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FRONT PORCH: Reading and research key to integrity in journalism

GOOD journalism and well-crafted commentary play a critical role in public policy and political debates. They enliven and enlighten national dialogue.

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‘Come clean’: $232m loan made lawful retroactively

The Opposition yesterday demanded the Government “come clean” over its $232.3m IMF special drawing rights (SDRs) borrowing after reforms were tabled in Parliament to retroactively make the transaction lawful.

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NPPPSSA members take advantage of two-day NPVA volleyball seminar

TO ensure that they are abreast of all of the rule changes before they start their volleyball competition, the New Providence Public Primary Schools Sports Association is engaging its members in a two-day seminar with the New Providence Volleyball Association.

Former FNM candidate facing legal strike-off

A former FNM election candidate, already ruled a bankrupt, now faces being disbarred from the legal profession over a $192,870 Rum Cay land deal that was plagued by claims of fraud and forgery.

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PM meet’s ‘way to defuse’ VAT health claims dispute

The Prime Minister’s Business Round Table with senior corporate executives may have created a pathway for “defusing” the row over the VAT treatment of health insurance claims, one attendee said last night.

Certainty and issue of immigration

I have often spoken about the concept of “certainty” and why it is important to the success of any endeavour.

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Tour de Turquoise raises a record $165,000 for Exuma

FOR donors who wonder where exactly their dollars go and who they help, in Exuma they only have to look as far as the school bus that proudly bears the name LN Coakley High.

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INSIGHT: Wait and see if CARICOM was a success

SO CARICOM came, and CARICOM went – and while there may have been some bumps at the outset, now that it’s all done, what was achieved?

EDITORIAL: A hard line on migration from govt

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis set a hard line in his national address on the issue of migration.

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Rumour has it


The ups and downs in the international markets continued last week. Robust economic data fuelled concerns about interest rates but, at the same time, consumer activity remained strong. This created a dilemma for many investors.

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Two more GSSSA champions crowned

COACH Kevin ‘KJ’ Johnson and his CI Gibson Rattlers celebrated another Government Secondary Schools Sports Association championship feat, this time in the senior girls’ division.

Alcohol, drugs and gambling

In Jesus put all your trust, all your belief, and all your heart.

VAT health claims change may drain foreign reserves

THE changed VAT treatment on health insurance claims payouts could further drain The Bahamas’ foreign reserves by driving patients to seek care outside the country, a senior executive warned yesterday.

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FRONT PORCH: Constitution matters and questions

“IT IS something which is very healthy and something which is very much in keeping with the democratic spirit of the country to periodically examine the Constitution and make changes which are likely to be to the benefit of the country over the long term.” – Sean McWeeney, chair, 2013 Constitutional Commission.

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Man sentenced for two years for theft of $80

A MAN was sentenced to two years in prison yesterday after he admitted to stealing cash in a housebreaking in Andros late last year.

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NIB staring at $95m loss as pension deficit builds

A Cabinet minister yesterday warned the National Insurance Board (NIB) will lose $95m this year unless contribution rates are raised with the pensions branch alone incurring a monthly $4m deficit.

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NIB fund on course to lose $95m this year

MYLES LaRoda, minister of state with responsibility for the National Insurance Board (NIB), warned that if there is no raise in the contribution rate this year the National Insurance fund will lose $95m.

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John Kerry: US ‘delegation here to listen’

UNITED States special presidential climate envoy John Kerry last night told government officials at a welcome reception hosted by the US embassy that every country must join in the fight against climate change and do its part to respond to the crisis for the future generations to come.

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PETER YOUNG: Horror of a lethal earthquake

WITH video coverage of natural disasters and war zones beamed instantly around the world these days, people have become almost accustomed to witnessing human suffering from afar. But the images and stories of the scale of destruction and horror this past week following Monday’s severe earthquake in southern Turkey and northern Syria have been hard to take in.

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CI Gibson Rattlers in the win column

While his CI Gibson Rattlers senior girls had to dig down deep to hold onto a three-point win over the RM Bailey Pacers, coach Kevin ‘KJ’ Johnson had his Rattlers’ senior boys clinching on all cylinders from start to finish in their 30-point rout over the CR Walker Knights.