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CCA breaks ground on $250m Bay Street development

CHINA Construction America yesterday broke ground on its $250m Bay Street luxury development with no end in sight to its dispute with mega-resort Baha Mar over the completion of the $3.5bn Cable Beach project.

Private sector brands VAT compliance ‘very impressive’

Super Value’s owner has described initial Value-Added Tax (VAT) compliance rates as “very impressive”, amid hopes there has been “a paradigm cultural shift” in attitudes towards paying taxes.

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Smith calls on Mitchell to remember his activist days

HUMAN rights activist Fred Smith is calling on Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell to remember his “Human Rights days” and do his job in a lawful, organised and systematic way.

Palm Cay marina targets 50% slip rental growth

The manager of New Providence’s newest full-service marina yesterday said he is expecting a “solid season” that could see a 50 per cent improvement in boat slip rentals, and an even greater increase in fuel and other services sales.

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Ground broken on $15m solar farm project

LUCAYA Solar Power Ltd. officially broke ground on its $15m solar farm project in Freeport on Friday.

‘Let businesses set own rules over mask rules for customers’

GROCERY store managers said yesterday that while they support the lifting of the country’s mask mandate, they also believe businesses should be allowed to set their own mask wearing rules for customers.

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36% of 'major' hotels at risk from sea rise

More than one-third of “major” Bahamian hotels will be impacted by just a one metre sea level rise, with a regional study calling for “serious and urgent” action to address the likely climate change impacts on this nation.

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Ex-City Markets workersget $189k sale injunction

A GROUP of 10 former City Markets employees have obtained an injunction in the Supreme Court prohibiting the disposal of funds or assets worth $189,000 from the supermarket chain's pending sale to Super Value, according to court documents obtained by Tribune Business.

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'Transformative' COVID leaves retailer targeting overseas expansions

A Bahamian retail entrepreneur says COVID-19’s “transformative” impact has spurred him to look at regional expansion with sales “30 percent off” as his businesses emerge from lockdown.Andrew Wilson, the Quality Business Centre (QBC) proprietor, told

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Oil explorer: Just 20% of opponents from the Bahamas

The oil exploration battle further heated up last night after Bahamas Petroleum Company (BPC) sought to discredit an activist petition by asserting just 20 percent of signatories were local.

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Police chief aiming to improve discipline

COMMISSIONER of Police Paul Rolle admitted the force has seen the level of discipline reduce over the years, something he wants to restore to higher levels. “The discipline over the years we’ve seen a reduction simply because I think we should have

NHI funding talks ‘almost concluded’

THE National Health Insurance Authority’s (NHIA) managing director yesterday voiced optimism that the cabinet’s concerns over National Health Insurance’s (NHI) funding mechanisms have been satisfied.

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Two more killed in late night accidents

POLICE are investigating two separate traffic accidents that left two men dead and another man in hospital.

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Survival rate shock for kids cancers

THE Bahamas faces a massive uphill battle to improve survival rates for children with cancer and other auto-immune diseases.

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Prisoners to be interviewed over bus smash

INVESTIGATORS are expected to conduct interviews today with the eight prisoners who were on a prison bus when it collided with a jeep driven by an elderly woman on Thursday.

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Buyers fight for British Colonial

PRIME Minister Perry Christie said yesterday that a buyer seeking to purchase the British Colonial Hilton was currently in its due diligence period, adding that a rival was “lurking in the background.

S&P questions Gov’t over US $300m bond

The Government’s decision to go to the international capital markets for a US$300 million bond yesterday appeared to be questioned by a Wall Street credit rating agency, which said there was “significant appetite” for its debt in the Bahamas.

BTC mobile rival must beat 1% dropped calls

The winning bidder for the second cellular licence is being required to meet higher service standards than the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) from the off, as it must achieve a monthly ‘dropped calls’ average of less than 1 per cent.

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‘Worryingly low’ graduation’s blow to high-value economy

The Bahamas’ ability to develop high-value industries and diversify its economy are impaired by “worryingly low” graduation rates at its sole university with just 7 percent of students studying science and technology-related courses.

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PETER YOUNG: Local elections send message to political leaders

HAVING read an interesting letter recently in The Tribune by Maurice Tynes entitled “Modernising our nation” in which he advocated introduction of community or local government in New Providence, I thought it might be interesting in today’s column to write about last week’s regional and local government elections in Britain and the effect on the wider political situation in the country.