All results / Stories / Natario McKenzie

Accountants facing US state challenges

The Bahamas Institute of Chartered Accountants (BICA) is in talks with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AISPA) to resolve challenges encountered by members in maintaining their US State Board memberships, its president said yesterday.

Hutchison ‘streamlines’ Freeport investments

The sales process for the 409-acre Grand Lucayan property on Grand Bahama is “still ongoing”, Prime Minister Perry Christie said yesterday.

Business ease slippage ‘doesn’t represent nation’

The 121st ranking in the World Bank’s 2016 ‘ease of doing business’ rankings “does not represent who the Bahamas is”, Prime Minister Perry Christie argued yesterday, touting a Competitiveness Council as the answer to these woes.

Land registration still ‘stuck in 18th century’

The Bahamas’ land registration system remains “stuck in the 18th century, an Abaco realtor believes, while calling on this country to develop a proper Land Use Plan (LUP).

Abaco’s airlift capacity up 9%

Abaco has attracted 47,000 stopover visitors year-to-date, a Ministry of Tourism official says, with the island’s airlift capacity for international arrivals increasing for the third straight year.

Businesses monitor air cargo fall-out

Bahamian businesses are continuing to monitor the fall-out from new and increased Customs fines on the air cargo industry, which has prompted some carriers to threaten to withdraw from this market.

Ex-Senator renews call for Bahamian industry ownership

Bahamians must have ownership of key economic sectors "from the top straight through the supply chain", a former FNM Senator is arguing, adding that this would protect the "haemorrhaging" foreign currency reserves.

Air cargo costs to rise ‘tremendously’

Bahamians were yesterday warned that the cost of imported air freight will increase “tremendously” as a result of the new Customs fees and fines set to be imposed on operators from today.

‘Much work’ ahead over business ease

The Bahamas has “a lot of work to do” before it sees a dramatic improvement in the ease of doing business, the Opposition’s finance spokesman said yesterday, adding: “There’s just too much government bureaucracy.”

Tease photo

Price Control: Our 2-year plea was fruitless

The Price Control Commission’s chairman yesterday reiterated warnings that it may seek to dictate business prices via legislation, arguing that many had failed to respond to two years’ worth of pleading by himself.

Mortgage Corp still stuck at 40% arrears

The Bahamas Mortgage Corporation’s (BMC) arrears ratio continues to hover around 40 per cent, its chairman said yesterday, despite it adding $49.7 million in new mortgages to its portfolio over the past four years.

Bahamas financial services set to feel BREXIT's impact

The UK's decision to leave the European Union (EU) could have a significant impact on the Bahamas' financial services industry, the Chamber of Commerce's chairman urging this nation to be an "interested observer" of what unfolds.

‘Nothing to celebrate’ on $99m borrowing

The Opposition yesterday argued there was “nothing to celebrate” in the Christie administration’s revelation that it is only borrowing $99 million to fund the 2016-2017 fiscal deficit, its finance spokesman saying it had over-burdened Bahamians with taxes to achieve this.

FNM deputy questions Mortgage Relief ‘sense’

The Christie administration’s revised Mortgage Relief Plan does not make much sense “on the face of it”, according to the Opposition’s finance spokesman, who questioned what return the Government would get for its $20 million ‘investment’.

Bahamas must get balanced tourism

The Bahamas must ensure it strikes the right balance between its cruise and stop-over business, the FNM's deputy leader reiterating that it provide a competitive and unique product.

Bahamasair ‘concern’ on US-Cuba opening

BAHAMASAIR was yesterday monitoring the ‘opening of the skies’ between the US and Cuba, its managing director acknowledging: “We are concerned about it.”

‘Crying shame’ to ignore oil potential

It would be a “crying shame” if the Bahamas simply sat back and allowed potential oil revenues to just “sit out there”, a Cabinet minister said yesterday.

FNM deputy: Oil’s value in refining

The FNM’s deputy leader yesterday argued that the petroleum industry’s true value lay in refining, and said the Government need not determine whether commercial quantities of oil exist in the Bahamas before putting the issue to a referendum.

MSC deal to give Bahamian company ‘widest ever smile’

The Bahamian leaseholder of Ocean Cay will have “the biggest smiles ever” as a result of the deal that will see Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) take over the island for its $100 million cruise port.

Natural resources: New fiscal regime under development

The Government is working with the Commonwealth Secretariat to finalise a new fiscal regime for the mining of sand, aragonite and other Bahamian natural resources, the Minister of the Environment and Housing said yesterday.