Some Bahamians think that it make the chief of Police looks bad when ones want to seek outside help to combat crime in the Bahamas. We must realize that fighting crime is a joint effort and not just the police problem to fix. So if outside help is what we need then "it is what it is". We need results in fighting crime. Many Bahamians who live abroad wants to come home such as my self but crime is an issue. I am personally contacing people in the government offering my services in this matter. I am a retired crime fighter from Law enforcement.We also need help for the jobs a key factor people have to eat if there are no jobs then........people led to a life such as crime to survive, parents, schools, social out lets etc. We need citzens from the community in groups to walk the streets at night in numbers. We need to assist the police in combating crime. I am a firm believer in re-instituting the death penality. What ever it take that is within the law in combating this problem.
Anthon2y 12 years, 7 months ago
Some Bahamians think that it make the chief of Police looks bad when ones want to seek outside help to combat crime in the Bahamas. We must realize that fighting crime is a joint effort and not just the police problem to fix. So if outside help is what we need then "it is what it is". We need results in fighting crime. Many Bahamians who live abroad wants to come home such as my self but crime is an issue. I am personally contacing people in the government offering my services in this matter. I am a retired crime fighter from Law enforcement.We also need help for the jobs a key factor people have to eat if there are no jobs then........people led to a life such as crime to survive, parents, schools, social out lets etc. We need citzens from the community in groups to walk the streets at night in numbers. We need to assist the police in combating crime. I am a firm believer in re-instituting the death penality. What ever it take that is within the law in combating this problem.
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