All results / Stories / Paul Turnquest

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$24 million in contracts in FNM's last days

THE former government issued more than 80 contracts worth more than $24 million during the period of the election campaign, it has been claimed.

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Report on crime

IN today's Insight, we present the official report on crime prepared by noted psychiatrist Dr David Allen. Some findings from this report were first published in The Tribune on March 30, 2012.

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'NO SENSE IN VIOLENCE' By LAMECH JOHNSON CHIEF Magistrate Gomez condemned the high levels of crime during the arraignment of several men charged with crimes committed at the New Year's Day Junkanoo Parade. His comments on the i

Craft students urged to use their skills

Craft students urged to use their skills THE Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation, in conjunction with the Bahamas National Craft Association, held a graduation ceremony for participants in a shell craft and painting workshop. BAIC executive c

Seven new senators named for PLP team

Seven new senators named for PLP team PRIME Minister Perry Christie announced seven new senators to be added to the PLP's team in the upper chamber, bringing their total number to nine. The new Senators are Frank Smith, Gregory Burrows, Jerome Gomez, Jul


By LAMECH JOHNSON TWO men were granted bail in the Magistrate's Court after they were arraigned in connection with separate burglary and attempted burglary charges. Steven Rolle, 21, of Jubilee Gardens was given bail after he pl

Police crack down on marijuana

Police crack down on marijuana By CELESTE NIXON Tribune Staff Reporter THE government is cracking down on the use and production of marijuana across the country. Minister of National Security Tommy Turnquest said that while the use of cocaine - which ro

Report on crime

Report on crime IN today's Insight, we present the official report on crime prepared by noted psychiatrist Dr David Allen. Some findings from this report were first published in The Tribune on March 30, 2012. Dr David F Allen M.D., M.P.H. USING a clin

Teenage mother birth rate down 14% in 40 years

Teenage mother birth rate down 14% in 40 years THE BAHAMAS recorded a significant decrease in births to teen mothers over the last four decades, according to a new report. The Department of Statistics study said births to teenagers have dropped by 14 pe

Bain and Grants Town first to benefit from scheme

Bain and Grants Town first to benefit from scheme By Brittany Kemp and Michelle Greene ORIENTATION for the Urban Renewal Second Chance Programme began yesterday evening at the Urban Renewal Centre on Baillou Hill Road. The programme targets students and

PM says FNM support saved tourism in Grand Bahama

PM says FNM support saved tourism in Grand Bahama By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT - Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham said Grand Bahama's tourism industry would have collapsed in 2010 without the support of t

End in sight to feud?

End in sight to feud? By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter THE legal feud between two wealthy Israeli brothers over $100 million could come to an end on March 16. Rami Weisfisch and Amir Weissfisch have until this date to c

Murder convict dismisses attorney during resentencing

Murder convict dismisses attorney during resentencing By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter MURDER convict Maxo Tido dismissed his attorney Roger Gomez II during his resentencing in Supreme Court yesterday morning. The rema

Union warns of action over lack of negotiations

Union warns of action over lack of negotiations By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter UNION members have warned BTC there will be industrial action unless it fulfils its promises over contract negotiations. The union is unha

Union warns of action over lack of negotiations

Union warns of action over lack of negotiations By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter UNION members have warned BTC there will be industrial action unless it fulfils its promises over contract negotiations. The union is unha

Union warns of action over lack of negotiations

Union warns of action over lack of negotiations By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter UNION members have warned BTC there will be industrial action unless it fulfils its promises over contract negotiations. The union is unha

Ex-policeman denied bail

Ex-policeman denied bail By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter AN ex-policeman convicted of manslaughter was denied bail yesterday by a judge who deemed him a flight risk in the face of a possible life sentence. Former corpo

Ex-policeman denied bail

Ex-policeman denied bail By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter AN ex-policeman convicted of manslaughter was denied bail yesterday by a judge who deemed him a flight risk in the face of a possible life sentence. Former corpo

Tido to be sentenced today

By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter THE resentencing of murder convict Maxo Tido may finally proceed today when the former death row inmate reappears in the Supreme Court. The end of this case comes nearly a year after his

$10m to be borrowed to fix flaws in social services

By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter THE government is set to borrow $10 million from the Inter-American Development Bank to correct serious flaws in the Ministry of Social Services and its various assistance programmes for
