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Sports in brief

THE fourth annual Georgette Rolle Junior Golf Camp is slated to get underway 9am to 2pm today in the Golf Driving Range at the Baillou Hills Sporting Complex.

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Sports in brief

THE New Providence Volleyball Association continued its regular season Sunday with a double header at the DW Davis Gym.

CFL: Karl McCartney continues to excel with the Stampeders

ALREADY with an established reputation as a special teams ace, Karl McCartney continues to excel in his fourth season with the Calgary Stampeders of the Canadian Football League.

PwC wins battle over liquidation of alleged fraud

A huge battle over who should wind-up an alleged multi-million dollar fraud, a case that has embroiled a BISX-listed company, has ended with the Supreme Court appointing a combination of PricewaterhouseCoopers (Bahamas) and the US receiver as liquidators.

100 farmers hit through tobacco grow 'scrapping'

Up to 100 farmers could be impacted by a Bahamian cigarette manufacturer’s decision to “scrap” its Andros tobacco growing plan, its chairman telling Tribune Business that conventional agriculture will also take a hit.

A COMIC'S VIEW: Christie’s double speak leaves us all none the wiser

There’s an old Bahamian saying that goes “He talking out two mouths”.

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'Major concern' over BISX listed firm's $5m prefs

The $5 million investment in a BISX-listed firm’s preference shares “is of considerable concern” to the liquidators of its largest client, who have warned that the deal will receive their “continued attention”.

$358m penalty for fraud with Bahamas 'alter ego'

A US judge has imposed a $358 million fine on the perpetrators of an alleged multinational fraud that he found employed a BISX-listed firm’s subsidiary as its “alter ego”.

'Severely hampered' over legal action against Alliance

Liquidators for an alleged multi-million dollar Ponzi scheme have been “severely hampered” by a lack of financing in their efforts to recover a $5 million investment, and pursue legal action, against a BISX-listed company’s main affiliate.

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Record-breaking swimmer leaves hospital for a second time

AUSTRALIAN ultra-marathon swimmer Chloe McCardel was yesterday discharged from hospital in Nassau for a second time after reportedly being re-admitted at the weekend due to “weeping” wounds resulting from her world record swim from the southern tip of Eleuthera to New Providence last week.

EDITORIAL: Another heart-stopper approaches for Mrs May

Since the British people voted by a narrow margin in the 2016 referendum to leave the European Union, the protracted negotiations have produced numerous twists and turns, setbacks, deadlines and disagreements.

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Commission forces Benchmark into broker 'guarantee'

BISX-listed Benchmark (Bahamas) has been forced to “guarantee” its broker/dealer subsidiary will meet all financial obligations for “at least 12 months”, after regulators expressed concern over whether it was a ‘going concern’.

Bahamian companies wait two years for $1m fraud recovery pay

Bahamian companies battling to recover assets lost in a $400 million financial fraud are experiencing “financial stress” themselves because they have not been paid almost-$1 million due for two years’ work.

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80 percent increase in cyber crime

CYBER crime in the Bahamas showed an 80 per cent increase, with 171 incidents reported in 2017 up from the 95 recorded in 2016.

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Bahamas in 5th place at Caribbean Amateur Jr Golf Championships

TEAM Bahamas will have much ground to cover if they hope to contend against the region’s top junior golfers.

Sports Notes November 14

MACEDONIA and Golden Gates continued where they left off as the Baptist Sports Council’s defending champions, opening up the 2012 season on the winning note in the 19-and-under, co-ed and men’s divisions respectively at the Banker’s Field, Baillou Hills Sporting Complex, on Saturday.

BISX listee's principal seeks SEC suit dismissal

A BISX-listed company’s principal, and its broker/dealer affiliate, are demanding that a federal regulator’s lawsuit against them be dismissed because the US courts have “no jurisdiction”.

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Cool 96's Ed Fields signs off for the last time

AFTER TWO decades on air as one of the country’s best-known radio personalities, Ed Fields, known for his provocative remarks and wit, is set to sign off for the last time.

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BAMSI building destroyed in fire to be rebuilt as co-ed dorm

THE fire damaged male dorm at the Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Sciences Institute (BAMSI) in North Andros will be rebuilt as a co-ed structure, Minister of Works Philip “Brave” Davis said yesterday.

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Dames, Lightbourne to join Panthers prep programme

THE BC Christian Prep Panthers basketball programme is establishing itself as a pipeline for Bahamian talent and will add another pair of local student-athletes.