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Crime has damaged reputation

The high crime rate, robberies, murders and rapes has ruined the international image and reputation of the Bahamas as a safe place for American, Canadian and European tourists to travel, because, in my opinion, of the failure of Prime Minister Philip Davis and Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe to reduce crimes, robberies, murders and rapes in The Bahamas. My warnings, prophecy and predictions have now come true - on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, the US State Department issued a warning to its American citizens about the Bahamas’ high crime rate, robberies, murders and rapes.

GB students participate in summit to prepare them for the real world

ABOUT 80 high school students participated in ‘The Platform’, a summit for young professionals in Grand Bahama that prepares seniors for the real world.

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Gov't concern as hotel union on 'work-to-rule'

The hotel union's president last night said he told the Government "to talk" to industry employers as workers went into "full work-to-rule mode" over the impasse in industrial agreement talks.

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Hotels dealing with visitor safety concerns on crime

Hotels have been fielding concerns over whether it is safe to vacation in The Bahamas as Canada was yesterday reported to have issued a crime alert on this nation.

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Amateur golfers Gibson, Johnson miss the cut

It wasn’t the type of performance that Richard Gibson Jr anticipated in his return to the Latin America Amateur Championships.

Family Island renewable energy search generates 100 questions

The Family Island renewable energy tender process has sparked more than 100 questions from potential bidders and interested investors, a Cabinet minister has revealed.

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'No fear of contradiction' on Govt $500m loan use

The Ministry of Finance's top official last night denied that a recent $500m loan was used to pay-off a maturing government bond as the Opposition raised renewed concerns over the financing.

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Honouring retirees

THE Ministry of Education has honoured 80 retirees who dedicated between ten and 40 years of service.

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WORLD VIEW – Red Sea crisis: Houthi attacks raising prices worldwide

UP until a few weeks ago, the Red Sea and Yemen held little significance for the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean.

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'Changing' property market on up to 300% listings jump

A 200-300 percent increase in new listings is driving Bahamian real estate's "transition" away from a sellers' market by outstripping buyer demand, a prominent realtor is asserting.

Airline chief: Do not pin FAA audit blame on us

A Bahamian aviation operator is voicing concern that he and other airlines are being set up to get the blame if this nation is downgraded by US federal regulators following a recent audit.

'Highly, highly unlikely' tourism hurt by crime

Nassau Cruise Port's top executive yesterday said it is "highly, highly unlikely" that cruise passengers or any tourists will be impacted by early 2024's surge in murders and the fear of crime.

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ERIC WIBERG: The Eleutheran Adventurers and William Sayle’s early days

THE story of the Eleutheran Adventurers is woven deeply into the fabric of national identity. The general themes are of escaping religious prosecution to take great risks by sailing to unknown shores – so far that is like the Puritan’s voyage in the Mayflower from England to New England’s Plymouth Rock.

Hotel deal: ‘11th hour impasse’ over minimum wage workers

HOTEL employers yesterday pledged that an “11th hour impasse” will “not derail” their bid to reach a new industrial deal amid accusations they are seeking to “discriminate” against minimum wage staff.

NPBA Recap: CB Giants, Cyber Tech Blue Marlins remain undefeated

THE Commonwealth Bank Giants, the reigning division one champions, along with the Cyber Tech Blue Marlins reeled in emphatic victories against the Sunlight Cottage Stampers and Mekaddish Millionaires in Wednesday’s action for the New Providence Basketball Association (NPBA).

Sonja Knowles Track Classic on Saturday

THE fourth edition of the Sonja Knowles Track Classic returns to the original Thomas A Robinson Stadium this Saturday and Sunday with a new timing system to facilitate a quicker and more efficient track meet.

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$10b lawsuit by Mexico to hold gun makers accountable for weapon trafficking revived

A US appeals court on Monday revived a $10 billion lawsuit by Mexico seeking to hold American gun manufacturers responsible for facilitating the trafficking of weapons to drug cartels across the US-Mexico border, according to Reuters.

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Garvin Clarke named Player of Week again

For the second time this year as he makes his transition from the University of Akron to the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Garvin Clarke has been named the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) West Athlete of the Week.

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Minister: National stadium ‘repairs are going quite well’

CONCERNS have mounted as repairs continue at the Thomas A Robinson National Stadium and Betty Kelly- Kenning Aquatic Centre about whether the renovations of both venues will be completed in time for the 2024 CARIFTA Aquatics Championships and World Athletics Relays in March and May respectively.

BPSU, treat members better

I write regarding the poor operations of The Bahamas Public Service Union. Where are the premiums and dues going? Why does one have to wait for eight months for a medical claim and more than three months for a death benefit?