All results / Stories / Paul Turnquest

52 years in jail for Maxo Tido

By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter FORMER death row inmate and murder convict Maxo Tido spent the first night of his new 52-year sentence at Her Majesty's Fox Hill prison last night after being resentenced for killing 16

52 years in jail for Maxo Tido

By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter FORMER death row inmate and murder convict Maxo Tido spent the first night of his new 52-year sentence at Her Majesty's Fox Hill prison last night after being resentenced for killing 16

Two men accused of murders

Two men accused of murders By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter POLICE arraigned two men accused of two murders. Leroy Smith, 25, of Old Boat Alley and Tony Smith, 24, of Kelly Lane appeared before Chief Magistrate Gomez at

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A 25-year-old man was arraigned in Magistrate's Court on charges of having sex with a minor. Ranfurd Johnson appeared before Chief Magistrate Roger Gomez in Court One, Bank Lane. It is alleged that Johnson had sex with a 15-year-old girl between Friday, D


By LAMECH JOHNSON A MAN was remanded to Her Majesty's Prison yesterday after being arraigned on the country's record-breaking 96th homicide of 2011. Andre Wallace, 25, appeared before Chief Magistrate Roger Gomez in Court One at

Embassy concern over prison death

Embassy concern over prison death By Lamech Johnson Tribune Staff Reporter THE US Embassy has expressed its concern after an American citizen died while on remand at Fox Hill Prison. Married father-of-two Steve DeGruiter died i

Embassy concern over prison death

Embassy concern over prison death By Lamech Johnson Tribune Staff Reporter THE US Embassy has expressed its concern after an American citizen died while on remand at Fox Hill Prison. Married father-of-two Steve DeGruiter died i

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Two in hospital after shootings

TWO separate shootings left two young men in hospital over the weekend.

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Officers accused of $32,000 theft

TWO Royal Bahamas Defence Force officers have denied stealing $32,000 worth of machinery from their agency's base.

End in sight to feud?

End in sight to feud? By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter THE legal feud between two wealthy Israeli brothers over $100 million could come to an end on March 16. Rami Weisfisch and Amir Weissfisch have until this date to c

Report on crime

Report on crime IN today's Insight, we present the official report on crime prepared by noted psychiatrist Dr David Allen. Some findings from this report were first published in The Tribune on March 30, 2012. Dr David F Allen M.D., M.P.H. USING a clin

Who did kill US mother?

Who did kill US mother? By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter A SECOND person accused of murdering Anna Garrison has walked free from court leaving the question of who killed the US mother unanswered. Zyndall McKinney, of Ma

PLP: FNM running gutter campaign

PLP: FNM running gutter campaign THE PLP has accused the governing party of running a "gutter campaign" against opposition leader Perry Christie. The party claims the FNM is resorting to low political tactics to distract Bahamians from record levels of v

Police crack down on marijuana

Police crack down on marijuana By CELESTE NIXON Tribune Staff Reporter THE government is cracking down on the use and production of marijuana across the country. Minister of National Security Tommy Turnquest said that while the use of cocaine - which ro

Police officers 'assigned to watch DNA leader'

Police officers 'assigned to watch DNA leader' By KHRISNA VIRGIL OFFICERS from a special unit within the police force tasked with investigating the campaigning practices of opposition candidates were assigned to watch DNA leader

Police officers 'assigned to watch DNA leader'

Police officers 'assigned to watch DNA leader' By KHRISNA VIRGIL OFFICERS from a special unit within the police force tasked with investigating the campaigning practices of opposition candidates were assigned to watch DNA leader

Suspect to be charged after officer shot with own gun

Suspect to be charged after officer shot with own gun By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter CHARGES will be brought against a man, who while in police custody in hospital, disarmed the officer of his gun, shot him in his n

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Report on crime

IN today's Insight, we present the official report on crime prepared by noted psychiatrist Dr David Allen. Some findings from this report were first published in The Tribune on March 30, 2012.

Detective admits not placed accused killer's confession on detention record

By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter A POLICE detective who investigated a 2010 shooting death admitted he did not put the accused killer's confession on the detention record the evening it was made. Sgt 1406 Dwight Davis ma

Cursed people, produce cursed relationships

By Kevin Ewing I believe this particular teaching will be by far one of the most informative teachings I have done to date. In this teaching we are about to venture into territory that very few preachers and teachers of the word of God ever venture into.