahamians at the oil storag

BORCO restructuring creates redundancies

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - The Bahamas Oil Refining Company International (BORCO) yesterday said a restructuring had resulted in the termination of an undisclosed number of Bahamians at the oil storag

BORCO restructuring creates redundancies

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - The Bahamas Oil Refining Company International (BORCO) yesterday said a restructuring had resulted in the termination of an undisclosed number of Bahamians at the oil storag


KIOSKS TO BE ADDED TO CHURCHILL SQUARE FREEPORT - As the Downtown Revitalisation Project nears completion, the Grand Bahama Port Authority has announced it will introduce kiosks for the sale of indigenous Bahamian products as an added attraction to the n


POSTAGE STAMPS CELEBRATE MARINE LIFE THE Bahamas Postal Service released a new series of 16 stamps yesterday depicting the marine life of the Bahamas. The new issue will remain on the market until the year 2017. The stamps range in price from five to 80

Fred Mitchell, the PLP and real property taxes

EDITOR, The Tribune. On Tuesday, 22nd November, 2011, I caught the last five minutes of the NB-12 9pm programme. Fred A Mitchell, Jr, presumably in his capacity as a PLP member, was being interviewed and suggested that government needed to get creative


By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - A Freeport man was sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty in the Freeport Magistrate's Court to 23 counts of stealing. Charles Symonette, 37, of Pioneer's


By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - A Freeport man was sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty in the Freeport Magistrate's Court to 23 counts of stealing. Charles Symonette, 37, of Pioneer's