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Tv show devotes episode to the bahamas

Tv show devotes episode to the bahamas THE Bahamas got some solid exposure on Monday, February 21, when the New England television show, Chronicle, devoted a 30-minute episode to the country. ABC-TV viewers were whisked away to the Bahamas through host T

Money for nothing

EDITOR, The Tribune. "A family spokesman said the winning ticket was kept in White's Bible - which she then slept with - until she could get to a bank and put it in a safe deposit box. White chose to accept the lump sum payment of $210 million, rather

Money for nothing

EDITOR, The Tribune. "A family spokesman said the winning ticket was kept in White's Bible - which she then slept with - until she could get to a bank and put it in a safe deposit box. White chose to accept the lump sum payment of $210 million, rather

Radar should be a priority

EDITOR, The Tribune. There have recently been articles in the paper about the quality of the radar equipment at Lynden Pindling International Airport. I do not think this is a new topic but it seems to me that as tourism is the lifeblood of the Bahamian

Radar should be a priority

EDITOR, The Tribune. There have recently been articles in the paper about the quality of the radar equipment at Lynden Pindling International Airport. I do not think this is a new topic but it seems to me that as tourism is the lifeblood of the Bahamian

Radar should be a priority

EDITOR, The Tribune. There have recently been articles in the paper about the quality of the radar equipment at Lynden Pindling International Airport. I do not think this is a new topic but it seems to me that as tourism is the lifeblood of the Bahamian

Radar should be a priority

EDITOR, The Tribune. There have recently been articles in the paper about the quality of the radar equipment at Lynden Pindling International Airport. I do not think this is a new topic but it seems to me that as tourism is the lifeblood of the Bahamian

Radar should be a priority

EDITOR, The Tribune. There have recently been articles in the paper about the quality of the radar equipment at Lynden Pindling International Airport. I do not think this is a new topic but it seems to me that as tourism is the lifeblood of the Bahamian


By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - A Freeport man was sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty in the Freeport Magistrate's Court to 23 counts of stealing. Charles Symonette, 37, of Pioneer's


By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - A Freeport man was sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty in the Freeport Magistrate's Court to 23 counts of stealing. Charles Symonette, 37, of Pioneer's

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Tv show devotes episode to the bahamas

Tv show devotes episode to the bahamas THE Bahamas got some solid exposure on Monday, February 21, when the New England television show, Chronicle, devoted a 30-minute episode to the country. ABC-TV viewers were whisked away to the Bahamas through host T


By Mike Lightbourn THE size and price may be important, but the way a home "feels" is a big factor, too when it comes down to deciding whether or not to purchase a home. Although this is pretty widely known in the industry, a study conducted by Jessica E

It is time for drastic measures

It is time for drastic measures EDITOR, The Tribune. Thank you for allowing me to address the letter by Mr Watkins. First of all I would like to thank you, Mr Watkins, for the great and special service you have given to our country as a police officer.

Brave Davis and his conflict of interest

EDITOR, The Tribune. The response of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) deputy leader; Mr Philip "Brave" Davis to the question of conflict of interest in relations to his law firm's connection to the Bahamas Petroleum Company (BPC), instigates more ques

Thinking out of the box

EDITOR, The Tribune. We hear so much from the politicians and the Downtown Development Board about their high-flouting plans for the City of Nassau however the worst offenders in messing the city up seem to be government. Who did the years-old tree on t

Where to put your X

EDITOR, The Tribune. In just a few days we will be heading to the polls to mark our X to the candidate and/or party of our choice. As an independent voter I struggled with whom I would mark my X on election day until a few days ago when I heard Britain

Bishop Ellis - the movie star

Bishop Ellis - the movie star Re: Bishop: Demons loose in country - The Tribune, January 17, 2012 EDITOR, The Tribune Three of the Gospels depict a biblical story in which Jesus' disciples were unsuccessful in their attempt to heal a boy of demon poss
